I'm back!! I can finally type again. It hurts, but at least I can do it!

United States
May 16, 2008 10:04am CST
Doc says it will probably be another month till the swelling goes down. I had my son start a conversation about my surgery and the fact that I wouldn't be on for a while. Nobody replied to the conversation, but I hope everyone read it. I was so afraid that I would loose all of my friends. Sorry that I won't be able to ever catch up with all of the old conversations as there are thousands that I missed. I'll try and answer some now. Like I said, it still hurts a little to type so, I'm not going to be responding to everything like I used to for a while. Have you ever had to take a long time off and worried that you would loose your friends?
1 person likes this
6 responses
@dantakum (404)
• Nigeria
16 May 08
get well fast.well i may not be your old or what ever friend but since you went for surgery am sorry to hear that hope it will get heal quick so as for you to meet up with your old pal i wish you the bex of health.
1 person likes this
• United States
16 May 08
Thank you for the get well wishes.
@dantakum (404)
• Nigeria
16 May 08
u welcome.
@drannhh (15219)
• United States
17 May 08
I am so full of myself that it would never occur to me that my friends would do anything but patiently (maybe even eagerly) await my return. Hah, hah. But I missed you and was going to e-mail you to see if you were ok, but if you couldn't type that would not have been such a good idea! I saw your comment on AC, though :-) Thanks!
1 person likes this
• United States
17 May 08
Too funny drannhh! I'm doing a lot better now. I can type for a while before it starts hurting too bad. Your AC article on the Aero Garden was great! I'm saving up my money to get one!
@Kowgirl (3490)
• United States
16 May 08
Welcome back, we missed you! Sure am glad to have you back with us once again. Sure hope you are doing well. I myself haven't been spending much time here. Seems I am always busy doing other things. I have found a data entry site that doesn't charge you to join and I am anxiously awaiting to hear from them to see if I get accepted. Hope everything goes well with you and you don't have much pain. Get well soon. Have a great weekend Kowgirl
1 person likes this
• United States
16 May 08
Thanks Kowgirl. Let us know how the data entry thing goes.
• United States
16 May 08
Welcome back. I have been gone for a while as well. I have had many surgeries to put my face back together after being shot. I think that if my friends were good friends here they would stay with me. I do not know if that is true yet since I have not written anything yet. I have started to respond more though.
1 person likes this
• United States
16 May 08
You got shot!?! How horrible! My Mom had to have her face rebuilt along with just about everything else after being hit by a Semi truck. I know it was a long row to hoe for her. I wish you well luintaurien!
@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
22 May 08
I did read it, I didn't respond because I didn't want you or your son to feel obligated to reply under the circumstances. I'm not concerned with you trying to catch up, you haven't really missed much in terms of my posts...pretty much the same old stuff with the exception of a comment from my ex-hubby that got me thinking. I've never taken a long time off but I think if I did I would worry that it would go mostly unnoticed and that peole wouldn't pay attention when I return. I think I've made enough connections here that that wouldn't happen but, ya just never know.
@amazon13 (69)
• United States
22 May 08
I have only "just" met you, but I am very sorry to hear about your surgery. It seems sad that no one responded to your original entry about being away. I wish you a speedy recovery and look forward to reading your forthcoming entries/discussions. Except for childbirth, I have never had take off fom work for any real length of time. I was self-employed during both pregnancies, so I wasn't really taking time from anyone, but myself...lol.