I am going to hell and let's keep it at that.
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
United States
May 19, 2008 3:03pm CST
There are some many religious people that think if you don't follow the rules they do, believe what they believe you are going to hell. All I can say is so be it. I would rather be me, follow the rules I do and believe what I believe and go to hell than change who I really am and follow the rules I don't believe in and go to heaven.To me it is like lying to G-d and that is stupid and useless. So when they say I am going to hell, I say okay.
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31 responses
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
19 May 08
LOL bravo to you!
If I end up in hell for being true to my core being and for being a kind loving open minded person then so be it..I'd much rather be there than somewhere where the ppl are fake and confused and cant think for themselves 

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@34momma (13882)
• United States
20 May 08
There is only one Rule to follow, and that is to love and treat everyone the way you want to be treated. when you do that, it doesn't matter if you don't agree, or if you like green and they like orange. you can agree to disagree and at the end of the day still love that person. If you want to follow any rules then this should be the only one to follow

@34momma (13882)
• United States
20 May 08
annie, if you started to do it, then the next person will catch on and do it, then the next. don't worry about what other people are doing. Let me tell you, it changed my life. I have never been more at peace ever. I am always smiling and just feeling amazing.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
21 May 08
That's the Golden Rule and it is the main rule of Judaism. my religion.I try every day.When it comes to religion, especially Wicca, I respect others views and I will ask about other religions. I think it is great to do.you get to learn new views and as you are asked about your religion, you relearn yours.It is fun.and in that setting, no one is being preached to and no one is trying to convert you.
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@nowment (1757)
• United States
19 May 08
That is such a great way of putting it, I hadn't quite put it that way before, but then I am spiritually eclectic, and so the rules that had been instilled in me when I was younger, don't all make sense.
In fact like you I wouldn't lie, as a kid I did as my mother asked, she asked that I follow through until I made my confirmation [a catholic thing] then I was free to choose what I would do and what path I would follow for myself.
I did not see this as lying to god, since I saw it as giving consideration for my mother. Since she in turn gave me the respect to allow me the freedom of my own choices after I reached that age, which was only 12, my belief values allowed me to follow up with the ritual so that I could honor her wishes.
LOL though I did tell the church decon, I would not recite the apsotles creed line that says I believe in the holy catholic church, when by that time I did not believe in the church, since I was so young no one within the church took me or my questions seriously perhaps if they had I would not have walked away from it.
Though for a few years I still followed some things within the catholic teachings until I was 22 when I made my final break.
I have pieces from different spiritual teachings that work for me and I incorporate them within my life. I find that so far to date I have yet to encounter any particular religious group that can show me they are not political orgainizations hinding under the guise of religion.
So it seems you have a good attitude, I figure I am open to learning from others, and accept that we can have different spiritual values, I just have a problem with those who use religion to promote hate.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
19 May 08
There are many paths. You have to find the one that fits you. The one you can practice that enriches your life. I respect everyone's path, especially the ones who have nothing to do with a deity.I am glad you are following your own path. I hope your mom understands or any else respects your choice.Take care.
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@nowment (1757)
• United States
20 May 08
Sarah, yes my mom did understand, she encouraged us to think for ourselves, to learn and question in life, oddly enough some of the things I learned from growing up catholic I still hold close, maybe it is silly to some, and right to others, but that isn't what matters, what matters is what is right for me.
One of my friends converted to Judiasm and I was very supportive of her, because she was such a hyper person, but she found a peace and understanding from this that she never had before, so obviously this is what was right for her.
I know of another who has followed the path of Jehovah Witness, and I can be supportive of that if I didn't find that they had more not less conflict in their lives, having had friends who did follow the JW path and it was a good thing for who they were, I was happy for them, but for this one person, I find that they have not found any peace following this direction, that they are not living their truth.
For this person, I just hope they do find their path, find what works for them, and perhaps they are just struggling in this area, however it may be that she has not found what works for her yet, so I don't tell her to change directions only state that she must do what is best for her.
What is great is when people can find as you have what is your truth and path, and live in it comfortably, and yet have the balance not to judge or dictate to others, that is to me impressive.
I have meet to many who feel that their way is the only way as stated by Springlady, which is fine however they need to allow that for them personally their way is the only way but that each of us need to walk our own path, as you have done.
It is nice to see a post written with honesty, and a blend of common sense, and with out the nonsense or preaching that can be found in some.
