How Do I Cheer Someone Up If They Are Feeling Down

May 21, 2008 12:45pm CST
I have a friend who is feeling really low. She has not long lost her Grandad and is really upset about this.I have tried my hardest to cheer her up a little. I have bought her gifts, told her jokes, been a shoulder to cry on, and done everything i could for her. I just dont know waht to do.Could someone please help me? What should i do?
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4 responses
@k8cath (341)
• Philippines
21 May 08
Usually, what I do is sing them a tune that would make them remember happy times, especially when my friends are crying. Though my other friends laugh at me because I'm not a good singer, I still do my best to sing for her and eventually she cries more, but now because of happiness because of the sincerity of my deed. hope that helps..;)
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@tessah (6617)
• United States
21 May 08
at this moment.. she doesnt want to be cheered.. and with reson. she just lost someone she loved, and needs this time to grieve and feel what she feels without others trying to make her feel otherwise. while yer intent in trying to make her happy is good.. because you care for her.. trying to rush her past this event so shes over it, will really do her more harm than good, and leave her feeling as though no one understands how shes feelng.. thus making her feel more isolated than she probably already does. help her through it, by being there for her, and doing nothing else. allow her to feel as she feels.. and just be a caring friend.
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@nupats (3564)
• India
14 Jun 08
hi this is very sad loosing someone close to our heart does make us sad and it is not very easy to overcome the grief...with the passing time we learn to live with the loss...when i lost my granddad was very husband didnt say anything he just hugged me and spoke very softly and gently about life and how tough times come in our lives and how we need to accept and have to move on...later we went for a walk and just sat by the seaside for hours all this really helped me in bouncing back to normal life....u need to b caring just talk to her abt normal things dont leave her alone...and u know..TIME is the BIGGEST HEALER..take care of ur friend
@Jhordie (5115)
• Philippines
14 Jun 08
When my friend feels so lonely and sad... I will give him/her an assurance that I am there beside him/her all throughout and will never leave him/her even for a single moment. And that's what I am wanting right now... Sigh, womeone to count on. I feel so crap myself, you can read in my discussion why i said this. Sorry I cant help myself but express my feelings. I am really sorry