Do you wash new clothes before your wear them?

Lubbock, Texas
May 17, 2008 9:21am CST
I wash everything before I wear/use it. My friends and grown children think I'm nuts, but even if the clothing is in a sealed package, I want to wash any dye residue or sizing out of it before I wear it. That's not all. No matter how clean a warehouse is kept there are always rats and mice and bugs. I don't want to wear/use anything that a rodent has been walking around on!
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38 responses
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
18 May 08
I always do this to wash out any extra dye, as it might trigger my allergies (which is not something I need to have happen).
@jesbellaine (4139)
• Philippines
18 May 08
Yes, we do wash our new clothes even if we just bought it but there are times that I don't wash it... hehehe. Thanks.
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• Singapore
17 May 08
Well, I don't! My Mum insists that washing them would spoil that "new" look. But yes, you do bring up a very valid point. Hmm...
3 people like this
• United States
17 May 08
i do.most new clothes are stiff and itchy,they'll irritate me if i don't get whatever that is out (starch?).sometimes they have a store smell on them too,that's got to go. i didn't even think of bugs..eeeew.. but i'm sure you're right.
@shymurl (2765)
• United States
17 May 08
I use to wash them all the time, and I still do sometimes. but here lately I haven't.
3 people like this
• United States
17 May 08
I agree 100%, I wash everything before I wear it. You just never know what germs may on it or what it came in contact with. aside from warehouse concerns, you never know if something gets spilled on it or what happens during transport.
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@balasri (26537)
• India
19 May 08
I always wash them before wearing for the first time to take out the starch and the dye residues.More over it might have been touched and felt by so many people in the stores.I never wear a new dress without washing it first.
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• Lubbock, Texas
19 May 08
What great responses! I'm sorry I haven't commented on each one. We seem to be divided into those who always do, those who seldom do, and those who only prewash certain items. At least it's good to know none of us are alone in our behaviour. Thanks everybody.
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@balasri (26537)
• India
20 May 08
Yeah of course it makes you immensely happy to come across like minded people anywhere.
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• Philippines
2 Jun 08
of course you have to wash them first before you wear new clothes! it might been tried on by other customers for sure! it might have dirt on them or become sweaty after they put it on and decided not to buy of course the stocksman will just return it over the bag or something right? so you have to think of your hygiene too
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@GreenMoo (11833)
1 Jun 08
I don't wash new clothes. I don't have sensitive skin, so it's not necessary. I can see why some people might though, to wash away irritants.
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@teka44 (3420)
• Brazil
17 May 08
Hi, me too because someone could to try on the clothes and I don't know about her health and for the same of you. Many people live around us with some skin illness and we don't know.
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• Lubbock, Texas
17 May 08
That's a very good point that most people don't even think about.
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@leateagee (3667)
• China
21 May 08
I have a habit of washing it. My mom has taught me that you'll never know if it has been fitted or not even if they say it was sealed. The smell of the clothes from the plastic bag is also bad. It is better to be preventive of things to come than be sorry at the end. Sometimes the chemical that they used to keep it safe is harmful for our skin especialy the armpit. In my opinion, it is better to wash before we use. =)
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@leateagee (3667)
• China
29 May 08
Thank you for voting me as the best response. I hope I really deserve it. Thank you again because you just gave me another reason to write more. This is an inspiration to me. Take care =)
2 people like this
• India
31 May 08
Yes I do wash new clothes before I wear them.I don't like the smell of a freshly packed dress.It is not very appealing.Also the packaging and folding of the dress tends to produce very stubborn wrinkles on the dress.So I like to wash it first to remove those as well as to clean the dress of chemicals if any present on the surface.
@metschica25 (5399)
• United States
1 Jun 08
I do beacause they have a funny smell to them most times. It just feels cleaner to me . In the past I have though.
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@susanh39 (200)
• United States
29 May 08
Absolutely. A friend of mine said she's read several articles about how clothing is sometimes treated with formaldehyde to prevent mildewing during shipping, so we always wash before wearing. We do the same for our thrift store finds too.
@coffeeshot (3783)
• Australia
20 May 08
No I never do. In fact, I actually like the smell of new clothes. I also like how they feel on me! Now that I read your discussion though I might think twice. Rats and mice ewww.
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@bowtieguy (5915)
• United States
23 May 08
Yes, even if they are in a sealed package. they could be wrinkled or dusty even though they have not yet been worn.
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@mayka123 (16604)
• India
19 May 08
Its a good habit to wash everything before using because even if the garment is in a sealed package we dont know how it was kept before it was sealed and in what kind of a factory it was stitched in the first place. There may have been rats running all over the place there!
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@Anne18 (11029)
18 May 08
I only wash new clothes before I wear them if they feel stiff and hard or have lots of creases in them . If not then I just hang them up and wear them. When the children were babies yes I washed everythi g that was new or given to me before I dressed the babies in them. It just felt right to do it, I do know people who wash everything new before they wear it, but i repect if thats what they want to do then there is nothing wrong with it as we are all different and do different things.
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@b1jah2 (31)
• United States
18 May 08
I always try it on first (if I ordered something to be delivered) to make sure it fits, but otherwise I then wash everything before wearing it for the day! I agree with the rats and such.......yuck!
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@chubibo (294)
• Philippines
19 May 08
i sometimes wash clothes that are new..especially if it has an odor..or for hygine purpose..
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