Liberalism is All About Hating People.

@ParaTed2k (22940)
Sheboygan, Wisconsin
May 22, 2008 10:03am CST
When I was young, I was well on my way to becoming a pretty good liberal. Why? I was naive enough to buy their propaganda. I heard the songs and watched the tv shows and movies, all showing me that liberals care about people. There may have even been a time when that was true. Not anymore. Let's look at what liberalism has done to people. Generation after generation of poverty. Fighting poverty is supposed to be among the greatest goals for liberalism. But the more liberalism talks about doing away with it, the deeper they force people into it. Name 1 Liberal program that has succeeded in ending poverty? Buzzzzzz, times up. The most liberalism can say is that they've distributed food to the poor. Now, that is a fine accomplishment for the short run, but eventually the short run becomes the long run... and still nothing has gotten better. Why? Because feeding people has never once reduced poverty. What is liberalism's answer to the energy situation? Find and alternative to petroleum. Great! However, even the most promising alternatives are still a few years away from reality. So, logic would say, let's open up drilling in the US until the alternatives are ready for mass use. Nope, nope nope. Drilling in the gulf wouldn't be eco-friendly... But to the hatefilled heart of liberalism, I ask.. then how come you have NO problem with other countries (even China) drilling in the Gulf of Mexico? Finally, we'll look at disaster. What is more liberal than wanting to relieve the suffering of the victims of disaster. Enter Hurricane Katrina where Liberalism was more interested in blaming Bush than relieving suffering. Liberalism followed every lie spewed out by the incompetent press and went with it. Liberalism insisted that the people of New Orleans shouldn't have to work towards the recovery of their area... Liberalism insisted that it would be heartless to ensure money given to victims only be used for recovery expenses. Liberalism is the reason wildland firefighters are killed, why? Because liberalism prevents firebreaks from being built in the woods. Liberalism kills people and animals with their hypocritical, braindead ideas. Not even the most ardent liberal can show how liberalism has improved the lives of anyone.
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11 responses
@Myrrdin (3599)
• Canada
22 May 08
Being as you and I have faced off on various issues in the past it may surprise you that I agree with many of your points. Come to think of it however I think you will probably have already guessed this based on a variety of past debates. I do not however think that Liberalism is any more to blame then Conservativism. On the poverty front I know that the welfare system in my home province of Ontario (in Canada) has severely messed up the system and has encouraged a continuance of poverty rather then abolished it, and this is primarily due to Liberal motives, however some conservative measures have also mucked up the system. People on welfare are practically encouraged to remain on welfare and almost punished for getting off welfare so a system originally designed as a safety net has become a way of life for many. Some measures that were put in place to discourage people from abusing the system actually created a system which makes it difficult to return to the workforce without risking the financial aid the government offers if a job is only temporary or doesn't work out, instead of the government congratulating people for doing what they can in order to return to the workforce they threaten to cut benefits if they take a job that doesn't pan out in the long run. On the energy front, I agree that focusing on alternative energy alone is not the answer. More local sources need to be found and drilling for this oil can be done in an ecologically responsible manner. Hurricane relief for New Orleans was a disaster all the way around. Basically the problem is people see it as either Liberal or Conservative, but politics should not be black and white.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
22 May 08
Ok, you say that conservatism is to blame too. But all your examples are liberalism. As far as Hurricane Katrina, did you know that there was a plan for evacuating the poor? They even had the neighborhoods that would need the most help identified. Why didn't they use it? Major Nagin CHOSE not to activate the protocols.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
22 May 08
But there wouldn't be fraud to fix if there wasn't a failed liberal welfare state. New Orleans response failed for only 1 reason. There was no infrastructure in the area to handle it. The government of New Orleans was nothing but a false store front concealling a pit of vipers. Hurricane Katrina merely blew the facade open.
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@Myrrdin (3599)
• Canada
22 May 08
No my examples are not all liberalisms fault. Many of the measures that made the welfare system here such a disgrace are conservative attempts to curtail welfare fraud and in the end backfired and caused welfare stagnation. The welfare system here is a mesh of ideals that began with a liberal plan, got destroyed by liberal overspending in welfare, then demolished further by conservative overraction, and finally limping along by NDP (far left liberals) and Conservative measures. Over all everyone on all sides have contributed to the joke of a welfare system we have. It may not be the worst, and it is certainly better then no welfare system, but it is seriously flawed from the ground up. As for Katrina I did hear about the evacuation plan. The response to Katrina was a disgrace from start to finish, it is neither conservativism nor liberalism that are to blame, just plain and simple human failure.
