BIBLE, Creation of Earth and Dinosaurs Question
By christymac
@christymac (150)
United States
May 23, 2008 7:38am CST
Ok. at the risk of creating a very controversial discussion I have been wanting to ask this question to a group for a long while.
My husband and I were speaking the other day about the Dinosaurs and how they come in to play with the timeline of the Bible.
Now my husband and I have completely different views on many things. My husband does not believe in God and I am at a crossroads trying to figure out what I believe and why I believe it.
I do believe in God and therefore I would have to believe in the Bible as well. But if God created the Heavens and the Earth including all the animals and Adam and Eve in 6 days, does that mean Humans were alive during the time of dinosaurs???
If you believe in the Bible then you would have to believe that people were alive during dinosaur times, right? But my husband says that's not possible because no human bones have been discovered that are that old. And there is obviously the question, if there were humans how did they survive the meteor?
Please give me your opinions on this.....
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6 responses
@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
24 May 08
Your husband is right on this one. The dinosaurs went extinct 65 million years ago. The earliest human like remains are about four million years old.
The story of Adam and Eve is an old Jewish story with no supporting facts.
If you want a real time line rather than the imaginary one in the Bible check this site:
@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
7 Jun 08
Your comment reflects a need for you to visit the link I suggested. The facts of evolution do not suggest that we evolved from monkeys. We share a common ancestor with monkeys but represent a different branch on the tree of life.
All life is continuing to evolve but for more complex animals such as monkeys and us one hundred years is a very short time frame... To see the effects of continuing evolution in a short period you need to look at viruses and bacteria. There the facts of evolution are clearly shown in a one hundred year period.
Carbon dating can not be used to date a living animal so your example reflects a clear intent by someone to disprove the process by using it for something they knew would yield flawed results.
Your use of the carbon dating example does show how people can use phony facts to mislead people but the facts supporting evolution are so overwhelming that they are beyond dispute.
@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
7 Jun 08
"I see no reason to go to that link."
If your mind is wilfully closed then you are fated to live in ignorance.
I did go to your site and found that it represented the point of view of a young earth creationist. He makes the mistake of thinking the bible is a science book. It is not.
@santuccie (3384)
• United States
7 Jun 08
'Your use of the carbon dating example does show how people can use phony facts to mislead people but the facts supporting evolution are so overwhelming that they are beyond dispute.'
While I don't necessarily disbelieve in evolution, I might like to see these "overwhelming" facts supporting evolution. And while you're at it, perhaps you would like to make some money. You can get $2,000 for proving evolution, or a cool million for proving abiogenesis:
Einstein himself was not an atheist, but a deist. While he believed life moves forward by means of natural selection, he also believed that some intelligent Being/Force had to be there to kick-start the process.

@spalladino (17891)
• United States
23 May 08
I don't follow your husband's logic that humans didn't exist simply because bones have yet to be discovered. We are still making discoveries of very old human remains and I believe that there is animal life that survived the meteor but the species escapes me right now.
The topic of dinosaurs and God is something that has been of interest to me for quite sometime because, as a believer, you know that God plans for everything. Many of the dinosaurs were so huge that I wondered as a child how God could have created something that would surely wipe out the world's food supply and most living creatures as they continued to multiply. But, they didn't continue to multiply. They were destroyed and their bones became the fossil fuel we use today. Sounds like a well thought out plan to me.
@christymac (150)
• United States
23 May 08
So is it your belief that the dinosaurs were created in those 6 days?
@systems (459)
• India
23 May 08
So you mean that the whole evolution took place in just 6 days?
Charles Darwin works and the evolution theory are they all false?
Why is GOD letting many species to become extinct?
Why didn't he save the now extinct bird DODO?
Does bible has answer for this?
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
23 May 08
I believe that the start of all living things took place in those six days but I also don't stand as an expert on the Bible. I do know that I have more faith in God than I do in Charles Darwin and there's no way that I believe that this world, with so many things interconnected and dependent upon one another, was just a cosmic accident. I believe that there has been evolution since creation and that there will continue to be.
As far as the other questions go: If I knew why God did things I'd be pretty special, wouldn't I? I don't believe that God has a hand in the loss of any species to extinction nor that he micro-manages the universe. I believe that all living creatures have free will and that catastrophic events take place that wipe some of them out. I don't know if the Bible answers all of your questions so my suggestion would be to spend some time reading it and maybe you will find the answers you are looking for.
