Do you believe in Vibration and Third Eye?

@anne0418 (268)
May 18, 2008 3:31am CST
Well i do believe that there are some people gifted that they can see what will happened in the future.But maybe not all are perfect that all of that vibes will come true.One of my mother-in-law office mate was gifted of what they called "third eye",i dont know if some of you will believe on this,but what really bothers my mother-in-law is that she said,she can see that there is a sorrow in the family,bad things will happened. I dont know if i will believe in her,but all i can say is i just leave it all to God and pray for it.How about you do you believe?
1 response
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
18 May 08
i believe in these things, paranormal stuffs and they do happen... people feel that there are thigs going to happen... and there are those who see things others dont.. it is a gift.