Why the entire young generation is looking for IT Jobs only?

May 20, 2008 6:07am CST
All the graduates and Post Graduates are now looking for IT(Information Technology) Jobs only. Even the IT companies are paying good salary, the work tensions are also very high (happy less jobs). I have read many articles about IT Jobs. One of those story is: one of the IAS officer was left his job,and learned a software course and entered into IT field with good salary. One more farmer also did the same. He was also left his farmer duty and entered into IT field. So once think about these goys.....! Once IT will goes down, what is the future of these goys. Why I'm saying like this is "IT field is just like as a cat which is sit on the wall. The cat can easily jumps to anyside of the wall. Like this IT Field always have fluctuations". So, My suggestion is think about other professions also. I'm saying IT profession is bad. It is good for sometimes, may be bad for some days. Recently plenti of IT companies were released lot of employees from those companies without any prior notice.Just think about these goys.So, please prefer other professions also apart from IT.
4 responses
@subha12 (18441)
• India
20 May 08
Actually it seems you are totally against IT jobs. do you think its too bad? Ok I am in IT. its true that it pays much better compared to other jobs. its also right that other options are there. but do you think that its just so easy to be in IT? like you say a farmer quits farming and join IT? Its true you have to work hard, can any job provide good money if we just sit idle?
20 May 08
as it stands no from the way i see it, IT jobs are the way to go right now if you can do it. Retail is hurting i just got let go because of a store closing, food industry is hurting where i thought they would be safe because everyones gotta eat right? well computers is the future and has been for quite some time now.
@Elixiress (3878)
27 May 08
It is not true that the ENTIRE young generation are looking for jobs in IT, but it is true that they are all looking for jobs that include IT as there is only a very small limited amount of jobs that do not involve IT in some way shape or form. I am wanting to be an accountant, which involved IT, but I would not call it an IT job.
@jawaharks (590)
• India
21 May 08
yes, what your saying is right. people trying IT jobs should concentrate on other jobs also.
• United States
21 May 08
Well, it's a bit of an exaggeration to say that the whole of younger generations are now looking for IT jobs. True, I know quite a few people that have gone into technological industries (computer programmers, and general IT techs are galore) but I'm not going into that field. I keep my web design and things of that sort to a personal level. True, at work I'm usually loading accounts and answering phones through computers, but it's not like I'm building/fixing/programming them, which is definitely good. I like computers, and I don't enjoy work. I fear that if I did what I was really fond of in my spare time as work, I might just start hating it on my off days, which wouldn't be good. In the defense of the IT fields, though. -Anything- could go under. Restaurants and shopping malls are closing just as, if not more frequently, than IT-oriented companies, so I think right now it's just a scary time to be in the work force rather than to be an IT guy/girl.