Crimminal Minds Season Finale

@dmillman (2273)
United States
May 22, 2008 5:01pm CST
What did you guys think of the season finale? I couldn't believe the cliff-hanger they left us with. Who do you think it was that got blown up, or who would you prefer it to be. I have a bad feeling it's that black guy (sorry, can't think of his name). I hope it's not, but that's what my gut is telling me. I'd prefer if it was the guy that replace Mandy Patinki (sp?). So, what do you guys think?
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3 responses
@Angelwriter (1954)
• United States
29 May 08
They say someone is getting injured, not killed. I don't think anyone is leaving the show.
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@dmillman (2273)
• United States
29 May 08
Really? Who is "they"?
@mom4kids (657)
• Canada
23 May 08
I thought the cliff hanger was so cruel! To think we have to wait that long to find out who it was! I have no idea. For awhile it seemed like they were going to write the geeky smart guy out. I have no idea who it would be in the car, but I don't think it will be the new guy. I don't think they'd get someone for such a short time. I actually really like everyone on the show so I'm eagerly waiting to find out who it was.
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
22 May 08
I am so mad about the way they ended the season. It is hard to tell who it is going to be. I kind of think that it could be Gracia because they took her along when she always stays back when they go. It kind of makes me think that killing her character off was motivation for her to go. Morgan(the black guy you could not think of)is a possibility as well. I would hate for it to be JJ since she is the one who is pregnant.
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@dmillman (2273)
• United States
23 May 08
I don't think it's Garcia because she didn't get into one of the vehicles. She was staying behind in that room with that cop lady watching it on the camera. So she's the only one that's safe. I hope it's not JJ either. I don't think it is. Why would they put so much into her character lately to kill her off. Morgan, yeah, that's right. Thanks for reminding me of his name. I'm horrible with names. Thanks for responding.