Something I don't understand about christianity.
@NuclearRabbit (650)
United States
May 15, 2008 2:09pm CST
Lucifer was an angel right? So at this point there is no sin right? Lucifer had become prideful and had become envious of God, right? But if pride and envy is a sin where did it come from? If everything needs a creator than God had to create it. He created the angels including Lucifer. Lucifer couln't create sin because only God is the creator of everything. Sin was created by God, but how can a perfect surpreme loving being create sin?
Unless there is no god of the bible than it makes a lot more sense.
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11 responses
@freak369 (5113)
• United States
15 May 08
This all depends on how you look at it. Lucifer was an angel but he grew tired of serving in heaven. That isn't a sin but it can lead to harboring aggression and becoming 'prideful'. The nuns used to hate when we would ask things about the bible like my favorite, "If Adam & Eve were the only two people in the Garden of Eden, doesn't that make us all products of incest?".
Lucifer was cast out of heaven in some stories, in others he left of his own free will to reign in hell. Hell was always there but it was never really mentioned, if hell was there then it served as a precursor to sin. You knew that was where you went when you did bad things but you never thought about doing them.
There are a lot of different ways to take things. the nuns used to tell us to believe in the bible and when we would ask them questions they would tell us to not take things literally, that some stories were parables to teach. It's nice to know that you can slice and dice your faith to suit your needs.
Look at it this way. Did god create computers, the internet, microwave popcorn or Post-It Notes? No. Some might say that he gave inventors the ability to create such things while others will argue that it was divine inspiration. If god didn't create computers and Post-It Notes then there is a slim chance that Lucifer's desire to rule in hell rather than serve in heaven was a stepping stone of something more basic.
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@ShardAerliss (1488)
16 May 08
I think you missed the point, Nuclear.
"It is better the rule in Hell, than to serve in Heaven."
It doesn't matter how bad a place is for the inhabitants if you are the ruler, that suffering does not touch you. Lets go all Godwin's Law shall we?
Living in Nazi Germany during the war wasn't good, in fact it was pretty awful unless you were a die hard Nazi supporter. But the rulers were above all of that, they did not suffer as the people suffered.
Same goes for Lucifer and Hell.
@NuclearRabbit (650)
• United States
15 May 08
If he choosed to live and reign in hell instaed of being in heaven than hell can't be all that bad can it?
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@edgyk8inmomma (2157)
• United States
15 May 08
Oh, I bet you'll get as many different views on this as there are colors in the rainbow. Why? Because this and other topics such as this are usually avoided in church and Bible studies. Not all things have been revealed to man. God has kept many things from our understanding, because He wants us to believe in him and follow him out of faith.
The answer isn't written anywhere, so you will get answers from people's own minds, so take each one with a grain of salt.
Let me ask you this, would knowing the answer increase our faith? Or would not knowing the answer increase your faith? Would finding out that God did create the ability to sin(sin is an action and does not need to be created)cause you to not believe in Him?
In my opinion, God created everything, and gave everything a free will. That means He gave us(and the angels) the ability to chose good or evil. Lucifer chose evil, and many angels followed him. The Bible also talks about, later, fallen angels that came to earth and had relations with human women...this led to a whole slew of terrible things and eventually the flooding of the earth. Does that mean God created that scenario, or did he allow it?
@jillbeth (2705)
• United States
15 May 08
God did not "create" sin. He gave man free will to chose whether to follow His laws or not. Adam and Eve chose to disobey God's order not to eat from the tree of life (the very first commandment). Lucifer convinced them that if they ate the fruit they would have all the knowledge of God, of good and evil. When they disobeyed God by eating the fruit, sin entered the world.
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@edgyk8inmomma (2157)
• United States
15 May 08
Sorry Jill, but I think you are misunderstanding what sin is. Sin is an action, actions do not have to be created. Sin is not a tangible thing that needs a creator.
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@NuclearRabbit (650)
• United States
15 May 08
Again you can't choose something that doesn't exist.