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@cynddvs (2948)
• United States
22 May 08
If conservatives and liberals would stop pointing the finger at each other and playing the 'blame game' maybe we could actually accomplish something. I get so sick and tired of hearing conservatives blaming liberals for the problems in the US and vice versa. It's just exhausting! If these people would stop being so dam stubborn and look at both arguments and actually take things into consideration other then their hard headed point of view I think the US would be much better off. But I don't see this happening for quite some time. Because everyone is too darn busy spouting off hate and blame. Get over yourselves!!
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
22 May 08
Why should Conservatism accept the failed, anti progress, anti people ideals of liberalism? Can you think of anytime when Conservatism gave in to Liberalism and something good came of it?
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@lisan23 (442)
• United States
22 May 08
Why should liberals take the blame for a war that has driven this country into massive debt, killed hundreds of thousands of civilians, and has cost our country our reputation? I agree with cynddvs, we need to stop thinking "us" and them". We all are US citizens and we all need to learn how to compromise, or the state of this nation will continue to go downhill.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
22 May 08
Yes, liberalism wants to stop the war. Liberalism doens't care how many Iraqis Hussien murdered. Liberalism doesn't care how many billions UN officials recieved in bribes from Hussein. Liberalism doesn't want Iraq to have a government elected by the people. Liberalism swept the torture of CNN reporters in Iraq under the rug. Liberalism wouldn't care in the least if there were millions murdered in Iraq if we pulled out. On the other hand, liberalism loves Castro, Chavez, Stalin and other national leaders who murder and openly enslave the people. liberalism loves Ahmadinejad who is killing US troops in Iraq as we speak. liberalism is about hate.
2 people like this
• United States
22 May 08
I see liberalism as part of the distraction in a huge scam. It is stuff that sounds good, but is specious. Magians use distraction all the time to pull off their tricks. Politicians use liberalism just like magians use distraction. Only magians are having fun. Politicians are helping their masters to screw us over. Government's role should be to serve the people, not big business, which is what liberalism really is all about. Liberal ideas are never really about what they say. All you have to do is look at the results. Government's role in protecting the people from depredation from big business should be in the fostering of competition. Our government should be seeing to it that no sector or group of businesses gain unfair competitive advantage over others in their business. So, what have we got? Various big businesses have been successful through lobbying and outright bribary of practically taking over the parts of government affecting their business. The benefits of competition to the consumer have been diminshed tremendously. Liberalism is all a part of the con game going on. Whose fault is this? Ours! We voters have let our government sell out to special interests. We should vote for anyone but an incumbent.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
22 May 08
That is what conservatism teaches. liberalism teaches us that there is nothing we can do about it.
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
22 May 08
Liberalism equals slavery. Liberal politician tell people vote for me or else the mean Consevative will strip away your safty net. Under Liberalism's rule people are not free to do what they want. They must first find out if their slave master is okay with it. Compassion is not how many you get on the government dole but how many you get off of the government dole. You are right that not on government program has ended poverty, but my question is was it ever supposed to? When government start building a new bridge do they ever get done on time? Government has no reason to complete anything. As long as government does not fix what it started, there will always be a reason for government to stay around. If a fire breaks out on federal land, that just give them another reason to demand more money to fix something. Of course that increase spending will sooner or latter need to be paid for, and how will this new spending be paid for, new taxes. As long as they can keep gas prices high they can use it as a tool to keep themselves elected. They have no reason to open up oil field because it will lower gas prices. As long as gas is high they look like a crusader. They can say you need me to fight for you. Of course they are the problem not the oil companies.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
22 May 08
True, I see that the liars have pulled out the "The repubicans will starve the elderly" BS again.
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@ClarusVisum (2163)
• United States
22 May 08
Liberalism is all about hating people? Why are the conservatives the ones starting all the wars, and the liberals the ones protesting them the most? Give me a break.
