@kapilgoela123 (134)
November 2, 2006 1:40am CST
OVERVIEW: You're out for a real, honest-to-goodness emotional connection this year. That's first and foremost on your priority list. Fortunately, when it comes to prospective partners, you know what you like and, more importantly, what you don't like -- and during 2006, your perceptive abilities will be especially keen. If you're already attached, your emotions for your partner will deepen considerably as the year progresses, and from Halloween through the start of the New Year, you'll be amazed at how close you two become. There may even be cohabitation or marriage on the agenda as the year draws to a close.
If you're without a soul mate as 2006 begins, you'll be especially determined to find one this year, and you won't stop until you do. The actual 'interview' process will be quite streamlined compared to past attempts, thanks to your newfound (and almost psychic) ability to cut to the emotional chase, especially during January and February. When it comes to dating, you'll be able to tell whether you have a future with the person you're sitting across from within five minutes of the moment you say hello, smile your charming smile and unfold your napkin. And don't discount the possibility of 're-interviewing' someone you've already been involved with, by the way -- someone who seems quite different now. (And if it doesn't work out in January, they may ask to try it again in July.) If it's someone new you decide upon, the real fun will begin when you discover that they felt the same immediate connection you did. (You'll know when you meet this person -- they're the one who puts that grin on your face, right from the get-go, whenever they're in the vicinity.)
When it comes to career matters, you'll be working hard -- really hard -- but you'll definitely see some serious rewards. The higher-ups in charge of your paycheck and your professional future will toss some 'atta boy/atta girl' sentiments your way during mid-March and late September, followed by the raise, promotion or bonus you've been aiming for. And don't be surprised if you end the year as a highly regarded authority figure yourself!
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