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@dodoguy (1292)
• Australia
15 May 08
Hi NuclearRabbit,
If you do want to get some sensible understanding of what was involved in the fall of Lucifer and his followers, then it's best not to try and hammer a square peg into a round hole.
What I mean is, it really doesn't help to decide the "rules" of the game on your own, and then try to fit what might have happened (or not) into that framework. You need to be open-minded about what the "rules" actually were (and are) before trying to grasp what happened (or didn't).
Unfortunately, most Christian denominations, including the Catholic faith, don't explain this subject properly to all the kiddies in school. You need to look beyond the contemporary teachings to gain any real insight about the meaning of life, the Universe and everything.
It's not that the information isn't there - because it is. But for some reason, it appears to be guarded, or at least hidden, and not widely available unless you go searching for it.
For what little it's worth, here's what I personally understand about why Lucifer got kicked out of Heaven:
Each Angel is a perfect creature, immensely powerful and super intelligent, each a reflection of just one of the infinite perfect qualities possessed by God Himself.
BUT it wasn't enough for the Angels to simply be perfect creatures to permit them to remain in God's presence in Heaven. They were accordingly subjected to a test, a test of their obedience to God's will. So God put a proposition to the Angels, which two thirds of the Angels instantly accepted, and one third of them, lead by Lucifer, rejected.
The Angels that rejected God's proposition were instantly excluded, permanently, from God's presence. So Heaven for them was transformed in an instant into Hell.
Now, that story reads like a bed-time story along with Little Red Riding Hood skipping through the forest to visit Grandma - it has a beginning, a middle and an end. But one should try to understand that the story about the fall of Lucifer has to be placed in that framework to help us understand what's going on, in terms of cause and effect. The truth is that it didn't "happen" like that, because it's something that has no context in time. In a sense, it's "happening" constantly, the fall of Lucifer and his Angels is a state that exists OUTSIDE of the sequential process that we call time. Another way to consider it is - that's just the way it IS.
But that's the nature of the good Angels and the bad Angels (who, incidentally, are the Devils). The former conform to God's will, the latter reject God's will.
You might be curious to know just what the proposition was that God put to the Angels to test them?
From what I've read on the subject, it's apparently accepted among the high echelons of Christian (and I presume also Jewish and Moslem, though I'm only assuming that here) knowledge that the proposition that God put to the Angels to test them was this - God would create a lowly, inferior creature which he would place in Heaven to rule over all the Angels. The creature that God proposed to place as ruler of all the Angels was Mankind - that is, us.
You can accept or discard that explanation as you wish. It doesn't matter one way or another, because whatever is going on will continue to do so, regardless of what you or I or anyone else thinks or understands about the matter.
But it does go a long way toward explaining why the bad Angels have it in for us. And they do, as anyone who has encountered any of them will attest.
And as for the principle of God testing his creatures before they have the right to reside with Him in Heaven - well, we're all subject to our own testing, here in our imperfect world on Earth.

@NuclearRabbit (650)
• United States
16 May 08
Wow, I'm amazed. That was a really good answer. I never knew all of that stuff.
I totally understand the movie 'Dogma' now.
I have to think about this. Thank you so much!
I'm not becoming a christian though.

@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
15 May 08
G'd created everything, even the possibility of evil and sin, because He created free will. If there was no free will then how could we decide if we wanted to see G'd again? We have that choice.
There is balance in all of creation. How can there be balance if everything is perfect and good? That is why there is illness and why organisms break down and age etc. Otherwise Man, plants, and animals would live forever and the world would have long ago have been destroyed by the overpopulation of all living things.
@NuclearRabbit (650)
• United States
15 May 08
He created free will....okay, but how can you choose something that doesn't exist? That's like me saying that I'm taking my intergalatic spaceship to work instead of my car. Btw everything was perfect and good according to the bible before Lucifer sinned.
An all Good being cannot create sin or evil, there has to be a place of origin, a place thats evil.
