What's the meanest thing a parent ever said to you?
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
United States
May 20, 2008 10:11am CST
Once my mom was getting ready to go grocery shopping and asked me to come along. But, I couldn't find my shoes. She was already in the car. And, I finally found them and was at the front door putting them on and she zoomed away in her car. That was pretty mean. She could see me standing at the door getting ready to go with her. Later she told me that I had been wasting time and she wanted to go grocery shopping and get it done and didn't have time to wait for me. Things only got worse from there.
That's not the meanest thing she ever said to me. But, it's something that stuck in my head. When I was in kindergarten, she would say how smart my older brother was. (He was in kindergarten, too.) And, then I'd say, "But, I'm smart too!" And, she'd say, "He's smarter!" Keep in mind, she was talking to a four year old.
I have a four year old. I know how sensitive they are emotionally. A comment like that would devastate my little kid, so I never say stupid stuff like that.
So, what's the meanest (petty) thing a parent or sibling has ever said to you? Or, done?

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18 responses
@WebMann (4731)
• Canada
20 May 08
I was raised in foster homes from age 5 to 15, then I just ran away and started my own life.
I was a messed up little boy with little hope for the future. At one foster home I was made to sleep in the porch because they had no bed for me. It was cold and damp and I wet the bed. I was about 6, I think, maybe still 5, not sure.
Anyways when my foster mother realized I had wet the bed she brought me infront on the entire family and the hired hands as it was a farm. Then she made me drop my pants to the floor while she stood there with a butchers carving fork and knife and threatened to cut of my privates. Of course they were all laughing.
Another foster home would show visitors pictures of there family but were always quick to point out the I wasn't there kid. That use to hurt more than the beatings I got for being a kid and getting into things.
All in all it was not a good experience but you can be sure I am sensitive to the feelings of my son.
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@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
21 May 08
OMG! Cant turn the clock but I sure feel like hugging the little 5yr old with his pants off and they all surrounding him and laughing at his fear and discomfiture! How cruel can people be….wish I could cage them in and threaten them like that
@loved1 (5328)
• United States
21 May 08
It is terrible that your mom was so mean to you! My mom was always very kind until she became ill late in her life. She said a few mean things to me before finally passing away, but I don't count them because she would have never said them if she had been herself. In fact, I don't even remember what they were to tell you the truth! My parents have always told me that I am special and valuable. Every child needs to hear that on a daily basis.
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@simplycza (1480)
• Philippines
21 May 08
My mom never talks nor treated me that way.. Maybe i was just so lucky that my mom isn't like that. I can feel her care whenver I used to talk to her. The only thing not good is the feeling that she likes my sister so much. I mean, mom always done things in favor of my sister. I alwasy left wonderin' why there is a favoritism but anyways I accepted the fact and learn to live with it.
@magrylouyu (1627)
• United States
20 May 08
Honestly I have have never had anything mean said to me by a parent or sibling. Now that I am older and children I hear people "wispering" though I can hear them saying "She's way too young to have children" or "I hope those arent her children" rude comments like that. Yes I am 22 I have a 3 and 4 year old daughters and a 5 year old stepson. It is a stuggle but I make the best of what life throws at me. I cant stand when people critasize me and they dont even know me. I have seen woman in the 30's with small children and they are rude to the little ones. My cousins mother actuall called my 4 year old FAT! My daughter came out of the bathroom and asked me to button her pants and I said "okay come here" and my cousins mom said "I would have done it but she's so fat it doesnt look like any of her pants can fit her!!" I was so upset! Some people just need to learn some respect and manners!!!

@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
20 May 08
That is so sad. I feel all bummed out about that. I am sure you tell your daughter (and other children) what special and wonderful people they are. Grown ups should really know better than to say mean things about a defenseless child. Maybe that's why they say the mean things, cause they know that the kid can't really do anything meaningful to retaliate. They have a crummy life and so they vent steam at someone who can't possibly fight back. Just another case of bullying! Hope your cousin's mom changes her tune. If not, find some better company for your daughter. Be well and thanks for dropping by.
@jessieBee (1046)
• Trinidad And Tobago
21 May 08
The meanest thing ever said to me is that I was a mistake. I was about 15. When i was telling my mom about my friends mother who curses her and tells her she is a mistake. When my mom looked at me and said "you too was a mistake, everyone was".
