Bringing Homosexuality To It's Forfront....
@SassyKittyKat (2135)
May 16, 2008 9:55am CST
Ok, I love this show and I love everyone, I really do but I was shocked to be watching Grey's Anatomy about three episodes ago and have them start to build a relationship between Dr. Callie Torres and Dr. Erica Hahn, which I have no doubt in my mind they are going to persue and turn Dr. Torres into a homosexual.
Then in last weeks episode they had two military men kiss, passionately. To me, that's just crossing borders. I'm sorry but where I respect them as individuals, I don't at all think that being gay is acceptible and normal and the fact that it's on every channel and that they are now openingly putting it into tv shows these days, well, that's just nasty and ridiculous!
I realize that this will prbably turn into a heated discussion on homosexuality and for that I appologize before hand. I don't hate these people, I just think that their lifestyle goes against everything that is normal. I don't care what kind of statistics that they have come up with to explain why they are the way the are. It's a crock if you ask me and I think that openingly putting it on tv and broadcasting it is beyond ridiculous. If God wanted mene to lie with me, he wouldn't have bothered to make a distinction between the two when Adam asked for a mate. Plus, he destroyed Sodom (which by the way, the word sodomy stems from) & Gomorrah because of such acts. So, it's not right with God. The bible specifically says that men should not lie with men, hello!!!
I think the only reason that Grey's Anatomy is even doing it, is because they have a homosexual actor on the show and because of the whole contraversy with Isaiah Washington a while back. If Grey's continues with this storyline, I'm going to stop watching it because I don't want to see two girls or two guys kissing. Please, I almost puked up what I ate when I saw that....
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14 responses
@Adelida2233 (1005)
• United States
16 May 08
The same thing was said about people of different cultures and races dating and marrying. When interracial couples were first put on television, there was the same kind of flak, and now that has pretty much gone away and it is acceptable in most cultures.Just because you happen to not approve of it, does not mean that it isn't right for some people. I happen to not like Grey's Anatomy at all, in fact I hate it. I'm clearly not in the majority here since everyone else on the planet watches it each week. There are a lot of people, homosexuals and heterosexuals alike that do things in their relationships that are not approved of in the bible, I'll leave it to someone else to point out those things.
The bible specifically says that we should not do a whole lot of things that we do on a regular basis, so I take that with a grain of salt to begin with. As for what you feel personally, most likely no one is going to be able to convince you otherwise, and that's fine, but I wouldn't use the bible as your backup source.
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@SassyKittyKat (2135)
• Australia
16 May 08
Inter racial couples is by no means the same thing and it can by no means, in my opinion, be compared to this situation because it doesn't matter what skin color you're are, everyone is the same and everyone is a human being. Homosexuality is an act, not a human. I don't have anything against the individuals, just the act and I shouldn't have to turn on my TV and see it blarred all over my tv screen.
Also, I WILL use the bible as my backup source because the bible, in my opinion and beliefs and no one has to agree with me on this but this is a free forum where we can state our opinions and beliefs, is from the creator and the things written in it is, as the scripture goes "Beneficial for teaching and settting matters straight regarding many peoples." So, I will use the bible to back me up any time I want to, thank you...
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@mmiller26 (1930)
• Canada
16 May 08
"a athiest tries to get "in God we trust" took off our money, when in fact our country was founded upon God."
It was also founded upon the attempted genocide of the native Indians and the slavery of Africans. Do you wonder what God thought about that?
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@SassyKittyKat (2135)
• Australia
17 May 08
You're right KCook, I'm not going bother any further. These people are desperately trying to argue about this and thus trying to save a lifestyle that should have never have been. Thanks, I appreciate your advice!
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@II2aTee (2559)
• United States
16 May 08
Reading this and your responses shows me that you ARE a very judgmental person and its coming through loud and clear. I know you are telling yourself that you love all people, but you arent being honest with yourself. You are saying that to make you look better right before you spout off about how much you hate the homosexual lifestyle.
You are focasing on one sin from the bible. Unless you are some Amish Quaker, you are probably wearing polyblend clothing right now. Do you know what that means? I'll see you in hell.
You need to start worring about your own life and your own sins. You are trying to point the finger of blame everywhere but at yourself. Take responsibility for your own life and let everyone else live theirs.
I am not a Christian. Therefore, I am ruled by the laws of the land, not the laws of your God. If you dont like it, try moving to a country that DOSENT protect freedom of religion.
You are so judgmental it's not even funny. But keep telling yourself you arent. Whatever gets you to sleep at night.
I see right through you.
And so will your god.
Good luck with that!!
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@II2aTee (2559)
• United States
16 May 08
I said I wasnt a Christian. I never said I dont believe in God. And you sound really crazy right now I just have to laugh. Your all worked up about a lifestyle that has nothing to do with you.
