Do you think its fair treating smokers...
By dangnabit67
@dangnabit67 (2021)
United States
May 19, 2008 11:25am CST
like they have the plague?
I can see a non-smokers point of view-they hate smoke. And everyone should be smoke free and smoking kills and smoking causes cancer....
But do you really think its fair to treat a human being like they have no rights? Meaning sticking people outside in the snow, rain, heat, cold just because they smoke?
Why not find a way to give the smokers a decent place to sit and enjoy a smoke? What is wrong with that?
We all have rights. Why should my right to smoke be taken away?
If the right to smoke is taken away what will be the next human right to be attacked?
How would you fight for your rights?
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32 responses
@karmendra (1123)
• India
19 May 08
yes the name of that type of group should be "Smokers freedom and welfare association" . funny very funny..
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@dangnabit67 (2021)
• United States
19 May 08
Smokers have rights we should stand up for it.
I dont ask for much just a hut with something to keep be from getting wet and a bench, an ash tray. Is that really to much to ask for?
As for the name of the association it would "rights, we all have them" We are all human and we should be treated as such. Instead of like a dog.
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@newtondak (3946)
• United States
20 May 08
I actually think the time will come when someone who has lots of clout and lots of money will take this to court and all this anti-smoking stuff will be thrown out the window as a violation of rights. This scenario sets the rights of one human being over the rights of another - discriminating against the smoker.
Some employers not only won't allow smoking on the job premises, but won't permit the employee coming into the workplace smelling of smoke. I know one University that also says that you can't smoke on your breaks because that is time that they are paying you for and they can say what you can and can't do during that time.
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@miller23231 (873)
• United States
19 May 08
No, it is definitely not fair the way smokers are treated.
Most of my favorite restaurants are now smoke-free, and I no longer go there to eat. I prefer to go to our local truck stop where the food isn't as good, but at least I am not discriminated against! That's how I take a stand, I boycott the places I used to go regularly because they won't let me smoke anymore. I think more smokers should do that, maybe if places lose enough business, they'll rethink their position!
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@nosferatu07 (404)
• Denmark
21 May 08
I cant smoke at the premises of my work but i can smoke if i go past that line. So im behind that line no matter what weather there is outside. I dont see any non-smoker do that so will they please shut up and listen for a change.
I have a right to smoke and im not doing it in your face so i can really appreciate a good place for smoking. Think about that.
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@dangnabit67 (2021)
• United States
19 May 08
I really dont mind the smoke free. I just wish I had somewhere decent to smoke. I dont mind going outside as long as I have a place to sit and wont get wet.
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@shooie (4984)
• United States
20 May 08
It's and dis respect started when they stopped allowing kids to get spankings. We got them growing up and turned out better for it. Now days if an Adult says no kids don't even batt an eye they do it anyways. NOT all kids and not a majority of them but there is plenty. No correction of a child thus we have kids killing kids and things getting out of hand. There is a difference between spanking and beating.
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@dangnabit67 (2021)
• United States
20 May 08
Oh I agree with you. I think that is why my daughter thinks she can walk all over me and do what she wants.
@dangnabit67 (2021)
• United States
19 May 08
Yes and I can tell you since they took prayer out of school-kids have no respect for nothing. Something that worked should have never been removed.
Thank you for my rights. I appreciate that, just like I respect not smoking around a non-smoker.
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@p3halliwel2005 (3156)
• Philippines
20 May 08
I think every person have a right smoker or non smoker. I can see in some places there are smoking areas even in restaurants. I fight for my rights when I know that I am in the right part of it. I don't let people just shove me away because they feel it's not right. I voice out my opinion. People just need to be heard..
@dangnabit67 (2021)
• United States
20 May 08
Yes everyone should be heard. Although I have to say the non-smokers have taken over. They dont seem to care about a human being standing out in the rain, or cold as we chose to smoke.
What if all the smokers had all the businesses and the non-smokers had to sit outside? How would they feel then? All I'm saying walk a mile in my shoes-think about other people besides yourself.