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• United States
22 May 08
I'd pay the taxes for a dozen new programs with the money that's currently going to the conservative-started Iraq occupation anyday, even if I personally didn't need them. Millions upon millions of dollars being virtually thrown out the window HOURLY thanks to "conservative" (not much conservation going on, so I doubt the accuracy of calling these people "conservative")...I don't think "liberals" are CAPABLE of being that wasteful. At least the programs do something for us here in the states themselves.
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• United States
22 May 08
Also, drilling in Alaska would reduce the overall price of a barrel of oil by CENTS, while it rises by DOLLARS on a weekly, nearly daily basis. The environmental damage is not worth it--it's far more worth it to try and get ourselves off of 'the stuff' entirely. Drilling in Alaska isn't even good enough to be considered a band-aid solution.
3 people like this
• United States
22 May 08
Well, that makes you a human. :P I don't think ANYONE is going to say they are FOR wasteful spending. So, what's an example of wasteful spending that you see 'on the left?' Just curious.
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@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
23 May 08
If liberalism is all about hating people, why is it then that the most hate-filled venom I've heard spewed has come from the mouths of staunch conservatives who have been become the watchdogs of the Republicans and radical righters? Rush Limbaugh, anyone? Pat Robertson? The now discredited Colorado preacher who was found to be everything he preached against? Hmmmm - D!ck Cheney (MyLot - a man's name is NOT a violation of TOS)? Karl Rove? Anyone? Republicans are "boot-strappers" and verbal scrappers who think that no one needs a helping hand. Many Democrats aren't much better - a lot of rhetoric for show and little else. But, the idea of helping someone else has its routes in the New Testament wherein Jesus asked if his followers had clothed him when he was naked and fed him when he was hungry. "What so you have done to the least of these, you have done unto Me." Was there a culture of poverty created because no one factored in human tendencies? Definitely. But, as Jesus said, the poor are always with us. There will never be an absence of poverty without creating an equitable communistic state - and that hasn't been possible either because the hierarchy becomes the "haves" and the populace becomes the "have nots". The human factor will always show its ugly head. Therefore, we need to be able to help those who are in need - not just by supplying or supplementing physical needs, but by teaching them how to be more help to themselves, by not punishing parents who try to teach their children good work ethic by taking the child's paper route income and counting it against the parent. Where is the incentive in that? By bother trying if trying only costs you?There are cheaters and there are abusers, but they also exist in the upper echelons of society. The majority of people receiving assistance don't want to stay there. But, sometimes you need help. Sometimes you need more than "here's your check - now get a job." It's funny how we are oh so willing to accept welfare given to the wealthy in the form of subsidies and tax cuts, even when they were already making a profit - or even to pay corporate farms to NOT raise certain crops. Why is it OK to help those who DON'T need but not those who do? Again - I see far more hate on the right than I do on the left. But, there are morons on both sides. There is no one absolute that can be placed on any group.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
23 May 08
It's ironic. When Conservatives say something stupid like, "9/ll was God's punishment for accepting homosexuality", they are almost always universally rejected by Conservatives. But when liberal icons say something equally stupid like, "9/11 was an inside job", they are celebrated by Liberalism. As far as Rush Limbaugh, I agree with him at times and disagree with him at times, but name one thing he said that promoted hatred for anyone. I've heard liberals say a lot of things about him, I've heard them take him out of context and I've heard them lie through their teeth about him. But I have yet to hear him spew hatred. On the other hand, the hatred thrown his way from the right is, well, par for the course of liberalism. Where in the Bible does Jesus advocate a communist, or even a socialist state? Where does He say, "when your government has done to the least of these, they have done unto me"? In fact, nowhere in the Bible does it take the responsibility we Chirstians have to help each other and put it on the government. That's another example of liberalism being about hate. Liberalism robs peter to pay paul... and wastes a lot of money doing it. What we should be doing is either donating our time and means to private charitable organizations or helping those in need directly. It is a shameful, lazy and uncaring society that demands the government help the needy so we don't have to. (in this part I'm talking liberalism in general. While there are many well known liberals who make a show of helping but really do nothing, there are millions of great people of liberal, moderate and conservative persuasions that do well to help those in need). Yes, there are morons on all sides. When we talk about corperate welfare, first let's separate it from incentives to either move to, or stay in an area. If a city wants to attract businesses to their area, there's nothing wrong with giving the company incentives to do so. If a company here in Sheboygan, WI can get a better deal in (say) Salt Lake City, UT, why shouldn't they consider it? What's the difference between that and a city or state offering incentives to individuals to come work and live in their area? Then there is true corporate welfare. That is governments bailing out a company that is on the rocks. I agree with you, why bail out a company that the market can't (or won't) support anymore. All that does is remove the incentive for those in charge of making decisions to make sound ones. Btw, Corporate Welfare may be the decision of both Republican and Democrat politicians, but it is not a Conservative action. Conservatism leaves the success or failure of a business to the market. It is liberalism that teaches that it's terrible to let people lose their jobs because a company goes out of business. Providing jobs is not the purpose of business, it is a by product of a successful business.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
2 Jun 08
These are terms he uses to parody specific people, not whole groups. of people. I've been hearing this false accusation about him for 20 years now. Anyone who does listen to him has heard the explanations, anyone who doens't listen to him has heard other people explain these terms. That's one of the quickest and easiest ways to tell if someone is talking about what Rush has actually said, and what his detractors SAY he said.