@santuccie (3384)
• United States
7 Jun 08
Why do you have to believe in the Bible in order to believe in God? I am a non-Christian monotheist. I believe in the Creator because of the theory of irreducible complexity, and because of the things I have seen since becoming a believer (see my second post under response #22):
But I do not believe in Moses' six-day creation, nor do I believe that unicorns and giants roamed the earth before his day. I believe he may have freed his people from slavery, and may even have performed miracles in the process. But his story with regard to origin is pretty far out there, and completely oblivious to the Mesozoic era or Precambrian life, the earliest life forms we have found (including anaerobic life).
My theory is that, once Moses had freed his people, they looked at him as their prophet. They believed he had contact with God (which he may have had to some extent), and could retrieve answers to their questions of origin and purpose. Moses now found himself essentially responsible for this tribe, so he had to give them something. He went up Mt. Sinai and cooked up the most plausible story he could, based on his worldly knowledge.
Thousands of years later, we know a lot more about the earth, and his story has become obsolete. But this does not mean God has to be fake as well. Here's one of my arguments in response to the common atheist question, "Where did God come from/Who created God?":
If you want more, perhaps you could ask your husband for some arguments to present to me, and I'll see if I can refute them for you. Salute!
P.S.: Laughing at dumb jokes is still good for your health!!!
@christymac (150)
• United States
7 Jun 08
Interesting theory.
I have always believed that many of the stories of the Bible were exaggerated versions of the what really happened. Thanks for the comment!!
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@freethinkingagent (2501)
7 Jun 08
It realy depends on how you read the bible. Most read it in a way that makes no sense. It does not say he created earth in six days, and even with the six days it does not have to be literal days.
First of all it says in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. See it was in the begging, not on the first day, and no time period is given here, the begging was 13.75 billion years ago, when God spoke the universe into existence by what we call the "big bang". Over the billions of years that cam later the earth evolved, with much life on earth and many extenctions.
Extinctions, wich brings us to the next verse. In the King james it said that "the earth was void and without form", this is not correct as God does not creat anything imperfect. The word in hebrew being translated here is 'hayah', wich means come to pass or became. So 65,000 years ago the earth was struck by a meteor in the area of the Yacctan, And the earth was laid waiste, and darkness fell across the earth as dust and ash by the ton was sent into the upper atmosphere blocking out the sun and causing mass extinction, and a global ice age. Then the earth began to warm. As we read in the fallowing verses that God said let there be light, and this is said to be the first day, Now this does not need to be a literal day because many place it says a day is like a thousand years with the lord, meaning athousand years to us is like a day with god. But more over the term could mean like we said he called it a day. It is added by moses to show that God recreated the earth in phases. And amasingly Science agrees with the bible even though they do not know they are.
The fallowing days are timeperiods that over the next few thousand years. Se that God also said "replentish the earth. You can not replentish something that had nothing in it before. You can not replenish a glass if it was never filled before.
Dinosuars lived before the extinction that the bible in my veiw clearly describes as becoming void and without form, and darkness was on the face of the deep.
If one holds to a literal six day creation that happened a little over six thousand years ago they only look foolish (my openion) when there is so much evidence that this is not the case, and the bible does not loose any credability reading it the way I mentioed.
@SusanLee (1920)
• United States
7 Jun 08
Hi christymac,
I am a christian and have been for 30 years, I've asked the same questions more times than I can count.
I would jump and down insisting that God created everything in six days. Although it made no sense.
No, I do not believe he created anything in six days as we know six days.
It says 'For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night. Psalms 90:4
But beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. 2 Peter 3:8
So in the middle of one of my tirades these scripture popped into my head, and I shut my yap pretty quick. (I had been reproved by the Spirit, a case of 'shut your face, you don't know what your talking about') So I shut my pie hole.
If one day is like a thousand years to God, and we take that thousand years, break them down into individual days, maybe add a thousand years to each of those days and so on. What do we get? I say we get the creation of the universe. And it didn't happen in six days. Why did he have it worded like he did? I don't know.
I know we had cave-men and stuff, but does the bible speak about those things? I really don't know. For me it just isn't here nor there.
I was also giving my opinion on another subject one time and this scripture popped in my head.
