When you get a migraine, what are your symptoms?
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
United States
May 19, 2008 9:16am CST
When I strain my eyes too much, I usually get a bad migraine. Actually it starts out as eye strain. And, then it gets progressively worse. I have to take medication right away before the headache blooms into a full blown migraine.
If I ignore it, the pain goes from a pinching feeling behind my left or right eye up over the top of my skull and then settles on the back of my head and sort of throbs for hours.
By then, I can't see anything clearly. And, I feel nausea and dizziness. So, I have to lay down and close my eyes. Nothing makes the pain go away at that point, except for sleep. I'm not sure if these are real migraines, but they're just as debilitating.
Sometimes I get migraine type headaches from certain smells, like strong perfume or art supplies (Linseed oil, etc.) Those are the worst kind. Most times I can tell that I'm going to get a migraine the day before. It's like some kind of weird migraine radar.
What are your migraine symptoms? Can you tell ahead of time that you are about to have a migraine? Or, does it sneak up on you?
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15 responses
@crackhead (1826)
• India
19 May 08
Yeah i do have this migraine and i just this kind of headaches when ever there is high pollution. When ever i go out in hot sun i just catch up with this severe headache. There are few more things like some perfume smells, Lack of proper sleep and so on.
I have symptoms like dizziness, vomiting sensation, nausea, severe eye pains, cant see things clearly, and some times the headache just drives me mad. I feel like banging my head to the wall coz its that frustrating and i cant even catch up with some sleep coz only by sleeping i can get this headache to normal.
I dont use medicines coz i am afraid of getting used to them and i would be needing them when ever i have this migraine. Most of the times i just will sleep for atleast 7 or 8 hours at a streach so that it just subsides.
@vianneyanzu (908)
• Philippines
19 May 08
I'm still 17 but I already have experienced this very disturbing "migraine." I only had two attacks though...and I can remember that the sort of signal that told me I was going to have a migraine were those weird swirly colorful abstract lines that I can see in my vision. It's so weird. At first I thought it was some glare from a reflective object or something, but when I looked at something else, it was still there,...anyone who experienced this? And then after I while, I started to have a mild headache which led to a splitting headache... I hate the feeling... My stomach started spinning...and I had to vomit...even if I ate nothing...I threw up water...and after that, I felt okay for a few minutes,, then I had splitting headache again that made me want to bump my head against the wall...I started to chill...even if it's hot in the Philippines, when the electric fan passed by me, I got goosebumps and I shivered...It feels so bad... I was having a test that time, and I gave it up...I can't understand what I was reading so, I passed my paper with just a few questions answered.. I wasn't even able to answer the easiest questions... i hate migraine...
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
19 May 08
I feel so bad for you and am so sorry you experience such intense pain. Yes, that does sound familiar. People who don't get migraines simply can't understand the extreme pain that a migraine sufferer goes through. Thank you for sharing.
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@JoyfulOne (6232)
• United States
19 May 08
I can usually tell when I'm on the brink of a migraine headache. First my eyes hurt, then I get pressure over my eyebrows, and I have trouble breathing. Light bothers me more and more as it progresses. If I don't take my medicine right away, just as soon as I know it's a migraine, it rapidly goes to dizziness and nausea, and then to hurling for hours lol. My one daughter gets them too, only she has tunnel-vision that rapidly progresses to no sight in one eye, and she has an aura (like an epileptic would.)
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@kriszelunka (557)
• Australia
20 May 08
I've only had 5 migraines, all within the past 3 years. They've all snuck up on me, and I've been unable to tell exactly what sets them off.
It's always started off as a dull headache, then after an hour or so, increased to a deeply pounding headache so that I can't think. My muscles begin to ache as well, as if I've got the flu, and my stomach starts to somersault.
Sometimes I can sleep it off, and find that I'm fine the next day. If it's so bad that I can't sleep though, I find that the symptoms last a couple of days.
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@katbalu102 (377)
• Philippines
19 May 08
i get mirgraines too... its horrible! it happened because i needed to have the grades in my glassess changed. and i didnt know that i had to do it. whenever i go to sleep i would be fine but when i wake up in the morning i get a full blown migraine... the temples of my head hurts, my eyes, i couldnt see clearly, and a part of my neck hurts.. the part at the back of my ear area. when i try to stand up or sit up my head would swirl.. i really hated that feeling and then i would feel like i want to vomit but i couldnt. i had these migraines in 2 consecutive days and then 3rd day gone then it would come back the next day again. thank god it was summer, so there was no classes. i couldnt stand it anymore i had to see my neurologist, and he told me it was my eye. i needed to have it checked again. he also gave me meds so that was helpful. after that i didnt get migraines because of my eyes... other things would also trigger the migrain too like you i also get migraines with strong smells. i was on vacation once and i smelt something so strong that when i got back to the hotel my head was about to burst. i wanted to sleep but i couldnt that i kept tossing and turning which worsten the pain. later on i found a position that suited me so i didnt move at all till i fell asleep. cheese also jumpstarts my migraine... last time i had a migraine was 3 weeks ago. but at least its not everyday anymore
@Remembering1996 (2219)
• United States
20 May 08
I have had a couple of these in my life time and how I hate them. They will start off in the the front of my forhead and gradually work it's way around the back of my head and down my neck. I will try and take some regular advil and lay down w/ a hot cloth aross my head and my eyes closed for I am senetive to the light. If after an hour and a half of the pain not going away I go to get some more advil and find my self wanting to get sick to my stomach. I have bought some migrain medicine and put it away for if it ever happens again.
