Update on My Grandmothers Rant
@Angelwhispers (8978)
United States
May 21, 2008 4:30pm CST
On Saturday most of you know I had a bit of a melt down after being told I was going to be a Grandmother again. Today I have an update. My Son called a few hours ago and told me he had my daughter-in-law in the hospital, that she had a miscarriage at home. He said the doctors in the ER, were being very closed mouthed and her OBGYN said that there were irregularities and he needs to do a few tests. My Son was frightened and very concerned.
My friends I can not begin to tell you, how I was feeling. Every word and conversation we had over the weekend came flooding back and hit me in the face. I had made what was their life and family my problem. That was so unfair. Yes I have a few issues I needed to address, but it could have waited.
Now here is the kicker, my Daughter-in-law is still pregnant! She had been carrying twins, and one aborted. The other fetus is strong healthy and viable. There should be no other problems that her doctors can foresee. She has now been sent home, with the orders to stay off her feet and complete bed rest for the next 72 hours.
They are both stunned. That was why everyone in the ER was being so closed mouthed; they were not sure what was going on with her.
This Nana stands Chastised and brought down a few pegs.
Have you ever been humbled by something you have said or done? I feel very small in the light of new creation and life.
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18 responses
@weemam (13372)
21 May 08
Sweetheart don't be upset about your conversation with thm , You were worried because you love them , and I know they would understand that , I know you are worried about your DIL loosing one of the babies , But God has been good and she still has the other , I will keep her ( and you and the rest of the family) in my thoughts and prayers , they know you care and they love you too or they would not have sat down with you and discussed things xx

@Angelwhispers (8978)
• United States
22 May 08
Wee, thank you so much, Yes I know they understand, I just wish I had kept it to myself for awhile. I am a mother before anything else, and what I was feeling was wanting the best for my child and his family. Sometimes however I think we just need to shut up, and let God handle it.
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@newtondak (3946)
• United States
21 May 08
It is my belief that when these things happen, it is what God intended from the beginning. It is not caused by anything anyone does or says.
As a "fellow-grandmother" who often has her foot in her mouth - don't blame yourself for what has happened. I know it doesn't take away the pain of losing one of the babies, but one does still exist that needs his/her Grandma very much.
God be with you in your time of grief, and our prayers will be with you and your family that He will watch over the remaining baby and keep him/her safe.
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@Angelwhispers (8978)
• United States
21 May 08
Newtondak, thank you for your kind words here.... they mean everything.
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@newtondak (3946)
• United States
22 May 08
You're very welcome. Family relations can be so hard to deal with - sometimes you just want to crawl in a hole and hide! I've had to learn to stop and think and pick my "battles" - is it something that is worth expressing my opinion about, or should I just let it ride.
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
22 May 08
I didnt' see your other post as i wasn't here on saterday. . Where you not happy about being a grandmother again ? i'm lost, i thought all grans where happy about having grand babies angel! I hope everything is okay with everyone in your family, and if you had said something you shouldn't have that they can forgive you if you want them to. *hugs*
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@Angelwhispers (8978)
• United States
23 May 08
Hello sunshine!!!! Oh you will have to go find my discussion called "Stop don't cook" and have a read LMAO you will understand then. Long story but its there.... yes I was a bad Nana :))) I still love being a NANA though...
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
21 May 08
Firstly Angel I am sorry to hear about your daughter in law's miscarriage. That will be painful for them both, you all. We have been there and it is a horrible feeling. However, it is wonderful news that there is another baby there. I wish you all the very best that the little one will be delivered safely when the time is right.
Several years ago I worked for a man whose secretary was always sick. Colds, headaches etc. Just little things, and quite often they occurred on fridays or mondays. I used to rant and rave about her abusing the system and being lazy etc. One day she went off sick and he called me in and said that he wanted to discipline her and wanted me to find out what needed to be done. Away I went and did my homework. Armed with the relevant information I returned to his office and set about explaining what he had to do. Whilst I was there, his temporary secretary came in and gave him an envelope. Opening it he found a note from his proper secretary's doctor. He passed it to me and I read the diagnosis - multiple sclerosis. We packed up the books. She was in a wheelchair inside of six months and never worked again.