I definatly want to be heard 

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@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
20 May 08
I dip so I can understand how it feels to need nicotine ,and I think smokers should stand up for their right to smoke,and that there should be a place built just for smokers,so that way they can be comfortable,and the people who dont like smokers can be comfortable too.
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@newtondak (3946)
• United States
20 May 08
I agree with what you're saying, and if they're going to say that people can't smoke in a certain area, they should provide an equally nice area in which those patrons who chose to can smoke.
Now that so many cities are passing smoking bans in restaurants and bars, the establishments themselves actually have no say in the matter.
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@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
21 May 08
Yeah I know now its coming down to be the city's fault because they are passing the ban on smoking,so the establishments cant do anything about it,so it should be up to the city to make establishments just for smokers,since it is only the fair and right thing to do.
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@Palmerhusky (843)
• United States
19 May 08
ok..point taken. but do you really need to smoke in public places, where us non-smokers have to choke and gag and in a few cases vomit when they have to breath in that stuff? how bout the workers that dont smoke that have to deal with that on a daily basis? and might i add that these places, granted being public places, are on private property. the owners have a right to say no smoking on their premises. and in my house its not allowed. did you know that it can even ruing walls...can you blame people that dont allow smoke in their home or business. i wont eat or shop at a place that allows smoking.
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@dangnabit67 (2021)
• United States
19 May 08
I didnt say smoke in the same place. I said a place for us to smoke besides outside.
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@dangnabit67 (2021)
• United States
19 May 08
Nothing in life is fair thats for dang sure. Cause people make/force it to be that way.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
26 May 08
Well.. I am a nonsmoker and I don't want anybody smoking in my home. I have children and I don't think it is fair to them. However! I have nothing against somebody smoking outside my house in the covered entry or outside in the back as long as the doors aren't open so the smoke isn't getting inside. My exhusband used to smoke and it does indeed wreck things like your walls, other surfaces, flooring, tile, carpet, upholstery if somebody has been constantly smoking.
Anyway, if smokers were provided their own place to smoke, then it wouldn't filter over to nonsmokers and nobody would have to choke and gag and vomit. Right now I see the poor smokers clustered around building entrances or down on the corner in the rain, and if they had a reasonably decent dry place to smoke, then nonsmokers wouldn't have to go anywhere near and wouldn't be exposed to second hand smoke either.
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@dfollin (25544)
• United States
19 May 08
I know exactly what you mean.I mentioned this in a discussion i did on dumb laws.I do not smoke and second hand smoke bother's me.So,I have the right to keep smoking from my home and my car,when I had one.When my husband was alive and my son lived at home,my husband made the rule because smoke bothered me and we had a baby and he did not want her to be effected by the smoke.He also did not want our home,furniture,rugs and drapes to smell like smoke.My son smoked and my husband did some.Most of the time they smoked outside.If it was too cold then they smoked in my son's room.As far as public places,my favorite rstaurant is an internatational chain and they used to have smoking and non-smoking areas,which was fine unless you sat near the smoking section because it was open.Instead of putting up some walls they made all of their restaurant's non smoking.They have made it a law in a county in Maryland that no bars can have smoking.Please! I do not go to bars because I do not smoke and second hand smoke bothers me.The smokers have to have a place,geez! I was talking to a friend in Georgia and she said that it is non smoking in restaurant in the whole state.
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@dangnabit67 (2021)
• United States
19 May 08
Thank you. Its so nice to hear from a non-smoker. And I am more than happy not to smoke around non-smokers as I know how they feel.
I just wish smokers got the same compassion.
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@callarse1 (4783)
• United States
25 May 08
Hello! Well, I guess that is the way it is. Many cities and countries have changed the laws to make it illegal to smoke inside. Do I think it's fair? Well I ask "fair to whom?" Life is never fair. First, if we allow smokers inside everywhere the second hand smoke harms the people that don't smoke. Second, if we don't allow smokers in buildings then people don't have to smell it, but the smokers have to be outside to smoke.