I feel like someone is slamming my head into the pavement it hurts so bad.
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@Shaun72 (15959)
• Palatka, Florida
20 May 08
Mine arw usally from to much noise or something I smell or bright lightd. Yeah smells can trigger them. I remember when I was in school years ago and I walked into Biology Class. Whatever they had done before my class had started gave me a really bad migrane. I think they had dicected something. I have also been sick and dizzy from them.
@scapula (760)
• Jordan
13 Jun 08
You have pain in one side of your head, not related to tension and in grasp like fashion. May be you don't have migraine , you have to check your eyes, becuase eyes symptom also makes headache, do you have other symptoms, flue like symptoms or facial pain, or temperature(if it is low grade) , for how long you have the pain??
@AmbiePam (96423)
• United States
20 May 08
Yes, sometimes I too have an aura, which is what they call it when you know you're going to have a migraine. A smell can set it off for me, a loud sound, and often I have to get in the dark, with a cold rag. I get nauseated, and I often throw up, and sometimes I lose my vision. Very rarely do I lose all my vision, but it does happen. Of course it comes back. I never can sleep them off though. That is why sometimes if the migraine lasts at least two days and the medication does not work, I'll go to the ER.
@aweins (4199)
• India
4 Jun 08
hi beautyqueen26, i am also suffering from migraine from quite young age. for most people migraine is a great deal than just a headache. it can be a debilitating condition which has a huge impact on the quality of life of sufferers and their families. i also have the problem when i strain my eyes.i use to face visual disturbances like blind spots, distorted vision flashing lights and zig zag patterns. i just cant bear sunlight. i want dark room. no sound at all.sometimes i feel stiffness in the neck and shoulders, difficulty in concentration, and sometime difficulty in speaking. i also feel nausea and dizziness. its such a bad thing GOD .
its not a life threatning condition but when the pain starts and all those problems , man it feels more than that.i think a broken arm man can attract a great deal of sympathy but may not cause that much of pain as a single migraine attack.
i think there are a wide range of treatments now available which can be very effective but i when i suffer i go in a dark , cool and totally silent room. try to sleep and massage my back neck and shoulders.i dont talk to anyone.i dont like anyone near me at that point of time.
when i use to be at work and suffer an attack at my work place i take painkiller combined with an anti-sickness ingredient. there is an oil also which i apply and is very helpful. i just cover up my forehead after applying it and go to sleep. it is very relaxing. it is given to me by my doctor.
the first thing i do when it attacks is relax. i think relaxation is the most important thing in preventing and coping too.
@paid2write (5201)
20 May 08
I get the same symptoms sometimes when I am feeling tense or tired from lack of sleep. I also get them from bright sunlight and I am sensitive to some strong smelling fumes and perfumes. Painkillers don't have any affect. I have to lie down in the dark and stay absolutely still. The back of my head hurts if I move at all.
I always thought migraine involves flashing lights before the eyes but I am beginning to think I may suffer from a form of it. I once told a doctor I had a bad pain in the back of my head for several weeks and she told me I had probably slept differently or it was an arthritic joint in my neck!
I can go for a long time without any problem but then the bad headaches comes back for a while. I never take medication or consult a doctor. I just accept I have to put up with them occasionally.
@mjmlagat (3170)
• Philippines
4 Jun 08
Yes, I am a regular migraine victim. This can be genetic because my mom suffers the same as regular as I do and we have similar symptoms and migraine triggers.
Every month before or after my period I'm having my migraine. Also, if I'm exposed to excessive heat of the sun or if I can smell a strong scent of a perfume or cologne my head would really start to throb. I tend to ignore it at first because I don't like taking pain relievers but usually it worsens that I have to vomit at its worst episodes.
Just like you, sleeping in a dark room really helps. Also taking ibuprofen or naproxen. In milder cases, I use ice bag for temporary relief or to lessen the pain.
@qhishpine2 (38)
• Philippines
13 Jun 08
i can see flashes of lights and i felt dizzy and only the half part of my head is aching.