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@Angelwhispers (8978)
• United States
21 May 08
Teaches us a big lesson in humility does it not Pike?
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@Angelwhispers (8978)
• United States
21 May 08
Thank you for that story Pike :)))
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
22 May 08
not too long ago I was really rather sharp
with this young woman who kept bothering
me asking where things were in the store
where we were both shopping. Then as she
started up the aisle I noticed she had
a white cane in her hand. I had not noticed
that before and I felt about an inch tall.
she was legally blind and had to be right
upon something in order to find it.
@Angelwhispers (8978)
• United States
22 May 08
ouch Hatley.... I would have felt terrible as well... we just never know when are words are going to bite back....
Thank you Sugar for sharing that with me.
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@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
22 May 08
Dearest Angel..when we talked about this in your discussion, you realised how precious another one would be so don't feel down on yourself ok..I always believe if something like this happens it was meant to..I know this may not make you feel any better and its so sad to have a twin lost this way, but your daughter in law sounds like she's still healthy and the baby is too..let the other feeling go and don't ponder on it..it will stress you and you will need strengh for helping them out..this loss will affect her..this time you can give that energy to them in what they need!
Huggles Dear one!
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@Angelwhispers (8978)
• United States
22 May 08
I know Rose, but were would we mothers be with our our Guilt? I am okay tonight, everyone is home and safe.... Just funny how life can change so fast isn't it?
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@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
24 May 08
I went and read what you said and I can understand why you felt the way you did, it is only normal to react like this as you are thinking of their future.
My partner is one of a twin, the same thing happened to his mum when she was carrying him, he was born full-term and very big and healthy.
Like you, I have to eat humble pie sometimes, too emotional at times to keep my gob shut. Next time you can share my pie.
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@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
29 May 08
I am doing well thanks, relaxing this week on holiday.
Its good to hear all is ok now grandma :)
Sending you big hugs xx
@Angelwhispers (8978)
• United States
28 May 08
(((((((((lisa))))))))))))) hey Woman! how the hell are ya :))) We are now over all of our emotional upheavals thank goodness. I sure appreciate your support. That pie, tastes awful and hard to swallow does it not? LMAO...

@Modestah (11177)
• United States
22 May 08
that must have come as quite a blow to you.
while carrying my second child I was not ready (in my mind) to have another so soon... and I was complaining about it. Then I lost the baby at 12.5 weeks and was just devastated. I blamed myself for a very long time.
I also lost a set of twins the next time I carried - but conceived my next child prior to the due date of the twins so if they had been born I would have never known her.
There was more loss later... but I have learned to take it in stride, sad as it can be - I must place my trust in the Good God.
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@Angelwhispers (8978)
• United States
22 May 08
Modestah, that must have been a very hard struggle for you.... Thank you for sharing your story with me. Its a comfort to find understanding.
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@mummymo (23706)
21 May 08
oh Angel you really have to stop right there and stop going over every thing you said! I bet your son and daughter in law are blaming themselves and thinking of everything you could have done differently too. I know what you are going to be doing yourself and I order you to STOP now. do you hear me? It is awful that this has happened and I know you are heavy of heart for the poor lost baby but I am sure that is battling with the ecstasy of knowing that the twin is doing well. We all know that you are a wonderful mother and Grandmother so just stay strong angel and do let us know how things are! Love and hugs sweet angel - you and your family are in my heart and prayers! xxx
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@Angelwhispers (8978)
• United States
22 May 08
Mo, I admit that after my Son called back with the news that there was still a baby, I felt better. Like some how I had missed a bullet.Then I felt guilty that yet again I was thinking about myself. Boy I tell ya, a Mothers guilt is unrelenting. I love ya Mo, and thank you so much for your kind words. My Grandmother use to say it all comes out in the wash. I suppose it does too.
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@kamran12 (5526)
• Pakistan
22 May 08
I am truly sorry for the loss of a 'probable' life, Angel, a loss is a loss. I know how you feel and it's quite natural. The painful, yet uncalled for, guilt that one feels when one has said or done something in a positive way, for the betterment, and it comes out the wrong way that one has never intended or wished.
