I felt it happen when I became pregnant.
By novataylor
@novataylor (6570)
United States
May 23, 2008 10:17am CST
It was so odd. The moments after he came inside of me, I just felt something happen within myself, I KNEW I was pregnant, that very instant. I can't really explain it, but it's the truth. I don't know any other woman who has experienced this. But I'm curious to know if there are any of you out there who've felt this. It's not a physical feeling, like a touch, it's something visceral, spiritual maybe. If it's happened to you, please tell me about it, tell me how it felt to you. This was verrrry long ago, but I still remember - I'll never forget it. It was p1ke's discussion about your most memorable moment that prompted this. I didn't think it would be appropriate to post this there, so I've done it here. Ok, come on, let's hear it.
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38 responses
@Angelwhispers (8978)
• United States
23 May 08
No Nova, I have not experienced this, in fact every single time I was pregnant I was so shocked and floored you could have scraped me up of the floor with a spatula. Ben, must have been a drunk giggle night, 6 years later Mark Shane was an antibiotic and birth control issue, Jake 8 years later was a opps for got to take my pill after a Christmas party issue. Each time I was as shocked as the last time LMAO.
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@Angelwhispers (8978)
• United States
24 May 08
I thought I was doing what I was suppose to to stop these little Angels from being born, LMAO But I am a blond and oppses happen. the antibiotics I blame my doctor for, he never once told me they might render my birth control ineffective. And well Jake was a product of Dad having beenon the road for business and we were at a Christmas party, which I rather really enjoyed and came home and raped my husband then, having been hung over forgot to take the dang things... rotflmao.
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@novataylor (6570)
• United States
24 May 08
So let me ask you. Do you enjoy surprises in general? Maybe you just like to be surprised. And scraped off the floor with a spatula, lol, darlin, good one. Sounds like a hell of a Christmas party and I'm talkin about the one AFTER the party. Those can just be the bessssst times, can't they? Wild abandon, just "give it to me!!!", and you ain't meaning later, either. Go give that kid a kiss for me, would you please? Really, go do it.
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
23 May 08
My second baby. . We were not trying to get pregnant. . it was not even the time of my cycle that i SHOULD have gotten pregnant. . it was the ONLY time since the birth of our first child we didn't use protection. . And i felt that i was going to be pregnant. i sort of blushed like mad and wondered. WTF did i just do ?? and then i shrugged that feeling off. . but a few weeks later when my period didn't show up i took a test and sure enough. . She was concieved.
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@novataylor (6570)
• United States
24 May 08
Intuition, paranoia, the gift of sight, a woman keenly in touch with her body, call it what you will. But it's something that you certainly can't ignore when you feel it - as you well know. I can see it - trying to push that feeling away, nah, couldn't be true, but you know in your heart of hearts and your soul of souls that it IS true, there, a presence, a force.
Sissy, this discussion has brought me closer to some of you, here in my heart where I hold you. Thank you for sharing with me and validating me. It means so much.
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@novataylor (6570)
• United States
24 May 08
See? You knew, Sissy. You just knew, didn't you?
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@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
23 May 08
I don't recall ever hearing of such an experience as yours nova. I don't doubt for a moment that you felt it though... we've all had those gut instincts over various things in our lives here and there. And for you, just KNOWING you were pregnant was one of them.
I do have some memory of the conceptions of 2 of my pregnancies, but I think that has more to do with me doing the math after my period was late, and then remembering, "Oh yeah, I remember that night" (or day, as the case was with the twins... July 4th 2000 to be exact).
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@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
24 May 08
I'll be enjoying the sparklers on July 1st (Canada day of course :D ).
@novataylor (6570)
• United States
24 May 08
CG, I've never had anyone else tell me that they felt what I did. Now, however, I've had a couple of women tell me that they felt something similar, if not exactly what I felt. Very gratifying to hear. Thank you for your open mind and heart. And this year - light a sparkler for me, please, on the 4th of July....