@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
3 Jun 08
Did you see the parody on SNL about Hillary Clinton and how she should win because her supporters are bigots? THAT'S parody. If you haven't, watch it on YouTube. Almost eerie in its accuracy. Rush doesn't parody anyone, although I agree that he himself may be the wildest parody of a Conservative I've ever seen. The Moral Majority? The Religious Right? The magical blue pill found under someone else's name in his pocket while on his way to the islands without a wife in tow? Yeah...gotta love it.
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@Modestah (11177)
• United States
23 May 08
good article, parated. We have a book written in the 1800's titled "liberalism is a sin" [i] We may then say of Liberalism: in the order of ideas it is absolute error; in the order of facts it is absolute disorder. It is therefore, in both cases a very grievous and deadly sin, for sin is rebellion against God in thought or in deed, the enthronement of the creature in the place of the Creator.[/i]
• United States
23 May 08
My sister and I had this argument/discussion today. She blames the republicans for all the ills of the free world. I try and reason with her, but she has bought in to the Obama dream speeches. Sometimes I don't think we were from the same parents, LOL. I can remember when I applied for my first job at 16, my dad was giving me advice, at that time, employers were allowed to ask what political party you belonged to. My dad's advice was, "Put down you are a Democrat, because no one in this town will hire you if you don't". I am born and raised in North Carolina, I love my state and am proud to live here, The thing I am not proud of is NC has always been a textile state, always voted Democrat, then who do they blame when our jobs are shipped overseas? Not the Democrats who got rich off the deals, but the Republicans. The first thing I did when I registered to vote was decide to go against a system, that told me I had to be a Democrat in order to get a job. I registered Republican. The Democrats have tried to keep the people of NC dependent on the government for as long as I can remember, instead of teaching the people of NC how to fish, they fed them for a day. Sorry that is not the way I choose to live.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
23 May 08
Yeah, I remember how Democrat NC was when I was stationed at Ft Bragg. I also remember seeing for myself what Liberal policies do to a city. Good on ya for standing for something!
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
23 May 08
conservatives and liberalists point the finger at each other and nothing gets done and things stay the same. instead of fighting lets get together and finally accomplish something. name calling doesnt get it done and conservatives just sit on their butts so come on already someone do do liberalists goof and so do the conservatives. that is human nature not liberalism.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
23 May 08
Ok, let's come together. Where should we start, and how do we convince the right and the left to agree to become moderates? Sorry to break it to you, but you can't force members of Congress to deny their stances on opinions just to "get along". In fact, they aren't supposed to. what they ARE supposed to do is quit the politicing, pressuring and infighting. Debate the issue at hand for the appropriate amount of time, then vote on it... and let the chips fall where they may. Instead the party in power keeps issues stuck in committee or, once bills make it to the floor, they threaten, bicker argue, blackmail, bribe and anyting else until the majority party is confident they have the votes to make it go their way. this isn't diplomacy or legislating, this is thruggery and criminal.