Six years has past and i still remember what she said. I also told her i loved her when i was 8 an she never answered me.
I don't think my mom understood what messages she sent to my brain that day. The impact it would have had on my life later.
That's why i decided to become a teacher, so i can show kids love and help build their self esteem. And remind them that no matter what happens in life they should always love them selfs, everyone was born for a reason. I too when i have kids hope to never tell them mean things to lower there self esteem.
@kristenlehan (31)
• United States
21 May 08
One mean thing that was said to me that has stuck with me for a long time and will always be with me was something that my Dad said. I was living with him at the time (I was freshman in HS) and things got pretty bad there, so I decided to move back in with my Mom. Well the day I was moving out I went to give my dad a hug and tell him that I loved him. He pushed me and said "I'm sure you do" in a VERY sarcastic tone. I'll never forget that. I've forgiven him for it, but I'll never forget it. Another thing that was said, though I've since turned it around to something funny, was that I tell "Kristen Stories". Those would be random, stupid stories with no point what-so-ever. Now when someone in my family says something was a "Kristen Story" I laugh and applaud the person who told it.
@jhartana (1084)
• Australia
21 May 08
About a year ago my dad and I had an argument about my wife. He emitted the unpleasant words about my wife. Of course I was not happy and I was very angry. I have the right to argue about it and I am not even scare that I don't have to respect him if he does not respect my wife or her family. He said that if I defend my wife then he said that I am not his son anymore. I was quite surprise and did not expect he said this mean word. I ended up not saying to him anymore and I went out of his house and gone home without saying any word. Well that's the past and both of us have since apologize.
@RebeccaLynn (2256)
• United States
21 May 08
My Mom told me to my face that she didn't want me. Not long after that she shipped me off to live with her ex-husband. That wasn't the worst of what she did. I just don't want to walk back down that road. Sometimes memory lane is a bad thing.
@ambkeb (782)
• United States
21 May 08
I cant really remember my mother SAYING anything mean...but you didnt dare back talk her when she was already anger. There were many times that she would pick me up fling me across the room. I dont remember that so much when I was young but when I was in my teens. Other then that she's always been great.
My step dad (i never knew my biological dad) on the other was always telling me and everyone else that I would never make it through school. That I would end up just like my mom, pregnant at 16, dropping out of school. Yes my mom did have me at 16, and yes she did drop out of school. BUT she has turned her life around and she was ALWAYS there for me. But he made it out to be a bad thing. He thought I would never go to college because i wasnt smart enough. Needless to say I was always on the honor rolls and 3rd in my class when I graduated. I DID graduate, but I was pregnant with my son. I am now 23 with 2 kids, both who have the same father...my husband. My step dad was really abusive, mentally and physicaly. TO ME and only me. My sister...his daughter was and still is his baby girl and gets everything she asks for. She is 15, BARELY makes it to the next grade and is always in trouble. But i guess I was the bad kid.
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
21 May 08
Well just a few months back my mom called me a thief. To cut a long story short, she was referring to my teens when against her permission I took out a saree (an Indian dress) from her cupboard to go to a school party. The saree was not expensive, ordinary daily wear stuff, but to a teenager brought up on strict clothing, it was a novelty I badly wanted. She denied me permission and while she was at office, I just took it out, dressed and went out!
Not arguing whether I was right or wrong, but what really hurt me was that she has not forgotten that incident even after 20 long years! She still throws that accusation at me as if I deprived her of something very very dear to her.
Then, very often she calls me at my office and continues with her never-ending tales of woe. One day I told her to just cut it short as I was busy and would talk to her later. to say that she was livid is to put it mildly. Very sarcastically and in a chewing sort of way she told me to remember the times when she was at office and I was at home and I would call her up at any time and she would always ‘listen’ to me!
Sigh…like you said, keep in mind that when I called her up, I was a lonely child spending my vacations alone at home with nobody to talk to. And when she calls me up, she is a lady beyond 60 years!
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
21 May 08
I was ten and my dad was angry at me about something
and just out of a clear blue sky he said,youre just too
smart, I wish you'd never been born.later he apologized but
I never have ever forgotten that. I never was sure if
he meant it or not. but it flavored my whole relationship
with him. adults sometimes do not realize how devastating
some words can be to a kid.