I don't find that "an attack" attack would be beating someone up or such. Smoking indoors around people who don't is rude to those people, so while I think it's not "fair" to have people smoke outside, I think the advantages outweight the disadvantage. Plus if you don't like smoking outside then you should smoke at home or in your car before you go to the restaurant/bar/pub.
Have a nice day (and sorry that I don't argee with you entirely. We can agree to disagree. Have a nice life.)
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@twallace (2675)
• United States
19 May 08
They are doing it all over the world; I'm a smoker and i have learned that there are places you can smoke and places that you can't. There is nothing that smokers can do to fight that. With all of the health problems that smoking cause others that don't smoke. So smokers have to deal will what has been done.

@dangnabit67 (2021)
• United States
20 May 08
I plan to win powerball very soon so I will fight for my rights as well as others
It isnt just the smokers causing high health insurance. What about all the people sitting on their behinds on wellfare? I know my pay check doesnt say-your a smoker so there for you get more taken out of your check. It goes to people who dont want to work-thats where our hard earned money goes.

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@dangnabit67 (2021)
• United States
19 May 08
Sorry I dont believe in giving up my rights.
And people die everyday of something-not just smoking.
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@Sillychick (3275)
• United States
20 May 08
You are not forced to go outside. You choose to smoke, so you choose to go outside. If it's that important to you not to stand outside in the rain or snow, you can choose not to smoke.
I don't care how well ventilated a place is, if someone is smoking in one room or area, people in the non-smoking section will smell it. Put 30 or 40 smokers in a place together and it can be smelled from blocks away. Smoking kills. Everyone should have the right Not to have to breath it if they don't want to. You can always go sit in your car, go home, or wait until later if you want to smoke. On the other hand, if you are smoking near me, I have no choice- I am forced to breathe your smoke.
No, I don't think smoking can be considered a human right. It is not essential to sustain life. A human right is having clean air to breathe.
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@dangnabit67 (2021)
• United States
20 May 08
It is my right to smoke. It is also my right to have decent place to smoke. I didnt choose to be outside-I was forced against my will.
Now all I asked for was a place to smoke-I didnt ask to sit next to a non-smoker and smoke. I know non-smokers dont like it. But at the same time I would like a place to smoke as you have a place to enjoy your air. Is that really to much to ask for? Can another human being really show no compassion for another--just because they smoke? Talk about discrimanation...
I dont go around telling old people to get off the road because they drive to slow-although I think it. They have a right to drive the way they want and I respect that.
I dont go up to a person differnt than me and point out their faults.
We all are human, love they nieghbor, we all have faults.
@newtondak (3946)
• United States
20 May 08
Although it is generally not considered to be harmful to others' health - the same could be said for someone wearing overpowering perfume or aftershave. For some people, it can be harmful to their health, as it can trigger severe breathing problems.
I should also have the right not to have to listen to vulgar language or tolerate obnoxious drunken behavior, but those people are not made to go outside to speak or drink. I also have to listen to someone's cell phone ringing throughout my dinner, or someone's children screaming at the top of their lungs - but they aren't required to go outside either.
As restaurants and bars in many cities are finding out - after placing bans on smoking in their facilities - smokers are a large part of the patronage that keeps their businesses open, and when that is taken away, their businesses are failing.
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@newtondak (3946)
• United States
20 May 08
It's the "I'm better than you" attitude that I don't like about the situation. The law has now allowed the non-smoker to dominate the smoker and tell them what they can and can't do and where they can or can't do it.
The dollars I spend for the food or products that I buy is just as good as the dollar spent by any other patron of the business - whether smoker or non-smoker. Smoking does not make you a second class citizen, and the smoker should be treated as such.
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@newtondak (3946)
• United States
20 May 08
I do not think the way smokers are treated is right. If there are going to be designated spaces for smokers, those spaces should be equal to that provided to non-smokers.