And just so we are clear - the fact I do not follow the same religion as you does not mean I can go out and do anything I want. Everyone is bound by the rules of the land. Laws. Fortunatly I live in America and the laws laid down in your bible have no bearing on me or anyone else who chooses not not follow your religion.
Furthermore, your -opinion- that homosexuality is a choice stands in stark contrast to recent scientific research both in human brain chemisty and the animal kingdom. I happen to know that I never made a choice to be gay. I'm sorry if you dont believe that but its the truth. I dont know why I am gay. But I know for absolut certian I never made a choice to be this way. Your opinion pales in comparison to my life experiences. You can choose to think I am lieing like Im sure you will. But that dosent change the reality that for whatever reason - for whatever cause - I had no choice in the matter of my sexuality. To beleive otherwise would demonstrate selective listening and pure ignorance on your part.
Oh looky - something new and different for you.
The point of my post is that you are a hypocrite. Bottom line. You say you love everyone and you dont judge others - but here you are, judging people.
You say you are always completely respectfull of homosexuals, and in the same sentance you say "It's NASTY!"
You arent being respectfull. And you are being very judgmental. You can have your -opinions- I know I cant change your mind, nor do I care.
I'm mearly pointing out what a hypocritical child you are making yourself look like. Stop it - your making me embarrased for you and I dont even know you!
You need to do some growing up hun. You look very foolish. Please go on if you must, but you need to know people can see right through you. You are a hatefull, judgmental bigot, and may God have mercy on your proud soul.
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@SassyKittyKat (2135)
• Australia
16 May 08
You say that I look and sound crazy but have you even looked at your post? You call me a child but you yourself stand there and judge and call me names. You should take a long look at yourself as well.
And as for these so called scientific statistics, they are a bunch of bull made up by some gay scientist most likely. Think and speak what you want and let God judge all of us accordingly. I'm done with your foolishness...
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@twallace (2675)
• United States
16 May 08
You could be right about why they have a story line with homesexuality in it and i'm still a little hurt about Washington leaving the show. I think that they what to stay open to all aspects of things that are going on in the world. Homesexuality is one of them people are still in the closet even soliders and they really can't let it out like regular people. I understand that you don't want to watch that but it's still a good show.
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@SassyKittyKat (2135)
• Australia
17 May 08
I'm no longer making any responses on this post. I have said my peace and I am done. I think that people get so mean and nasty when their lifestyle is attacked and the will say all sorts of nasty horrible mean things about you if you don't agree with the way they live their lives. It just shows their ignorance, lack of common sense as well as intelligence.
I'm done with this discussion and I live it all in God's hands, he will judge everyone accordingly. I'm done here. The networks should not premote crap like this and expect everyone to take it with a grain of salt. I will just stop watching any tv show that premotes this lifestyle, it's not worth my time if you ask me...I'm done...
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@SassyKittyKat (2135)
• Australia
17 May 08
I'm not running away, I'm simply tuning out people that have no reasonable bone in their body. Why reason with people who are so desperate to prove their point that they will stoop to pure evilness and trash everyone and everything, including the very word of God. I'm not running away, I'm just leaving it in the hands of the creator to take care of.
You may think you have one but I assure you that you have not and that will only be proven in it's due time...

@Cocoa33 (921)
• United States
16 May 08
hi. how are you today? i haven't really watched grey's anatomy. i do know they have gay actors on the show. i think they are trying to acomidate the gay community. the gay life style is not normal at all. if god wanted it that way he would have done so. i will say that any show the promotes that kind of behavior shouldn't get any air time.
i have to wonder what kind of message do the producers think they are sending when they air this kind of material on the tv. its seems to me they forget that there are people who see this are offended.
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@SassyKittyKat (2135)
• Australia
17 May 08
Thank you1 Finally two people with some sense! Thanks guys!
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@phoenix25 (1541)
• United States
17 May 08
You make an interesting argument, Cocoa, but why is homosexuality possible if God didn't want it to be so?
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@jewelenterprises (1996)
• Australia
16 May 08
I see no problem with television reflecting 'real life'... after all, the average percentage of population that is gay is 10% so if you have more than ten friends it's entirely likely that at least one of them secretly has homosexual feelings.
I understand you don't agree with it and it would be wrong to try to force you to agree with it. I respect that. But not agreeing with it is NOT going to make it go away.
There is too much dispute about tv being no more than a fantasy world as it is. Without reflecting real life it will always continue to do so.