@Remembering1996 (2219)
• United States
21 May 08
I was adopted at the age of ten and my adopted parents and I have had a rocky time all liveing together through out my years for they thought I was a liar, and didn't listen ect. They had two bilogical kids that seemed to never do any wrong. As I graduated high school they wanted to move out to portland oregon to be near my adopted mother's family. I chose to stay behind for I didn't want to leave. I kept contact over the phone on occasions w/ them and our talks wern't really friendly at times for they would find some way to make me feel like I was worthless. They had me stay w/ a couple that they knew and after a couple of years I met this guiy whom I fell in love w/ and my life was happy w/ him. Three years after we started dateing I became pregnant and wanted to call my adopted parents to tell them the good news. By my surprise they were horrified and very upset w/ me for becomeing pregnant out side of marraige. I remember them cutting me down in every way possible and ended the coversation by saying "We disown you and we will not be grandparents to your baby don't call us again" I just remember getting off the phone and crying for here I was pregnant and felt so lost and hurt. It has been 9 yrs since I've last talked to them and don't think I ever will again. For Those words that came out of my adopted mother's mouth still sticks in my head clear as day and do I forgive her? yes but I can't forget. I know I wasn't the most perfect child like they were hopeing they'd get but I tried to be a good daughter and it seems like after they had two kids of their own I was nothing but a problem to them. But yah that was the meanest thing ever said or done to me.
@kg_gurl (220)
• United States
21 May 08
Hey beautyqueen. After reading your post, it got me thinking. I don't think either of my parents have ever said mean things to me or my sister. They get mad at us and reprimand us but nothing mean. I even think I'm the mean one in the family although I don't think I've ever said mean things to them either - maybe to other people to whom I have a quarrel with but mot my family. I think maybe it's all in how they were brought up that other people are intentionally being mean to others. I think what you're doing is great though. You are really looking after to the well-being of your child. I think that is what parenting is all about. ~
@Raeyden (46)
• Singapore
21 May 08
OMG! that's really mean.. the thing my father said that was stuck in my head was "SERVE YOU RIGHT", "STUPID!","IDIOT!!"..
At that time he was really angry, he shouted those words in the phone and i hung up crying.. he called back to apologised but i refused to talk to him...
But i forgave him, he didn't really mean it..=)
@makingpots (11915)
• United States
20 May 08
My mom was famous for such awful things as telling me she would knock my teeth down my throat if I didn't ________ (whatever she was wanting.)
I too have a little one (3.5) and I am such a loving, nurturing mom. I guess we want for our kids what we never had. In general I am a very nurturing, loving person and I have no idea where I learned it. I guess I learned it from longing for it when I saw it in other people.
@taface412 (3175)
• United States
20 May 08
I guess the meanest thing would be when I was in college (on scholarship) and I had a really bad semester (emotional stuff yanno), and I had made the first F in my life in a class....I was always an above average student....And we were at my brother's house and my parents were in from another state....well my dad (who values education highly) became furious when I told him I got an F in a class, which plummeted my GPA b/c the other grades were not anything to brag about either.
I remember him sitting on my brother's couch and shaking his head telling me "they don't give scholarships to stupid people." I lost it after that b/c I never felt stupid, I never was stupid and I know he knew I was not stupid. But he was very excited about the fact that I was able to go to a 4 year university considering my family could not afford to send me, so I know he was mainly concerned with my future and education.
He says he does not remember it, but I will always remember it. And looking back now I know deep down it was one of those things that should have been left unsaid, so I have been able to move on.
@marchgale (260)
• United States
20 May 08
well when my Mother and I were discussing my ex one time.I told her that he used to beat me,and she said (well he never did anything to me)I would never say something like that to my daughter.I had never told my mother about it until that conversation,and was very shocked by her response.But then again she would beat me every chance she got growing up,so I guess she thought I deserved it.I'll tell you this no one has beaten me for 22 years now,and if anyone tries it one of us will die.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
20 May 08
I have always like to read and I used to read the newspapers a lot when I was growing up. I would share what I had learned with my family members and one time my mother said that I was a fountain of useless information. That stuck with me for a long time but then I realized that my fountain of information may be useless to her but so many people come to me for advice and information that it must be of benefit to them.