Very impressive.
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
19 May 08
I know many religious people that pretend to follow the rules....and have no right to say what they do! Because we are human there is no one that can live one hundred percent by any rules! So I will also be myself and not a hypocrite like so many I have encountered down life's roads.
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@Springlady (3986)
• United States
19 May 08
That is true, jill. Not a single one of us deserves to go to heaven. Only Jesus Christ lived the perfect, sinless life.
We can only be saved by the blood of Jesus. Only thru Him can we know the Father.
God bless.
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@Wickedself (720)
19 May 08
Let me tell you one thing. Wether you are going to hell or not that is upto God himself to decide. These religious people donot control hell or heaven. These religious people want you to believe what they believe. And infact when you do believe what they want you to believe they become happy themselves, and say that God has become happy.
I think you shouldn't give a damn about these religious people and follow what your heart says you to do.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
20 May 08
I think you shouldn't give a damn about these religious people and follow what your heart says you to do.
BRAVO TO THAT!! And I agree and do that myself 

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@sisterjinx (1135)
• United States
19 May 08
lol well that's a perfectly good answer. I had never thought of that. I had a very long discussion with a Christian woman about a week ago. She was perfectly nice. We talked about her beliefs and my beliefs. Toward the end of it she started saying things like she was so sad that she would not see me in heaven and I told her I believe that we all go to the same place and that we would meet again. She said "well, we'll see who gets there". I was so shocked all I could do was laugh. We talked for few more minutes and we hugged before we parted. Such a nice conversation with such a slap in the middle. But what was I going to say? I had enjoyed our conversation and I knew she wasn't intentionally trying to be mean.
I like your answer though. That is a very interesting way to handle it and I bet it shocks a few of those who you say it to. :)
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
19 May 08
Thanks I could help. The only time a Mormon approached me and asked me about Christ, I said "I'm Jewish" and that was that. We talked about the weather instead.But I am ready for the ultra recruiter if they say I am going to hell.
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@teufelskind (813)
• United States
20 May 08
I think this will sum it up for you on what will happen to me in the end!!
Oh and Now
The end is near
And I face that final curtain
So good-bye to strife
This is the last dance of my life
Lord of this I'm certain
I've been a sinner.
I've been a saint.
Done both good and evil deeds.
Oh, but in the end, I was good to my friends
and that's good enough for me.
Oh good Lord, they say all souls you forgive.
Well if that's true then why
does there need to be a hell?
Hey, what's that sulfury smell?
Now I can feel, the fire, creepin up my thigh.
I'm goin to Hell,
in a handbasket.
It's a Bohemian Rhapsody.
Oh, Galileo, mama mia, scaramouche, scaramouche.
Oh, Beelzebub's got a devil put aside for me.
I'm goin to Hell, in a handbasket.
With my flesh they'll make a feast.
I'm gonna be there in that number.
That's 666 the number of the beast.
I'm goin to Hell, in a handbasket.
Well at least I'll have a view.
Oh I will see the fire, through the rusty razor wire.
Oh don't you worry, I saved a seat for You.
I'm goin to Hell, in a handbasket.
And I might like it that way.
No this ain't no lie, I'd rather be Kentucky Fried
Than live and kicking in Jersey any day
I'm goin to Hell, in a handbasket.
I'd pray if I had the guile.
No this ain't no fib, I'd rather be a splatter on the Devil's bib.
'Cause on my knees repentent ain't my style.
I'm goin to Hell, in a handbasket.
Oh please don't pray for me.
No I don't need to be saved, of the devil I ain't afraid.
There ain't nothin he can do that ain't already been done to me.
I'm goin to Hell, in a handbasket.
And I'll have good company too.
'Cause If I was so bad, than there's no need to be sad.
'Cause everybody else will be there too (Including You).
Oh, oh good Lord, I only ask you forgive
The self righteous who decieve
When your words they twist,
We both know Hell don't exist,
Except in the minds of the poor fools who believe
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@teufelskind (813)
• United States
20 May 08
I love this song it is by a singer who goes by the name of Voltaire.. he has lots of songs like this!!!
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
21 May 08
No.It seems that it is up to the ultra religious people to tell me where I am going.
