Moomin the mad moggie strikes again, does your pet really like getting wet?

May 22, 2008 5:47am CST
This morning I was awake and up early so I decided to grab a hot shower before the start of the day. Moomin was asleep on the end of the bed so I was very careful not to wake him up as I dragged myself out of bed and into the shower. Still half asleep, I got into the shower and pulled the curtain across and turned the water on. The first hit of water woke me up and I was happily enjoying the luxury of an uninterrupted shower when, over the sound of the water running, I could hear a persistent *miouw* from outside the shower. His Lordship was awake and demanding his breakfast but as I was in the shower I thought *he will have to wait a little while* so I continued washing my hair and trying to ignore the feline demands. The next moment I felt something furry against my leg. Looking down I found that the silly cat had decided that as Mum was ignoring him, he would have to come and get me. So the silly cat walked straight into the shower and got soaked. I guess he realised pretty quickly that coming into to shower with Mum wasn't the best idea he had so I ended up wrapped in a towel and with Moomin also wrapped up in a towel and getting dried off. Now the spoilt little cat is clean, dry and with a tummy full of tuna while I am still damp, my hair is still wet and my shower cut short. Do your pets join you in the shower or bath? Do they enjoy getting wet or do they run a mile when it's time for a bath.
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12 responses
@mummymo (23706)
22 May 08
LOL Poor Moomin! He is so used to being attended when he wants to be he didn't like having to wait! lol My Tia hates getting wet and would not go near the shower - she won't even set a paw outside of the house if there is any rain! lol xxx
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23 May 08
LOL yes he is a very spoilt moggie, adorable but a greedy little perisher too, I guess he simply couldn't wait for his food. He doesn't seem to mind getting wet though, I guess he figures it's worth it if Mum puts tuna in the bowl
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@mummymo (23706)
23 May 08
It probably helps that he knows you will pamper him and dry him off too! lol Even if you do have to sit there damp and shivering! xxxx
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@aplaza (630)
• Netherlands
22 May 08
I had a cat once that did not like closed doors. Go to the bathroom? Fine! But leave the door open otherwise kitty will scratch at it till you flushed and go out. So one day I was soaking in a bubble bath and kitty wandered in wondering what I was up to. Jumped up on the tub to look at me closely. Of course the bubbles made soft popping noises. Well kitty decided to "stroll" around the rims of the tub following the noise. And it didn't take long for her to fall in! That scared her a lot. I dried her off with a bath towel as much as I could. But she certainly learned her lesson that day. After that she always avoided coming in if I was in the tub. She still wanted the door open or at least ajar though.
22 May 08
LOL cats seem facinated by bubbles don't they.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
28 May 08
Poor Moomin. Banjo often comes into the bathroom with me but I reckon he is being purely nosey. He comes into the shower and doesn't mind getting wet. He walks all over the rather large vanity then climbs up on the window sill. He's the boss of the wole house you know. He joins me in the loo too and if he gets there first I have to be careful not to sit on him. It can be a bit tricky when you're my size and realise when you're almost down that there is a cat on the seat. As for the bath, he jumped on the side once and slipped in backwards. He looks and looks as if he's about to spring up but he stays put. Maybe the water is too hot for him. He is more used to the cold sprinkler in the garden.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
6 Jun 08
Yes I've seen pictures of cats using the loo.....but do they flush!!???
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30 May 08
Having seen some of the videos on TouTube of cats actually using a toilet, I can imagine Banjo yowling *hey I was here first* Isn't it funny how cats, who are supposed to hate getting wet, actually don't mind water that much
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@ElicBxn (63793)
• United States
22 May 08
I've never had a cat or dog that liked water that much, tho Rygel got into the shower with me once, I use a handheld so it wasn't spraying everywhere. I think he was just curious as to what mom was doing. I gave a kitten to a friend and that kitten loved the water, you had to shut her out of the bathroom to take a bath or you got a tub full of happy cat!
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22 May 08
LOL I'm just imagining a tub full of happy cat.
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@ElicBxn (63793)
• United States
22 May 08
My mom had a cat, Suky that like to chase bubbles. Once I came home and she was fending the cat off. I had to hold Suky until mom got out. She chased bubbles for about 30 minutes. Another day she was outside chasing the foam from watering the shrubs. I had to hose the mud off her! After we moved she'd go out and chase the water coming out of the down spouts of the gutters when the rain was light.