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
23 May 08
I have always been aware of what goes on in my body and often my mind. I always knew when I was a pregnant too.
I remember when I was carrying my oldest (it was actually twins, which I didn't know) and I miscarried. The doctors wanted to do a D&C immediately and I flat out refused. It was just a feeling - like you say an almost spiritual knowledge of NO, NO and NO, I won't let them do this to me. Not this time. Because I am STILL pregnant even though I had held in my own hand the miscarried baby. The doctors put it down to my Catholic guilt about 'abortion', HA! and even though tests came back and said I was NOT preggers, I held to my certainty that there was a new life inside of me.
Two months and many negative tests later, I suddenly began gaining a lot of weight, which was almost impossible for me. Finally they agreed to an ultrasound, and my oldest waved at them!
So yes, I know exactly what you mean nova - it's unlike any certainty of knowledge I've ever had before or since, but it was always there, enfolding me when the 'event' occured. For many years the only time I woke up smiling was after the night before that created a new life.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
23 May 08
Thanks Annie. My grandmother always said I was 'fey' Irish. For the longest time I thought that meant that one day I'd be kidnapped from my bed by fairies and leprechauns and forced to make gold coins for the pots at the end of rainbows for the rest of my life! LOL
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
24 May 08
I have a rather unconventional belief system nova, and so yes, I do believe it was an 'outer' awareness working too.
Could be the pure Celt in me, I don't know. But I believe in, for want of a better word, Angels and forces in nature and the universe that are 'not dreamt of in our philosophy'. And the awareness of that, is a gift I think. It keeps my mind open and searching and my heart touched by things that most people can't even imagine. You have the same mind and heart nova - I can feel it. It's what drew me to you so hard and so quickly.
@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
23 May 08
This isn't the first time you have just 'known' something. You seem to make a habit of it, now that I think about it. I think you have a touch of 'the gift'.
You really do 'amaze' me.
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@ellie333 (21016)
23 May 08
Hi Nova, Wow I can imagine you had a whole lot of experiences at the moment in time but the moment of knowing conception must be on a spirtual level I would think whilst enjoying the physical eh! LOL. I didn't know with my girls in fact so much so when I went to the doctors with tummy ache I was in fact very heavily pregnant and had split with my husband and my words were oh Sh*t that means it must be my husbands and the doctor laughed as it was the first time anyone had ever said that, but I had no reason to think I was and was told I was lucky to be able to get pregnant with my first so after years of trying and nothing, then we split up I didn't think about it. With my son though yes I knew instantly it was just an overwhelming feeling of something having just happened that can't be explained in words, it was either that or I was going through the change early LOL, but know it was confirmed I was pregnant. They say life begins at forty and his certainly did! Thats a birthday I'll always remember. Ellie :D
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@novataylor (6570)
• United States
24 May 08
What a day that must have been, Ellie! Oh sh*t, that means it must be my husband's, ha! So, did you stay apart after that? I would assume you must have, honestly, and I'm so sure you're the happier for it. It's odd, how we can so keenly feel what's happening within our bodies. Funny, I've been told in no uncertain terms here that the conception did not take place at that moment, but whether or not that's true doesn't matter in the slightest. I knew what was happening, if not what had already happened. It wasn't a knowledge I wanted. But it was there and it couldn't have been clearer if it was written on a huge board in front of me. Thanks, Ellie, for sharing your story with me. This is an immensely personal thing for me and having you here is comforting. Thank you.
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@novataylor (6570)
• United States
25 May 08
I agree absolutely, and thank you Ellie - it doesn't matter at all what anyone else has to say about it - I knew what I knew. Their facts don't change my reality. So after getting rather angry with one, I think I've got an easier attitude about it now. Let's see if that continues......
@ellie333 (21016)
25 May 08
Hi Nova, no I never went back he was too controlling and I am much happier.
It doesn't matter what anyone says on this one Nova, YOU knew, and thats what matters just like Mikeysmum had the dream that night and she knew.
Ellie :D