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@tessah (6617)
• United States
16 May 08
what you regard as "normal" may not be normal for another. and regardless of what biblical scripture says.. that doesnt mean its true. it also says that in order for you to get into heaven.. youre sposed to seek out and kill my kind. so i guess logically.. since it is written in the bible.. and the bible is so very true, and since i highly doubt that i will find you on my doorstep with a pitchfork and a torch ready to burn me at the stake.. yer going to go to hell.
love scenes are love scenes.. whether it be between a man and a woman, woman and woman, or man and man. if you oopose love scenes between homosexuals.. you should then be disgusted by "normal" love scenes as well, because they are no different.
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@SassyKittyKat (2135)
• Australia
16 May 08
Um first of all, give me a scriptures that backs that up and I will listen to you because I have never heard it. The old testiment says a lot but that consisted of laws and regulations for the Isrealites and those times. The greek scriptures, which is the newer testiment and thus more suficient for our time, tell us at 1 Corinthians that men who lie with men will not inherit the kingdom. It says nothing about killing them. I think you are just desperately trying to win your case but in doing so are failing miserably.
As for love scenes between a man and a woman being the same as love scenes between a man and a man being the same thing, maybe in your twisted world but thank God not in mine! Homosexuals will desperately say anything to defend thier lifestyle even if that means not making much sense at all....
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@SassyKittyKat (2135)
• Australia
16 May 08
No because you're not proving anything to me....
I never said that the hebrew scriptures are null and void, I said they were origonally written as guidelines for the Isrealites and they don't apply to us today. Think what you want, I said my piece on the subject and I'm not answering you anymore because you're just looking for an argument and I'm not going to stoop to your level. I HAVE every right to my opinion and I'm not going to appologize for it or change it to suit anyone...
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@tessah (6617)
• United States
16 May 08
yes.. you are correct. you have every right to yer oppinions.. even if you have absolutely no basis whatsoever to explain why you have these oppinions other than whats written in a filthy little work of fiction, that you yerself have stated contradicts itself.. same as you contradict yourself. you have the right to remain ignorant and closedhearted to things you refuse to even attempt to understand and allow yourself to be poisoned by hatred and fear. so by all means.. do so.

@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
17 May 08
I can't say that I blame you. While each person has a right to make their own choices in their lives (no matter how wrong I may think it is) I don't like it when it's shoved in my face and ppl demand that I either accept it or keep quiet.
I don't watch TV except for CSI: Miami, CSI: Vegas and Bones. I also buy DVD movies to watch. It seems like every tv show has to have a gay couple in it and their generally portrayed as sweet, loving ppl that just want to live their life. Maybe so...I still don't agree with it and I'm glad that I don't have to answer for it on judgement day.
If any of the shows I watch start in with gay couples I won't be watching them anymore...sorry to say. We had a gay foster son and while I cared very much for him...I couldn't agree with his lifestyle choice.
Good for you for standing up for what your feeling!!
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@phoenix25 (1541)
• United States
17 May 08
You have made a good point, twoey. People should have a right to make their own choices and to stand strong in their beliefs. In that spirit, isn't it reasonable to ask that people not shove religion in the faces of others as well, whether those faces belong to spiritual or non-spiritual people? If one person's belief is that homosexuality is not wrong, shouldn't they be allowed to believe that without having religion constantly shoved in their face? There are two sides to this viewpoint, but I have noticed that many of the people in this discussion are not really willing to accept the alternate viewpoint. I let the beliefs others lie as they are because I know that beliefs are not easily changed, but it seems like many people here are not willing to support the beliefs of others and accept that they are just as valid and real as the beliefs that contradict them.

@crazylady (470)
• United States
17 May 08
ITA Sassy! I have always loved this show too and was so disappointed the last few episodes as well. I have read a couple of responses forbidding you to quote the Bible, which is my guidebook as well. It's funny how freedom of speech only applies to certain people. I don't watch Will and Grace either. Our bodies are supposed to be the temple of the holy spirit, so if we are filling our minds with this garbage, then we cannot tell the difference between God and Satan. Just because ABC airs it doesn't make it wholesome. Just because Massachusetts and California condone it, doesn't make it right in God's eyes. I know some gay people, and I like them personally, not their lifestyle.
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@crazylady (470)
• United States
18 May 08
Cyntrow, I am way too busy raising my family to sit and bicker with you. I will not change you, and you will not change my feelings/opinions on the topic. I barely have time to post on mylot as it is, I would rather spend the time chatting with fun people, not debating something that will not change.
If you need to know what lifestyle means, get a dictionary.
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
18 May 08
You know, I feel the same way about heterosexuality. I think heterosexuality is sick and disgusting and should never be shown on public television. It goes against everything I think is normal. It's ridiculous they I should have to face reality when the rest of society could easily bend of backwards to fit my description of what is and isn't acceptable.
