Should custodial parents receiving support have to report how it is spent?

@newtondak (3946)
United States
May 20, 2008 10:02pm CST
Having been there, done that, we experienced husband's ex spending the child support she received on everything but the children. Her justification was that since the kids constituted 2/3 of their household, that he should have to pay 2/3 of their living expenses - which didn't leave much of anything to actually be spent on the kids. Do you think the parent receiving child support should have to report to the court how the money is spent?
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13 responses
@texmama (62)
• United States
27 Jun 08
Hmm. I know this is a touchy subject for parents who do pay child support. Let me ask yall this. Are the children well cared for? Do they have everything they need? Are they fed, clothed, warm? If yes to all, then you have no right to question the custodial parent. I spend almost all of the child support I get on private school. Her father buys her school supplies and clothes sometimes. He buys her a LOT of toys too, lol, but I don't count that as helpful ;) I do see the other side though, as a former stepmother. It WAS upsetting when we had to buy coats and winter stuff for the kids, but that falls under the umbrella of the kids NOT having everything they need. MOST custodial parents do take good care of their children and should be left alone. Being a single parent is hard enough.
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@newtondak (3946)
• United States
27 Jun 08
In this particular case - no, the children were not being well cared for. They did not have the things they needed. They were not to eat certain food in the refrigerator because that supposedly "belonged" to their step-father. They were told not to eat too much because she didn't want them to out-grow their clothes (one daughter is now battling anorexia). When we saw that they didn't have proper clothing, we would take them shopping for clothes, but then she would object to the clothing we purchased for them and say that she wanted us to give her the money (in addition to the support) and she would purchase the clothes.(NOT!) I do think, however, that as long as you are receiving money from the other parent to support the children, you are going to be under some scrutiny, either from the other parent or if required, by the court system.
@schilds (410)
• United States
22 May 08
This is a tough situation, and I can see both sides of the situation. But, ultimately I would say no, they should not have to report their spending. I know that child support is supposed to be for support of the child, but that includes a lot. Rent, utilities, food, and clothing are directly for the care of the child, but car payments and work clothes for mom/dad are also for the benefit of the child although less directly. If the custodial parent cannot provide for the children even with sufficient child support then perhaps they should not have custody (seems to me like that would be part of being a fit parent).
2 people like this
• United States
26 May 08
No I don't think it should have to be reported unless it's obvious that the kids are NOT getting what they need (clothes, food, etc). I hate that a lot of people seem to think that the person receiving child support for the kids goes out and spends it on stuff for themselves and not the kids. I get $58 dollars a week for three kids and it goes straight to bills, clothes and shoes. None of the parents that I know that receive child support go out and spend it on frivolous things. I know there are people out there like that but I think most probably don't. I don't have the statistic's on that. That would be interesting to see, wouldn't it?
1 person likes this
• United States
27 Jun 08
I don't agree with child support not including some housing/other costs. The father of my three children walked away and gets to live as he wants. ******If I were not the custodial parent, I would live in a much smaller, much cheaper place. I'd probably be living in a one bedroom apartment instead of the three bedroom we live in now. I aslo would not drive as much, taking the kids to school, etc***** When someone is not the custodial parent (especially when they walk away and have nothing to do with their kids), they are able to live as they want. When you're the custodial parent, you have to live differently. Now I wouldn't change it for the world because I love my children but the custodial parent has to do a lot more for the child for the non custodial (in a case where the father isn't involved). As it is now, I pay more towards their living and needs then the little support he is forced to pay out of his check (which has dropped to $49 since my last post). So besides paying to take care of them, I am there to offer emotional support, I'm the one that is up all night when they are sick, etc. Yes, I CHOOSE to do this because I believe in not abandoning your family and after being with them since birth, I don't see how anyone could walk away. So in the case where the non custodial parent isn't involved, I do think some of it should go towards housing and gas (I run the kids all over town to various activities so they'll have some semblance of a normal life.) as well as clothing, food. The custodial parent has to do a heck of a lot more then the non custodial parent.
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@newtondak (3946)
• United States
27 Jun 08
It would be an interesting study to pursue - to see just how many can account for how they spend the support and how many can show that they're also spending a substantial amount of their own funds to support the children. In my opinion, it should be about a 50/50 split where the custodial parent pays for half of what the child needs with the support but provides the other half themselves. Since the custodial parents has to provide a home, utilities, transportation, etc. for themselves regardless of whether or not they have custody of the children, I do not feel that those expenses should be covered by child support.