When you had a rant this weekend, I believed that your protective and caring instinct as a 'mother' is working, where you were concerned for not only the well being of your son and daughter-in-law but also the new life. Today, while I am reading this post, I see another side of the same mother, who is feeling humbled, again out of love and care. It is amazing that how same instincts bring out very different reactions depending upon the situations.
I have many such instances where I never meant something and felt humbled later when it turned out to be a worst case scenario. My son never fell ill through his first year and I asked my wife if it is normal? Well, he fell ill later last year, and I can't describe how it felt.
Angel, I don't mean to offend you or hurt any of your feelings but it is probably better for the one who is left. My wife told me that there is fierce battle of survival among the twins especially in the very start, and in later stages too, and many twin pregnancies have miscarriages of one of them, mostly without even the knowledge of parents. It provides for the remaining one to survive and grow healthily.
So, looking at it from brighter side, I am happy for the remaining one. I hope and wish that it grows and comes to this world without problems. I hope this one will also help his/her parents to cope with any loss that they are feeling. Wish you the very best!
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@Angelwhispers (8978)
• United States
23 May 08
Kamran, I am sorry this has taken me so long to address you proper here. Every time I read your comment I get emotional. So I have waited until I could do so with out tears. My daughter-in-law and son are well today and for the most part I think they are happy with the fact they are still pregnant. You don't know how much your words of encouragement mean to me. Everyone that has responded to this post has given me such a light heart. I told LJ that I owed this post because of the rant. Will it stop me from firing off my mouth the next time one of my boys transgress, LOL, I think not. I am Mom first and for most, and gosh, I have been fussing at them now or at least one of them 25 years :)) I do not think they expect me to change. I do think however with something this sensitive, I might think on it a bit before I do.
Kiss Kamran.
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@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
21 May 08
Oh Angel, you had no way of knowing what was coming. I'm sorry for your loss and your family's. There is another though and that's amazing. I think everything in light of new life is small. There is nothing more powerful in this world than that.
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@Angelwhispers (8978)
• United States
22 May 08
I think SkinnyC we are all still in shock that there were twins. Amazing how life is sometimes.
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@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
22 May 08
That must have come as a shock. Wow, I am at a loss for words.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
22 May 08
I'll bet my bottom dollar Angel, that when this baby finally makes it's entrance you are going to be one proud and happy and totally loving Grandma!
I too was carrying twins, when I lost one of them during the pregnancy. My mother felt the same way you did about that pregnancy. But when the survivor was born hale and healthy my mother couldn't get to my side fast enough. So don't beat yourself up too much sweetheart - you are not alone and it's really quite natural to have such reactions sometimes.
As for me - No, I can't say that I've every been humbled by something I've said or done..........I'm perfect just as I am thanks! ROFL And if you believe THAT..........shame on you! LOL
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@Angelwhispers (8978)
• United States
23 May 08
Sparks I know I will, he/she is already loved. Just amazing how fast life can change on a dime huh? Did you lose your twin like that also? Just out of the blue?
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
23 May 08
Yep. It was Mother's Day and we were on our way to my own twin brother's Re-wedding to his wife. It was a long trip and along the way I started feeling so weird we had to pull over. It was like having an acid flashback. By the time we got to where we were going, I was cramping badly, and bleeding. I lost it in their upstairs bathroom just before we were supposed to leave for the Church. It passed right into my hand. A little girl. Thank God my son held on and was born healthy five months later. And all my selfish *#%$@! twin brother could say was that I'd ruined his re-wedding! Sh*t, HE still got remarried and had his damn party, while I spent the night in the emergency room!
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@jer31558 (3683)
• United States
23 May 08
Sorry to hear about your daughter-in-laws loss, but glad to hear she and other baby will be ok. Its sad that the effects of our words don't hit us most of the time unless something goes wrong. I know that I have made comments of people not wanting to pull their weight at work only to find they have some physical ailment. Though we cannot take back what we have said, we can always guard what we will say. Sadly for myself at least, I have this uncanny ability to speak first and think second, only realizing when it's too late that I shouldn't have said something.