There are many things that other people do that are as offensive to me as people who smoke ...but unfortunately wearing too much perfume, talking loudly on your cell phone, being falling-down drunk, or using profanity are not considered to be hazardous to other's health.
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@dangnabit67 (2021)
• United States
20 May 08
Ah but drinking and driving kills people-instantly in a blink of an eye. Not to mention they get liver damage.
At least smoking kills you slowly as someone pointed out-LOL
Allergies can be a hazard to some.
What about people with diabeties? Kidney failure.
Anyway, someday we might get our rights but I really doubt it as so many are happy about it-it will not change. Not that I want to intrude on non-smokers.
Just looking for some human compassion and a decent place to smoke. Is that really too much to ask?
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@dangnabit67 (2021)
• United States
20 May 08
All hospitals I know of have done that. But while my dad was in the hospital I walked away from the doors not across the street and I enjoyed my smoke. I got some hateful looks but I stood right there anyway. As people walked by they new I was smoking they didnt have to get close to me.
Once I was in the parking lot by my car not really anyone else around but one of the shuttle drivers drove by and said put that out-I didnt.
At least I wasnt standing at the door.
Whats the punnishment?
@newtondak (3946)
• United States
20 May 08
No, I do not believe it is too much to ask. Smokers are pushed out into the weather if they wish to smoke - I know the University of Missouri Hospital took down all the outdoor smoking shelters and put an overall smoking ban on all their premises. Whether employee or patient, a smoker has to go outside the hospital and across the street if they want to smoke.
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@Remembering1996 (2219)
• United States
20 May 08
I would have to agree w/ you on your topic for everyone is equal just some have bad habits such as smokeing. I can say I'm lucky for one when I'm at home I smoke in my apartment and where it's just me and if someone come's over they don't complain for they know I do and they accept it. At work they have a special room for us smokers ( smokoers lounge ). I go in there on my breaks enjoy my conversation's while I have a few smokes. I don't think we should be pushed out just because of that. Most people I know that don't smoke don't make a stink out of it they simply just go somewhere else for the smoke bothers them which is fine. Yes we all have rights and we should be able to live by them.
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@dangnabit67 (2021)
• United States
27 May 08
Thank you. Its true everyone has bad habits. Some worse than others.
Its nice that you work for someone that does give shelter to smokers.
@dangnabit67 (2021)
• United States
20 May 08
Everything can be dangerous to your health. How I choose to live is my RIGHT.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
26 May 08
Heck yeah. LIVING is dangerous to your health. LOL! This is why I have such a hard time with people who try to remove all risk. The only way to remove all risk from your life is dying. These days everything causes cancer, aging, etc. When you stay in your home, you are exposed to who knows what from being shut inside. When you go outside you risk being run over, shot, stabbed, attacked. Oh well, whatever you do, don't trade your life for trying to prevent harm, if it's going to happen, it'll happen no matter what. Might as well enjoy every moment of your journey, doing what you love, spending the time with the people you love, making the decisions that make you happy.
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@dangnabit67 (2021)
• United States
20 May 08
I'll quit smokin when I'm ready. Forcing me isnt the answer.
I hope you can quit. Good luck to you. I know its hard.
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@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
20 May 08
I did find out yesterday a dirty little secret that the medical profession had hidden from smokers.
Smoking thins your blood...
The medical profession tell us that smoking shrink your arteries and causes heart diseases through the blockage of those arteries.
Now if your arteries have shrunk... and you stop smoking... you blood thicken... ending up in a blocked artery and you die.
The doctors tell your family that you did die because you were a smoker in the recent past...
Instead of telling the truth... which is that you did die because you gave up smoking.
And that's not all. Drinking thin the blood as well.

@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
21 May 08
I was not saying that smoking is good for you.
I was just highlighting the danger of quitting smoking if you have been smoking for a long time and your arteries have shrunk as a result.
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@savetheunlikely9 (390)
• United States
27 Jun 08
Yeah, but what about the rights about the nonsmokers rights?