If you can't tell by now, I'm being facetious. I realize that some TV shows show a lot of different thing that can make people uncomfortable. I find it odd, however, that homosexuality is seemingly one of the most complained about, while beating another man isn't. Shows just what kind of moral priorities people have. Watching love between men is icky and wrong- but witnessing murder on TV is A-Okay.
God bless America - land of the sexually repressed.
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@Cocoa33 (921)
• United States
18 May 08
well myklj999,
the reason why i say they don't deserve to have air time is cos they show a lifestyle that is unacceptable in god's eye sight. they re those who watch it, and think its okay when its not. if u have a problem with what i have just said i suggest u read the book of genesis in the bible. u should take that up with god. not me. i m against it, and i am his messenger. dont shoot the messenger.
if u have a problem with the preachers on tv. maybe its cos they are talking about the way u live your life. from where i stand they are preaching the word. they are preaching about the way things should be. you should tell God about your feeling of the preachers being hypocritical, and how it offends u. he will give you some understanding about it.
that is all i am going to say on that.
have a blessed day
@Cocoa33 (921)
• United States
18 May 08
hi pheonix25,
the reason i know that homosexuality exist is cos of man who doesn't believe in god are rebelling against his word. they want to call the shots in regards to what kind of relationship they want to have. they dont want to be obidient.
satan is also the force behind it al.. he wants to destroy the very thing God created and wanted in the beginning. that the family that is the man, woman. he knew they can reproduce and raise a family. the purpose is too glorify God
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@mmiller26 (1930)
• Canada
18 May 08
"he wants to destroy the very thing God created and wanted in the beginning. that the family that is the man, woman. he knew they can reproduce and raise a family. the purpose is too glorify God"
So a man and a woman who are unable to produce children of their own cannot glorify God? A woman who is barren, or a man whose sperm count is too low are not God's intended?
Family isn't just about DNA or there would be no adoptions. (And isn't adoption the cornerstone of the Christian argument against abortion?) A gay couple who want to adopt children are going to be just as loving toward those children as straight couples. And homosexuality is not contagious, nor is it taught. A child cannot be influenced by his parent's sexuality, or there would be no gay kids to begin with because they came from straight parents.
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@Reesers (1387)
• United States
17 May 08
Wow...I've been following this discussion for the most part of today and it's interesting to say the least.
First, I keep seeing "lifestyle choice" or "an act" being mentioned. When are you people going to realize this is NOT a choice? It's not like someone woke up today and thought wow! After watching Grey's Anatomy last night, I think I want to be a lesbian. It doesn't work like that. Why would someone want to choose that knowing that there are people like you who hate them just because they're not what you deem normal? It's because of hateful people like you that some people do choose to stay in the closet and they suffer for it.
And yes Sassy, you are hateful. You say everyone else is but you were the one who said you almost puked and called homosexuals nasty. How can someone not defend themselves after that? Then when they do and after attacking each other, you run off with your tail between your legs. You started this discussion and even stated that this could turn into a heated discussion so you know what you were setting yourself up for.
You can go ahead and assume I'm gay, as you've already done so with others, but I am straight. And I do applaud those that have the courage to come out, stand up for what they believe in, and just be comfortable with themselves, especially in a world with close-minded people such as yourself.
If you're that offended, then maybe you should move under a rock because if anything, last night's episode could have inspired someone else to come out to their family and friends.
No one is trying to change what you believe in. If we all believed in the same things, this world would be a boring place. Maybe a little more peaceful but boring. But watch what you say before start telling people they are filled with hate when you were the one that opened that can of worms.
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@mmiller26 (1930)
• Canada
17 May 08
Well thank you. :0)
I think God would have to change his language along with ours. I mean, if he were all still about the "thou shalt nots" few of us would be able to understand him. lol.
@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
27 May 08
Look. I beleive in God. But my god is a humane, kind, forgiving god, not a bigot. He made all of us. And homosexuals were made by God to be that way whether you like it or not. Too bad for you. Turn the channel, that is your only right.
I think Grey's is simply keeping up with the times. It is not an exclusively heterosexual world, therefore the show reflects that.
And I now have an image of you burning at the stake for disagreeing with the majority. Because that is what religious people did when they didn't like or understand or want to know about someone else's beliefs. Witches are a good example. Many were wrongly killed because they wouldn't conform to christian beleif, therefore they must be working with the devil. That is pure and utter nonsense, I say.
@phoenix25 (1541)
• United States
16 May 08
Well, if that bothers you, the fact that Disney owns ABC probably will too.
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@SassyKittyKat (2135)
• Australia
16 May 08
No, it doesn't bother me because just because they're Disney doesn't mean sqwat. They are out for money and whatever sells, they will put out there. So, you're point is mute as far as I'm concerned....
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