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. Isaiah 54:10
Again I had been reproved by the Spirit. Agian I shut my mouth. Each time I'm reproved, I am flabbergasted...some may be hurt when God reproves them, but for me it's just another confirmation of His ever abiding presence in my life.

@SusanLee (1920)
• United States
7 Jun 08
Hi christy,
Of course you have questions, we all do and we'll continue to have questions until we draw our last breath.
If you will pick up your bible, and read. And just admite to yourself and God 'Hey, I just don't get this stuff' Somewhere along the line he'll start showing you stuff.
Remember Jesus said knock and I'll answer. Well, start knocking.
These scripture I gave you are scripture I hadn't even realized I had read. When they popped in my head I went to searching, and sure enough, there they were. I recalled some of the scripture before and after but not really those particular ones. I didn't pull it out of my own memory. But it was in there.
At some point while I was studying I obviously read those very scripture and they went into my....I don't know...brain file. They were in there and when I needed it the spirit pulled it up and shut me up with them. I was speaking of something I knew nothing about and the spirit called me on it.
The Word of God is used for all kinds of things, correction, reproof, edification, encouragement, enlightenment, it will always be the Word. The Spirit of God always uses the Word.
@christymac (150)
• United States
7 Jun 08
Hi SusanLee,
That is a very interesting scripture of which I had never heard before. It sure would make a lot more since if the universe was created in thousands of years rather than six days. Maybe you are right.
I wish I was able to be as certain as you. I still have so many questions.

@starcye (1)
• United States
8 Aug 08
Please research the Pre-Adamite World or Age. In Gen 1:2 the Earth was in existence before the spirit of God began to move (brood) upon the face of the waters which covered the Earth. There are many scriptures referring to this age before Adam and Eve. I know it sounds hard to believe because Christians have been so ignoring of addressing the truth. Trust me, God is Very Real, Every word in the Bible will come to pass. For example in Isaiah 45:18 God said he did not create the world in (tohu) meaning in vain or desolate, yet in Gen: 1:2 the Earth was Tohu or desolate, therefore, God speaks of a pre-earth through out the Bible. If you follow, In the beginning (meaning periods or ages) God created the heavens and the earth, and the earth hayah (became) bohu (void or empty) waste and ruin and darkness was on the face of the deep (the flood before adam).
Also consider, God told Adam to multiply and REPLENISH the earth, why would he replenish it unless it had already been plenished before?. Isaiah 14:12-14 we see that Satan was cast down from heaven to Earth, and he (satan) was here before Adam and Eve. So the Earth was already Here.
Another point, There is a law of double reference, such as when Jesus said to Peter, Get thee behind me Satan, for thou art an offense to me in Mathew 16: Jesus addressed Peter, but also addressed Satan. So if you read in Ezekial 28: 11-17 you will see that God is addressing a man name Tyre, but he is also addressing Lucifer, Satan and explains his existence here on Earth Before, b/c he states in this passage, he says anointed Cherub (angel) which Tyre is not, and that he was perfect in his ways from the day he was Created, well that wouldn't be a man either since we are born and are called son of man. Satan said he wanted to exalt himself above the stars and the clouds and heaven? Well unless he was on some other planet, he would have to of been on ours, to be Under the stars and under the clouds, to exalt himself above it?
I hope you see my point. I hate to rattle, Consider this, in all the old testament Prophecy's spoken by the Prophets: God said he would destroy Babylon and that No man would every live in it again, It is still that way to this DAY. Even Sudam Hussein tried to Rebuild the Old Babylon and stated he wanted to be the New Nebuchadnezzar, His name are even on the brick where he was having it rebuilt, Well, it is still desolate TODAY....Just as God had Spoken it.
Please know this, that the Lord is returning Very Very Soon. It is all in Prophesy, please keep to your faith, READ the Scripture and ask God to make it alive to you again. We seek so much from others, but you must read it for yourself and you will see just how real our God is....There were so many prophecy's where God said he would scatter the jews among all nations, but that he would bring them back to their home land again one day and in the Last Days, never to be removed! That was fulfilled too in 1948. He also prophesies that he will gather all the nations to fight against Israel but that is when the Lord will Return! Please WATCH and be FAITHFUL...
I will pray for you Christy, for Satan will steal, kill and destroy, he is the father of lies a master of deception. Do not be deceived or conformed to this world, but Choose Eternal Life, Believe in Jesus Christ, he will show you the way through his word...