Lets say you're walking out of a restaurant, and there's a huge cloud of smoke by the door, because that's where you'd have to have shelter for the smokers - close to the building.
Nonsmokers wouldn't like going through the cloud of smoke, the restaurant loses business, and the only people that benefit are the people smoking up the entrance.
And your right to smoke?
You've got a whole home to smoke up all you want.
Frankly, I'm more concerned about my right to not be forced to inhale buttloads of secondhand smoke, and harm my health.
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@dangnabit67 (2021)
• United States
27 Jun 08
I didnt say it had to be right by the entrance. You assumed that. You also assume that I dont care about non-smokers. My mother is a non-smoker I dont smoke around her or any others.
Now will you give me my dang smoke shack? Is that really to much to ask for another human being?
@sanzi1201 (644)
• China
27 Jun 08
It's unfair.But,we should protect the people who don't want to smoke .So,now it must be limited in toilet or some stated place to smoke.
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@dangnabit67 (2021)
• United States
27 Jun 08
non-smokers should be placed in a bubble. Stand up lets get our shack. Mel's smoke shack

@killerpinx (417)
• Philippines
20 May 08
its unfair, yes.
as for me, smoking is my way of a hobby and yes it sucks when people just stabs me because of it or my mom would scold me..
the only problem that seclude smoking is younger people taking it.
i for myself, i think smoking and nonsmoking people are fair enough as we are all human beings.
who the hell cares if you dont wanna smoke 'ayt?
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@dangnabit67 (2021)
• United States
27 May 08
If we go outside everyone can see us-the young included. It seems to me a shelter where we cant be so easily seen would be a most likely choice.
We are all human beings and that is what is so sad about humanity. Cold and unfeeling.
@00BleedingShadow00 (784)
• Philippines
20 May 08
you can smoke all throught your life but make sure you are not letting others inhale your smoke. second hand smoking is more lethal than first hand smoking and I just hope you know that. smoking is being banned in some places not because your rights as a smoker is being violated. smoking is being banned to protect people's health. if you do something that is not good just make sure that you are not endangering anyone else. maybe your mom is the only one who will care because she loves you and she doesn't want you to get tell you i was a smoker before but i quit because i got sick. I was hospitalized because my lungs bled. i never thought i will be that sick because i never cough even once when i was smoking. but you see i was in a 50/50 state and near coma when i got sick because of smoking.i just hope that you will appreciate people who care about you..people who wants you to stop smoking. and i hope you will care about other's health and not give them second hand smoking.i hope you will not take this badly, but i just care. Peace man. :0)
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
31 May 08
You're right. They just passed a state wide smoking ban in Ohio. My mom who doesn't smoke said just watch what they take away next. Also on that ballot was something people could vote on a definition of marriage.
They passed the smoking ban and the definition of marriage finally deciding that marriage is between one man and one woman.
I have also read where somewhere in the Southern US they are trying to pass a law to make it illegal for restaurants to serve people that are considered obese.
I believe that once the government sees that they can take away a right, then they will continue to do it until a group of people ban together and put a stop to it.
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@dangnabit67 (2021)
• United States
1 Jun 08
It wont be long laws will change. We do need to stand up for what we believe in.
@celticeagle (172306)
• Boise, Idaho
16 Jun 08
We all have the right to do whatever we please as long as it doesn't infringe on other's rights. Do you understand that second hand smoke has been proven to make others sick. You could really cause people problems. If you live among other people you need to be aware of what you are doing and how it might affect others. A human right? Fighting for your rights? You live in a society. That means you live around other people. What you do affects others in that society. Unless you go up in the mountains and you aren't living around anyone you have to be aware and respectful of others.
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@dangnabit67 (2021)
• United States
16 Jun 08
You need to read all the comments. Ive heard this before. I am always respectful of others. Is smoking really the only evil on earth? Is it the only thing that kills? Is it the only thing in this world we are afraid of? Does it keep you awake at night knowing your neighbor next door lit up a smoke and the smell might drift to your house?