@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
23 May 08
You sound an awful lot like me. I leaned to the liberal side as a younger person. Then I began to realize that the liberal politicians who supposedly care about the little guy are just as rich as the conservatives. Today's politicians each have an average net worth of $2.7 million. How can any of them relate to Joe Average? I also realized that liberals don't want to solve the problems of poverty, bad education, etc. They want to talk about them. And they want to start programs (and raise taxes to pay for them) that keep people down. They'll fund welfare programs, but sneer at job training programs. Why? I also realized that while liberals claim that conservatives are closed-minded, it really is the other way around.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
23 May 08
Exactly! Liberalism isn't about fixing problems, it is about taking advantage of people with problems.
@Modestah (11177)
• United States
24 May 08
public school is a great propagator of the liberalistic mentality - in a very conniving manner (brain wash?) Absolute freedom of thought in politics, and morals... The unrestrained liberty of the press. Such are the radical principles of Liberalism. In the assumption of the absolute sovereignty of the individual, that is, his entire independence of God, we find the common source of all the others. To express them all in one term in the order of ideas, they are RATIONALISM or the doctrine of the absolute sovereignty of human reason. Here human reason is made the measure and sum of truth. Hence we have individual, social and political Rationalism, the corrupt fountain head of liberal principles: secular education repudiating any connection with religion, marriage sanctioned and legitimatized by the State alone, etc.; in one word, which synthesizes all, SECULARIZATION, which denies religion any active intervention in the concerns of public and of private life whether it orate or assassinate; whether it call itself Liberty or Government or the State or Humanity or Reason, or what not, its fundamental characteristic is an uncompromising opposition to the Church. Liberalism is a world complete in itself; it has its maxims, its fashions, its art, its literature, its diplomacy, its laws, its conspiracies, its ambuscades. (LIS) I believe the only freedoms that liberalism concerns itself is the "freedoms and rights" of wickedness.
@irdsm1 (288)
• United States
27 May 08
I agree completely! YOU Remember back when that liberal Clinton was in charge! When we had all that money and the U.S. had more money than we had at any other time in history! Thank our lord and his son in heaven that we got a conservative in office! Now we have the largest national deficit yet recorded, praise jesus! That was obviously sarcasm. I do not blame conservatives for every problem though. When a conservative is in office we tend to have higher debts, but I don't blame them because for all I know it is just a trend that doesn't reflect the truth. I don't think liberals are almighty and great either. In fact, I kind of think that it is horrible that we can classify these TWO ideologies. What kind of political system only has two parties? Thats not democracy really. But regardless, I do not believe either party is about hate. Do you think that liberals wake up every day, brush their teeth and think about how they will screw people over today? Heck no. You may not like their views, but they aren't trying to hurt people. They try to help, and while they may not succeed all the time they try . Maybe they don't do a great job, but they do better than conservatives in my experience. A lot of conservatives don't think of ideas to help. All they do is take liberal ideas, say how bad they are, and then make them worse. Great, good job. Conservatives are all about being the same. It has worked in the past, so it must work now. That, in my opinion, doesn't work. Liberals may not be great and they may not fix all our problems, but they tend to do better. I'm waiting for a better political movement to take place in our nation to give me a third option, but until then I have to say I mostly agree with the liberals. Dan
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
27 May 08
Thanks for the sarcasm in your opening, it was fun and led with a light tone. I do appreciate that. "Do you think that liberals wake up every day, brush their teeth and think about how they will screw people over today? Heck no." That is why I didn't say "liberals" are all about hating people. I do know some liberals who do hate conservatives, but I don't lump all liberal people together with them. Liberalism tells people that they aren't good enough, aren't smart enough or that they just shouldn't have to make it without the government doing it for them. Liberalism turns everyone into victims so that it can be the hero and save the day. The problem is, Liberalism has very few success stories to back its claim. As far as the two party system, I agree. We have allowed the RNC and DNC to trash the U.S. Constitution to the point where it is impossible for Senators to represent their states and Representatives to be the voice of the people in their district. It is criminal, Unconstitutional and anti American.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
27 May 08
To me there should be a lot of competition and "vs" between the ideologies. That keeps one ideology from silencing the others. I agree though, there should be more than just 2 represented. In fact, they way it's supposed to work is each Representative and Senator has equal say when it comes time to voting... but the DNC and RNC don't give a flying fig about the U.S. Constitution... they care only for their infantile, petty power.