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@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
22 May 08
I also took pleasure in imagining a tub full of happy cat!! What a sight!! We used to have a kitten who LOVED playing in the tub, like it was the best toy in the world. It's no wonder my daughter named him Character!! LOL
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@GreenMoo (11833)
23 May 08
You are too soft!!! Fancy drying the cat before drying yourself, and then feeding him too!! Mind you, there's nothing so horrible as a wet cat. mine come in from the garden when it's raining looking like a pair of drowned rats and make straight for my lap. I guess they know that if they annoy me enough I will go get a tea towel and give them a rub down. Cat's are NOT stupid!
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23 May 08
LOL yes I have to hold up my hands and admit I am far too soft on Moomin. I wish I could have got to my camera in time, he looked so funny with his soggy fur and the *not funny Mum* expression on his face.
23 May 08
Of course he did hun LOL
@GreenMoo (11833)
23 May 08
I expect he blamed you for his own stupidity =)
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@MichaelJay (1100)
22 May 08
Our moggie Percy is getting old (15) and doesn't grrom himself poperly so each speing for the last few yars we've had to brush and comb his fur to get the tangles out. This year it went one further and he had a bath too. Boy o boy, he did not like that. I still have the scars to prove it. Still he's a sleek old gentleman again and much admired by the local ladies. Our dog Willow, dislikes water so much she will walk round a puddle rather than get her paws e. Funny world, innit?
22 May 08
LOL Percy sounds absolutely gorgeous hun. I've never voluntarily given a cat a bath, and couldn't believe my silly cat would actually get into the shower with me.
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@weemam (13372)
22 May 08
We had a rough collie and he hated getting wet , he could hold on for hours rather than get wet lol xxx
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23 May 08
Oh dear, but when you gotta go, you gotta go I guess. LOL
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
25 May 08
Lol that is so funny well at least he is clean now Gissi will not join me lol as he does not like getting wet He will even avoid a Puddle outside and is highly Disgusted when his Tummy is wet when we have been out and it has been raining, basically Gissi is a little Snob really lol
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25 May 08
Yes Gabs, he's very clean and sweet smelling now :-) My old cat, Biscuit, wouldn't set foot outside if there was the slightest hint of rain and would never get his fur damp for anything. I guess Moomin really is nuts :-)
@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
2 Jul 08
Miss Vixie will actually not realize that the water is running when I'm in the shower, and she will do just like your Moomin and jump in and end up soaked. And naturally, it's all my fault of course if you go by the insulted expression on her face. She pretty much lives in the bathroom, so I guess she is just used to the sound of the shower and doesn't think anything of it anymore. However, practically clawing the door down to get out once the water is running. Talk about total opposites. LOL
@cassidy22 (2974)
• United States
3 Jul 08
We have 7 dogs. 2 of them are Great Pyrenees, and they guard our pasture and our livestock from Coyotes. One of them LOVES to go swimming in the pond and is usually muddy from swimming when it gets hot. THe other one prefers to stay clean and lays in the shade when he is hot, We also have 3 german shepherds. They all like to swim, but one of them is crazy about water. If you spray a water hose at him, he will jump and bounce around in the water,trying to drink it and trying to "catch" the stream. We have to keep him away from sprinkler systems, because he will eventually bite the sprinkler heads and wreck them. So he has to be well supervised around water! He's crazy!
@nancyrowina (3850)
23 May 08
Neither of my cats seem to enjoy being wet, Tabitha hates water unless it's lying still in a bowl she can drink from and freaks out if so much as a splash gets near her otherwise. Gizmo takes an interest in the bath when it's running and gets dangerously close, my only worry is she'll fall in before there's any cold water in it and scald herself so I try to keep away while it's running. When I'm in the bath she jumps up on the side and meows at me but has never actually jumped in, though several times it looked like she was thinking about it she's not scared of water like Tabitha.
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• United States
23 May 08
heh..silly moomin :) i've have 3 before that enjoyed baths,but only when they got older,i think the water warmed their ol' blue was a perfect angel who would wait until the second the water was cuss me out LOL the three i have now..forget it. they turn into flying cats.the calico almost jumped 6ft over the shower stall to get she just sits outside of the stall and screams for us to get out from the evil water closet
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