• United States
21 May 08
As far as I am concerned paying rent, buying food, paing utilities is providing for the children. That is all part of taking care of kids and what the support is for.
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@newtondak (3946)
• United States
21 May 08
So what part of providing for the child is the custodial parent's responsibility? If the child support is supposed to cover the expenses to care for the child - what financial obligation does that parent have?
• United States
21 May 08
If the courts has ordered 35.00 a week child support, the custodial parent has every right to apply that money where ever it is needed. If it is an electric bill so be it. To have people account for the support to the court might be a good idea in theory but its going to be easy for the Custodial parent to account for the money. all you would have to do is produce a rent receipt.. I am not sure what you are asking? The custodial parent has the remaining obligation past the $35.00. 35 is just a number I am using as an example.
@newtondak (3946)
• United States
21 May 08
It is my opinion that when a parent is granted physical custody of a child, that parent takes on the responsibility of providing at the very minimum - food and shelter. They, themselves, must have a place to live and pay the utilities and expenses of that home, whether or not the child lives with them. Why, then, should the non-custodial parent be responsible for paying for those expenses?
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
26 Jun 08
Under normal circumstances, no. But if she's continually asking for more money, the kids are not being taken care of, then it wouldn't be a bad idea to wonder what the money is being spent on. That being said, if she's taking care of the kids and the child support is helping them have a better life then you have no complaint. Even if she's spending some of the money on herself.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
27 Jun 08
I'd say it would depend on the reason. I only know this from my experience of being my kids sole support, the laws are totally screwed up when it comes to child support. The wants of the parents seem to overtake the needs of the child at times.
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@newtondak (3946)
• United States
27 Jun 08
I tend to feel that if the non-custodial parent is being required to pay a substantial amount of child support plus buying clothes and other necessary items for the child in order for them to be properly cared for and clothed - and the custodial parent is doing little or nothing to provide for the support of the child - why not just give custody of the child to the parent who can provide for them?
@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
22 May 08
I absolutely do think the custodial parent should have to prove that the money is being spent on the child/children. A parent would have rent and utilities to pay, so that should not be what the support money is used for...unless perhaps the portion applied for a bigger apartment and more utilities used. Otherwise, the money should be spent on the child/children's food, their clothes, their medical appointments. That's what the support money is intended to address. We deal with this. My hubby pays $600 a month for one child, plus her medical insurance, plus 1/2 of any extra activities in which she wants to participate (like soccer), plus 1/2 of her doctor and dental appointments. And her mother also wants us to pay 1/2 of the clothes! That's what the $600 is for! When I was a single mom, my ex paid absolutely nothing for the 5 years until our son hit 18. Nothing. And yet we survived with me working part time and continued to do home schooling through 12th grade. The difference? I found an apartment where the utilities and cable were included. I drove (and still do) an old car. My son never realized that we were poor and never realized that his dad didn't contribute. (I never told him and never bad mouthed his father.)
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@newtondak (3946)
• United States
27 Jun 08
You are to be commended for not letting your son know that his father wasn't contributing to his support. I also received very little from my children's father but preferred it that way - if he didn't pay anything, I felt that I didn't owe him anything - include explanations as to how I spent my money! It really makes you wonder, if you're paying half of everything plus the support - what exactly is she paying for, and is she using the child support to pay her half of the expenses - which would actually mean that you are paying for everything!
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@missybal (4490)
• United States
27 Jun 08
Well if the money had to help keep a roof over there heads that's one thing but they should not be spending it on personal items for themselves rather than their children. And I do believe that anyone getting child support should make an effort to put a portion of that money into a savings account for the children for later in life. The one paying the child support may not always be able to do this. I know people who get a very large sum for child support than because of how well they remarried money is not at all the issue. I feel that since you have enough to support the children even without that added check than you should be putting that money away for the child's future when there will no longer be any child support.
@newtondak (3946)
• United States
27 Jun 08
I have to agree that I don't think its a good idea for the custodial parent to become dependent on the child support to meet their expenses - the money is for the child - not to pay the parent's bills.
