describe what true friend really is...

@jstmarfz (1498)
United States
May 22, 2008 6:37pm CST
we do have countless friends..but have you ever realized that there are only few that you can really tell that they're really a true friend/s for what is a true friend for u?
4 responses
@cutie143 (215)
• Philippines
8 Jun 08
We can have lots of friends but you can only have few true friends. For me, a true friend is someone you can rely on through thick and thin. A friend who is beside me through your highs and lows. Havent you find your true friend yet?
@bubblz (15)
• United States
3 Jun 08
a true 4nd..... would have 2 b that 1 purrsun dat u can tust things w/ u can tell them & u knoe that they wont go & tell da whole world ur business!!!!! a true 4nd..... is da 1 dat will b ther @ da middle of da nite 2 help u through ur break up!!!! a true 4nd..... is dat 1 purrsun dat shows u there luv when u really need it!!!!! Ia true 4nd 4 me is ...... EFRAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
22 May 08
A true friend is someone who is always there for you and wants nothing in return. I have a friend who I can all at 3:00AM if I am upset about something and she will sit on the phone with me for as long as I need. She will call if she reads an email from me and I seem sad or frustrated. She sends me cards from time to time just because. In other words, she is considerate of my feelings and anything that hurts me or makes me happy matters to her. I try to do the same for her in return but the reality is that she has always been a better friend to me than I have been to her.
@excellence7 (3655)
• Mauritius
23 May 08
A friend scolds you like a strict father do, loves you like a mother would do and cover up for you like your sister would; in ups or down, always will he be your shadow, scolding you for the wrong and boosting you for the right, wiping your tears while fighting his own, a real friend is one who is omnipresent, no matter where and in what circumstances you are..Im proud to say, that I do have my true and real friends, I simply love them :)