@daniellegldn (255)
• Australia
20 May 08
I agree it is so frustrating,I have noticed a lot of religous people on here and that doesnt bother me but I do get peeved when I am told I am going to hell,or bless me,pray for me etc because I am not religous.Each to their own and although I have no idea what happens to us when we pass away I am sure its not hell.

@souless_tragedy (259)
• Canada
19 May 08
I am completely with you. I just can't see how living a good life, being an honest, generally good person can land you in the fiery depths. I really just can't see that! I mean if there is a God, he/she will decide if you were a good person or a bad person and it will have nothing to do with whether or not you followed religious scripture! It will have to do with if you helped people, were kind to people.. that sort of thing.
I had this friend once, who was raised Roman Catholic and he once told me to just "fake it" when it comes to believeing because then I wouldn't go to hell. Isn't that ridiculous?! I told him that if there was a God, he/she would know if I was "fake" believeing or not and that that was probably a bigger sin than any other sins I commit!
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
20 May 08
It just doesn't make any sense to fake believing in any deity.I wonder how many people are just pretending and how many are really Christian?
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
21 May 08
Springlady, for you there is no hope without Christ but for many , there is hope without Christ and for others there is hope without a deity at all.
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
21 May 08
No. They didn't say it to me. They say it to gay teens. I was watching a documentary about a Christian summer camp for gay teens when this post came to mind.I don't get pissed off when people assume since I am not Christian I am going to hell, I just say , yes I am.Especially if their G-d can't except me the way I am , then hell is where I am going because I am not changing. ps. I disagree. sticks and stones may break my bones but words cause permanent damage.
@marchgale (260)
• United States
20 May 08
People who condem other people to hell are ignorant,narrow minded,and in for a big surprise in the after life I believe.I can't wait till the judgement day so everyone can see what it's about.I think alot of people will be shocked,mainly the ones who think their way is the only way.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
21 May 08
G-d isn't the only way Springlady. For you G-d is the only way but for others Allah is the only way and for others their way has nothing to do with a deity.And what is great, everyone is correct. they are following their own path.

@icecandies (154)
• Philippines
21 May 08
If religion can save then Jesus Christ shouldn't have come down to earth to suffer and die on the cross. Religion should have done that. All I know is you get save by confessing that you are a sinner and accepting Jesus Christ as your personal savior and He will get you to heaven. After that it's for you to decide what religion you'll be into or what things you want to do or things you want to believe in.
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
22 May 08
The moment you take Jesus as your personal savior, you are a Christian, nothing else. So how can you be anything else after that?And if you believe it is fine . But what if you don't want to take Jesus Christ as a personal savior?What if you are of a different religion? Do you go to hell? If so, count me in. I know it is hard to believe but I rather go to hell than be a Christian.No offense. It is just not for me.thank you for inviting me but I have to say no thank you.
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
23 May 08
You have convinced me that Only Christians go to heaven, so It is too late, I am going to hell.
@Springlady (3986)
• United States
22 May 08
You will change your mind in the end. Then it will be too late! Please don't let it be too late for you! Think about it.
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@davidabraham (437)
• Romania
19 May 08
In some parts I agree with You. Do not follow rules imposed by men. Follow the rules of the Torah, Torah has not been written by men, but by God Himself.And He gave it to us for a reason.To help us understand how we can live a life that's worth living, and obtain not only what we need but a lot more from Him.
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
19 May 08
Yes, the Torah is a guide to living a Better life, But it is only one path. There are many paths and to assume that your path is the Only path and it is up to you to make Everyone take your path is wrong and disrespectful.Religion isn't one size fits all.And as a ultra reformed Jew I know I don't follow All the rules of the Torah so do you think I am going to hell?
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
19 May 08
Good, we can still be friends?
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@davidabraham (437)
• Romania
19 May 08
Nope, I don't. I am in a desperate need of baal t'shuva myself so I am not throwing any stone on u :)
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@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
20 May 08
Well I am a Hindu and I genuinely like participating is such discussion coz it gives me such an insight into the beliefs of other religions which no amount of reading could have given me. we Hindus have a looooooooooog list of rites and rituals, dos and donts and similar such entrapments to ensure the onward journey to the north. All are accompanied by a paraphernalia of elaborate offerings to appease whoever is up there, but in reality (according to me, no offence to any Hindu here) all it does is fill the pockets of the priests.