If there is balance of good and evil in all things than God couln't be an all good perfect being. Or he has multipule personilities, and one personility is very very bad.
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@SassyKittyKat (2135)
• Australia
16 May 08
In a way, you can say Satan created evil. Did god create that spaceship you mentioned, no! He creater the creator of that spaceship and that creater used the tools he was created with to create the spaceship. It's up to the creator of teh spaceship to want to make it a good spaceship that works and gets the job done or a bad spaceship that just sits there and looks pretty.
By the way, it's great that you're thinking for yourself and asking questions and things but do you really think it's wise to question the creator? If it were not for him, trust me, you wouldn't be the free willing human being that you're today and you wouldn't be able to ask these question. You would be at the mercy of another being to do your thinking for you. Be glad that God created free will!
@freethinkingagent (2501)
20 May 08
Sin means "a lawless action", it does not mean 'evil', Lucifer, (who was not an angel) rebeled , this was the sin. Not pride or envy. No where does it say this was the sin. He rebeled against God and he incuraged others to do so, this act of lawlessness is what is mentioned as being his sin. If you run a red light you have sinned, so did God make you run that red light? or did you do it on your own free will.
This tiered old argument that some how God created Lusifer to be a sinner, and caused him to sin is outrageous. He nomore caused Lucifer to sin, than he caused me to run that red light last week.
God did not create sin, he created order. When we decide to go against order, we have been the creaters of sin.
@Celanith (2327)
• United States
16 May 08
First of all I want to say that Lucifer, Melchizedek, Gabriel and Micheal. Are and or were more than mere angels. These and perhaps some not named are the sons of God. God is a family not a trinity and not closed and he had created sons as well as created angels. Job1:6. Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan was among them. (Satan was one of the sons). Michael and Gabriel are known as Arch angels. Arch means over seer. Above. In Daniel 10:13 Michael is referred to as being ONE of the cheif princes when speaking to Daniel. In Daniel 8: 16 Gabriel spoke to Daniel and again he was sent as a messenger (Angel means messenger) to Zacharias in Luke 1:19, 26. Melechizedek appared to Abraham Gen: 14: 18-20, Gen. 18:5, Ps. 110:4, Heb 4:14, Heb.5:5-6,10 Heb.7:1-3. All these are mentioned having special or higher rank. Lucifer was given his inheritance. The earth, If you recall Isa.14. He chose to ascend to the throne of his Father the most high; He was beautiful possible the most beautiful of all God's created sons. He weakens the nations Isa.14:12 he fell, Isa 14:13. He said in his heart (He had freewill choice) I will ascend to heaven and exalt my throne above the stars of God, I will sit on the mount of the congregation, `14:14 I will be like the Most High. Ezek. 28:12-17, There was a war in heaven and Lucifer and one third of the angels who rebelled with him were cast back down to the earth. Prior to that Lucifer who became Satan he was no longer bright but dark. Had been given the earth to create and prepare for something wonderful. Instead he played around, made great beasts, dinosaurs and even men type creatures. God did have a plan for mankind. Satan (Lucifer did not like it and decided he wanted to be God the most high. It is like a son trying to overthrow the king. He and the other three were known as princes and High Priest. Satan even today is known as the prince of the power of the air or prince of darkness.
@SassyKittyKat (2135)
• Australia
16 May 08
God created all his creations with free choice. He loved them and didn't want them to be like robots that couldn't think for themselves. Jesus and Satan were two of the first angels that he had created and so they spend a long time with him. In this time Satan had been faithful to the creator but something in him stirred and in his observations, he saw the power that the creator had and something stirred in him that he too wanted that as well.
So, as you can see, God didn't create Evil, he just created free will and it's up to the individual whether they use it for bad or for good. In Satan's case, he chose to use his for bad and got greedy and so acted according to it...
@vonkristoffer (833)
• Philippines
16 May 08
chek this site if you are confuse...
read the Bible if you cant understand it... ask help to a pastor near you...