Robbed?!? In my town?

United States
May 19, 2008 4:57pm CST
I live in a really small town where pretty much everybody knows everybody else. Just so you know, to drive around my town, it would probably take a total of 5 minutes. That's to hit every single street in town! Well, we have never locked our doors because we never needed to, until now. Let me tell you why this is so strange... We (my boyfriend, 3 kids and I) live beside a church in a very small town. I described it a little bit above, but imagine, my town has 4 policemen, so you wouldn't expect much crime because, quite literally, they could be everywhere at once given the size of the town. My apartment was broken into a week or so ago and we had about $200 stolen. I know it sounds ridiculous that I am shocked by this, but, as I said, this place has always been "safe." That's why I live here! The area is filled with "good ol' boys" and church goers. Not too scary! What is going on? Didn't mean to go off on a tangent, but, again, I am just shocked! Needless to say, the doors are all locked now when we leave!
1 response
@shooie (4984)
• United States
19 May 08
It may of not been someone from your town that did it. People traveling through or someone new to the area. I use to live in a small town before as well and as the years went on could tell when things were changing....sad actually
• United States
19 May 08
You're right, it is really sad!