@dfollin (25610)
• United States
27 Jun 08
Yes,I do.But, I do feel it has to be in the correct prospective.About 20 years ago I was dating this guy(this jerk) who previously had a girlfriend that already had 2 daughters.They had a daughter and after a while they broke up.He was a truck driver,making good money and she was a waitress,making ok money.But,he only had to pay $100 a month child support!I was furious that he did not volunterrily pay more.She lived out west,where we are in the east.He said he had left there 4 years ago and had never been back to visit her or brought her here.I volunteered to babysit her while he was working.He said no that he didn't want to bring her here.Ugh! One time when he went up there to visit his parents,he saw his ex girlfriend in a store on the first of the month which was Wednesday that month buying all 3 girls coats.It was supposed to snow and they live in Colorado,not exactly warm.He then went and hired a private detective to document that the money he sends her on the first of each month is only spent on his daughter! I told him he was being stupid,if she is spending the same amount of money on her on her payday it all comes out even so what.What were the other girol to do freeze on Thursday because she did not get paid till the day after the snow was expected.He said to me tough! If the other two girls were freezing,so what? I told him that he was acting really cruel.And this is a baptist pastor's son! Therefore I feel that if you do receive child support you should have to prove where it was spent,but not when every little dime was spent.
• United States
28 Jun 08
I think most custodial moms and dads do the right thing when it comes to spending child support. Raising kids is expensive and they have to be able to live indoors and use electricity and water. But it's not right that a parent should use the money on personal luxuries like addictions, drinking or smoking. Those are all personal habits that do not relate to the children. But if a mom wanted to use the money to pay the electric bill or rent, then that would directly benefit the child as they are getting to live in the house that could not otherwise be afforded.
@newtondak (3946)
• United States
29 Jun 08
That's probably another area that should actually be outlined by the court. When you file for and receive custody of a child, what obligations do you actually have - what things should you be providing from your own funds.
@moneyandgc (3428)
• United States
29 Jun 08
As much as I would like to believe that the custodial parents are doing the right thing with the child support money; I know for a fact that some of them are not. The mother of my husband's oldest daughter is one of them. She is always telling her that she doesn't have the money to buy her something that she needs, or she can't join an extra-curricular activity because she can't afford it...yet she is always buying herself and her boyfriend all kinds of new stuff. It is irritating but I think even if the custodial parent was told that they had to provide receipts they could get around it by handing in rent bills, gas and electric. No matter how little they are spending on the child and how much they are buying themselves...all they would have to do is claim these bills and they would probably be let off the hook.
@newtondak (3946)
• United States
29 Jun 08
I feel that when you take custody of the child, you take on a certain amount of financial responsibility to provide the home for the child - and that should come from the custodial parent's own funds. It should not be up to the non-custodial parent to pay for their house, utilities, food, or vehicles.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
27 Jun 08
yes I think that the coustodial parents receiving child support should have to report how it is spent as a lot of them spend the money on everything but the children. if they have to report it maybe they will start using it for the kids and not for themselves.
• United States
13 Jul 08
i don't think it's a bad idea. they should be willing to do that if they are lucky enough to receive the child many people don't get a dime.
@newtondak (3946)
• United States
14 Jul 08
I would also think that they would be more than willing to do it if they're spending it correctly. It may be that the courts also need to outline for the people receiving child support just what it should be used for.
• United States
26 Jun 08
Yes I do!!! My husband's ex-wife spends the money on her new baby and husband! My husband was home on his two week leave from Iraq, so of course his daughter was here for that two weeks. She sent no clothes with the kid. She claims she has no clothes. But her and her new husband both drive brand new cars. They have a lakehouse and a primary house. But the child has no clothes that fit. Child support enforcement says that once she has the money she can do whatever she wants to with the money. That is BS! We pay child support for the kid to have clothes and the things that she needs. His ex-wife would be paying her bills with or without the child. What the father's pay should go on the child. She would have an eletric bill without the kid. I was a single mother for 4 years so I have been there. I think the dads get screwed!!!!
@newtondak (3946)
• United States
27 Jun 08
I totally agree with your position. We experienced the same thing - the kids would come to our house with absolutely nothing, and complain that mommy didn't have any money to buy them clothes or shoes. On one occasion, she took DH back to court for more child support and when the judge asked her why she needed more money - she actually told him that they had purchased a new car and needed more support to make the payments - he laughed in her face and refused her request! We were required to provide health insurance coverage for the children, but rather than take them to the doctor's office when they were sick, she would wait until the middle of the night and take them to the emergency room (when it wasn't an emergency). Our insurance company picked up on what she was doing and canceled our insurance - including the coverage on my children as well!
• United States
27 Jun 08
Oh wow Newtondak, How did you resolve that situation about the medical insurance? That had to have been a big blow to you and your family from what your son's ex did to create that mess for you.