To me, there is no medium between my God and me. I am always is conversation, He knows all my sins and everytime I do something bad, I very conveniently put the blame on Him (like You only gave me such emotions, what’s my fault if I have done this?). its somewhat like the confessions of a Christian, sans the priest in between. AND I always ask for strength from HIM to tide over the times. So I am in complete peace and belief that wherever I go, He will be there to guide and receive me.

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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
21 May 08
It always amazes me how some will condemn others to hell because they don't believe as them but they can't seem to understand why that is ineffective. If I told them that believing in Jesus would cause them to rot in a pit of fire would they suddenly change over to my faith?
Changing one's faith due to the threat of punishment isn't an honest change. That is one made out of fear, not the love that Jesus taught. Changing out of fear is not really believing. It's pretending in order to placate those about you. If there is such a God then he would know this and not accept it anyways, so either way you'd go to hell. Add to that supposedly the Christian god is our father, what father would banish his children just because they did not agree with him? That is what hell is supposed to be, banishment from God; not a pit in the bowels of the earth.
For myself usually when those tell me I am going to hell I just nod and state "I'll enjoy meeting you there". According to the bible we are judged by how we judge others and they judge me to go to hell they must be going as well.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
22 May 08
True some human fathers would but God is supposed to be above such pettiness.
I have to ask on something. Why do you put G-d instead of God? I've noticed some do it with putting a heart instead of an o. I cannot figure out a reason for it so thought I'd ask.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
21 May 08
That's what I believe hell is, a farther distance from the love of G-d.But then I think a true hell is your worse nightmare , magnified.But who knows. ps. I know there are a few human fathers that would banish their s=child to hell , but not G-d.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
22 May 08
I am Jewish and we don't spell out G-d. It is a link to the rule of not " taking the Lord's name in vain."By writing G-d , I haven't spelled His name out completely so I can, if I need to, erase it without erasing the name of G-d.
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@recycledgoth (9894)
20 May 08
Heaven doesn't want me and Hell is afraid I will take over
Like you, I would sooner be me and follow my own path, rather than be brow-beaten by others.
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
21 May 08
" Heaven doesn't want me and Hell is afraid I will take over." I love that.
@cyberopjames (483)
• United States
21 May 08
LOL, I agree. I do have to say something about one of the members that responded to your post. God did not write the bible, man did. Could you really see God sitting at a desk taking time our of his busy day just to write in a book. Like I said, the bible is not the word of God, the word of God is Jesus. No where in the bible dose it say that God picked up a pin and start writting.
- Reverend James, FL. USA -
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
21 May 08
i can't help thinking that if G-d wrote the Bible, it would be clearer and easier to read. There wouldn't be any parables. Just the plain facts and rules.
@cyberopjames (483)
• United States
21 May 08
That is very true. I got so tired of being told that I am going to hell that I am now a Reverend. It is not a book, nor a church that sends you to heaven or hell, but is what is in your heart. I really wish that people would worry about what is wrong in his or her life rather then trying to run others.
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@mimm45 (168)
• Australia
20 May 08
Since there are many religions/sect in the world who will be saved and go to heaven. If each of them thinks that their religion is right then the rest of the world is going to hell. Who really knows which one is right? As long as you do good and try to live your life in a way that you don't harm other people or yourself then you have as much chance to go to heaven than all the others.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
20 May 08
Thank you. I am nice until it is time not to be nice.
@liquorice (3887)
15 Jun 08
I agree, who's to say which one is 'correct'? If some of the evangelical Christians here had been born somewhere else in the world would they not be trying to convince us of the divinity of Allah or that Hinduism is the way to go?
One of my favourite quotes is this one by George Bernard Shaw.
"There is only one religion, though there are a hundred versions of it". I used it in another discussion and it seems to be appropriate to this one too.
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@lieanat (1137)
• Malaysia
20 May 08
hey, sarahruthbeth22.
I like your last sentence. I find it funny. But that's true whenever felt hurt by those religious people. Well, I believe there is Heaven and Hell. I rather go to Heaven than Hell. Since I have the choice, I choose to follow Jesus. Sounds too religious, is it? I don't think so.
Now, I'm still in the process to get close to God by follow His words. I still failed to follow 100% though, but I enjoy the process of learning and grow with God. I hope you will experience it one day too.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
21 May 08
This post isn't too religious at all. you are following the path that is right for you and you aren't demeaning any other's path.I wish you will find yourself closer to your G-d and you find peace. Take care.