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@Angelwhispers (8978)
• United States
28 May 08
"Sadly for myself at least, I have this uncanny ability to speak first and think second, only realizing when it's too late that I shouldn't have said something." Jer I am the very same way! Especially when it comes to my children. :)))) Thanks Sugar.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
24 May 08
Yes I have a couple of times and it is such a horrible feeling I ended up crying and I cried for Days because I felt so awful and horrible
I am so happy though that not all is lost and they still have the one and I hope that it goes well from now on and no more Problems
Hugs to you
@Angelwhispers (8978)
• United States
28 May 08
Hi Gabs, yes we all seem to be settling in and no further problems with the pregnancy. Thank you so much for your support here. It is amazing tht when we hear someone say they understand what we are going through how much strength we gain from that. I so appreciate it.
@kitchenwitchoftupper (2290)
• United States
5 Jun 08
Goddess Blessings Sweet Angel,Is it not wonderful to be given a second chance to make things right!Now is not the time to kick yourself, it is the time to stand up and be the supportive mom, mom-in-law, and grandmother-to-be that you are.
You had a "temporary" lapse. So what? You are human. This doesn't make you anything but human. You are loved.
To me the old standards such as "the baby is in a better place", or it was "God's will", were never very comforting. If they give you peace when thinking of the babe that was lost, please consider them as words of love I am sending to you. I am certainly not the one to ask why things like this happen. I don't know why some children are born into wealth and others into poverty. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to the Universal Plan. All I know is that I am not qualified to try to figure it out.
With that being said, my suggestion would be for you to go and be with your family and cry. Shed tears of sorrow for the life that will never be, she tears of relief that mom is healthy and doing well, shed tears of regret for anything inappropriate you may have said (and then put it behind you), and most of all shed the tears of pure delight that you will all be holding a new and precious life in your arms soon.
Your family is close to my heart.~Donna
@Angelwhispers (8978)
• United States
15 Sep 08
Donna On September 9th Skie Renee joined her twin As Gerty pondered I think she just could not bare being separated from her sibling. Thank you so much for your words of comfort and wisdom. A piece of the summer sun was buried in that tiny white coffin with the pink roses. Her picture is included in the update I posted today.
@Winter08 (441)
• Canada
22 May 08
There are many things I have said and done in my life that I still carry remorse for having said/done them. They sit in the back of my mind and periodically prod my feelings of shame. They are things I said/did in thinking to "help" and it was only in hindsight with the wisdom gained from a few more years of self-maturity that I realized how inappropriate and possibly harmful my words/actions might have been.
I have learned to guard my words well and to be cautious in my actions. Which all sounds very wise and wonderfull ... NOT!!! Because in my guardedness, I let moments of joy pass by, never to be regained.
It sounds as though you have many moments of joy happening now with your new grandchild. Best wishes and much happiness to you.
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@Angelwhispers (8978)
• United States
23 May 08
Winter thank you so much for your words of wisdom, and they are indeed wise :)))
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@cjgrooms (4456)
• United States
21 May 08
I have, and those lessons are ones that i have never forgotten and never repeted. I send my most sincere regrets that your family is going thru this. Sometimes we human mothers really do let our mouths overload our good sense but because it is said or done out of love and concern our children have the grace and appitude to forgive us (it may take a little longer to forgive ourselves) I can't even imagine how hurt and sadden your family is at this time. But there is a most prescious person on their way to prepare for and even though i know that they no one will ever forget their lost child hopefully they can start looking toward the future as a unitified family full of love and forgiveness. Good Luck Nana, there never has been nor never will be anything like this new grandchild! He or she will be a loving reminder of Gods goodness and Grace.
@Angelwhispers (8978)
• United States
22 May 08
"Sometimes we human mothers really do let our mouths overload our good sense but because it is said or done out of love and concern"
Amen to that Cj, I have always been a bear when it came to protecting my boys. My son and his wife really was not upset with me for being upset this past weekend. They knew it was coming. That is why they pried me with a good dinner first LMAO. And we hashed out the problems that they also knew I was going to have.
In the light of losing this life, the reasons seem so insignificant. Now I know that God intended this pregnancy, and the surviving twin will indeed be our miracle baby.
thank you again for your words.
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