Can riding a plane saves our planet from global warming?

@Portex (98)
May 15, 2008 9:50am CST
Can riding a plane saves our planet from global warming? There is a researcher that the clouds or carbon dioxide compound will disappear when airplane passes through.
2 responses
@alienstar (5142)
• India
18 May 08
This is one enws for me and if it was that simple, this problem wouldn't have been as issue so big at all...don't you think so..! mind you, this global warming is really a serious threat for teh world and unless each one takes his responsibility to solve this, it will a major problem in coming years
@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
16 May 08
I do not know about carbon dioxide or clouds disappearing when a plane passes through. There is a lot of news about the emissions that jet planes make and I have even heard about Richard Branson who owns Virgin Airlines using biofuel for his aircraft. It is a good thing though, that there is much discussion about the planet and global warming. It is surely good for all of us in the long run especially when governments and corporations start taking heed of the warnings.