@KUSHANK55 (2437)
• India
23 May 08
it is difficult to believe
it appears to be illusionary, imaginary, a figment of your desire or something of the sort.well it is all personal experience.and nothing wrong with it at all.may be the feeling has a permanent and lasting impression on your mind such that you still remember it as fresh as so recent!
@novataylor (6570)
• United States
23 May 08
I understand how it could be difficult to believe, but it was not a figment of anything, not illusionary, not imaginary. It was real. And yes, the memory is still very fresh, something that will always be with me.
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@KUSHANK55 (2437)
• India
23 May 08
oh , i am sorry if i have hurt you in anyway but i never intended it to be that way rather i feel it is difficult to believe .at the same time i admire the depth of your feelings and even after passage of t.i.m.e long enough you have cherished your feelings and explained and put forth and shared with us all.shere appreciation.........
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@novataylor (6570)
• United States
23 May 08
Kushank, you didn't hurt me, but I so appreciate your sweet words about it, thank you very much. You appear to have a lot of kindness in you - it's evident here in your comment. Thank you again.

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@mummymo (23706)
24 May 08
That sounds like an amazing and spiritual moment nova darling! I wish I could say the same of all my pregnancies but I can only ever recall this ever happening once - the very first time I became pregnant - I knew I was the second it happened - it wasn't as strong an experience as yours but I just knew. Unfortunately I lost the baby very early on , I lost a few - I think that is why I was so thankful for the 2 beautiful babies that managed to survive pat 8 weeks and go on to be strong , healthy babies! xxxx

@mummymo (23706)
25 May 08
Nova honey - why is it that I always get a warm glow when I speak to you - even though I know that there is sadness tinging things! i am sorry if I am wrong here but I just cannot help think there is and I probably shouldn't have said anything so I will shut up on that bit now!
I have given Niamh her hug and kiss from you earlier and she was very intrigued and wanted to see your avatar! She send hugs back - only Mom and occasionally dad and her big brother get kisses I am afraid!
I am glad that you can feel what I am trying to put across - as I do write from the heart , the only way to go! As for the other babies , they are little angels and you know whilst it was obviously sad when I lost them I was never overly distressed - I knew they had gone to heaven with my mum and she could spend all her time with them as I knew she was devestated to have to leave me when I was a baby! That made things a lot easier for me!
I don't know why sweety but I want to tell you that everything is okay and that you aren't to be so worried! I know this sounds like nonsense and I am not sure what it is all about I just know I have to tell you that - I hope that you don't think I have lost the plot! Hugs and love xxxxx
@novataylor (6570)
• United States
24 May 08
Mummy, I have no doubt that what you experienced was every bit as strong as what I did, if not stronger, frankly. I say this for reasons I don't particularly want to go into, but anyway. I can't tell you how sorry I am that you lost your baby, it breaks my heart. How wonderful it is that you were blessed with the children you have now. Do me a favor, will you? Go give Niamh a kiss and tell her it's from me, one of her cyber-aunts, and that I love her. She won't understand, but that's ok. You will.
And, mum, when I think about it, I'm so not surprised that you felt what you did. You're like me, I think, in that what you feel is felt so deeply and when you write, when you answer these things, you transmit some of that feeling through your words. I feel it all the time from you. It's very soothing, too. A little 'love vapor' floating around my head. Thank you. xxxxx
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@novataylor (6570)
• United States
26 May 08
You haven't lost the plot at all, mum. There's sadness, and regret, and resignation, and faith too, faith that things work out the way they're supposed to. There's also a lot of time gone between and that's the only real healer - well, nothing gets healed, but things get easier to deal with, the sharp edges dull, and that's good. Anyway, I think we have a mutual admiration society started here. I'm very gratified when you say you get a warm glow when we talk, because I do too, very much so. You and I have a connection, period. It's sort of like a bit of an invisible thread, you know? running between us. And I guess that in our case, the plot just thickens and gets richer, but never, never lost. XXX

@makingpots (11915)
• United States
23 May 08
I can completely understand your just having some 'feeling' about it. Makes perfect sense to me. In actuality, the sperm was not implanted for several days, that's why the morning after pill works.
I have a friend who's body was always so regular so when she was tring to get pregnant she knew exactly when she was ovulating. Then seven days (which is the amount of time I think it takes) later she was sick and could tell that hormone levels where changing in her body. She said she knew immediately (7 days later) that the sperm had implated and her body was off and running.
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@novataylor (6570)
• United States
24 May 08
Ok, it takes 7 days, but that doesn't discount the fact that no matter how long it takes, sometimes we know when it takes. Before it takes. I have no way to explain what I knew. But I knew, and I knew at that very moment. What was started then was what I felt, I guess. So maybe it took whatever amount of time to fully 'conceptualize', as it were, but I felt it before that. I felt it at that precise moment. Maybe it was some sort of premonition? No, that's not right. Not premonition. Doesn't matter - whatever it was, call it what you will, nothing will change what I felt and what I knew. But thank you, makingpots, for what you've said here, I so appreciate it. And the way you've said it is loving and kind and I thank you again for it.
@kriszelunka (557)
• Australia
24 May 08
It hasn't actually happened to me, as I don't have children, but both my mother and my older sister have known exactly when they have become pregnant.
It will be interesting to see if the same thing happens to my younger sister when she has children.
On the other end of the spectrum, I had a close friend who didn't realise she was pregnant until 7 months along, which gave her very little time to prepare.

@kriszelunka (557)
• Australia
25 May 08
I think maybe for part of it she was in denial, but I do think she really didn't know until she was very far along - and no one else knew either!
As to wanting to know for myself, I actually don't plan on having children. Maybe my thoughts will change in the future, but I can't forsee that happening, as I have many reasons for not wanting children, and none of the circumstances influencing that decision are likely to change.
@novataylor (6570)
• United States
26 May 08
I understand, kris, about your not wanting to have children, believe me. It may never change, and there's no reason to try to talk yourself out of your decision and certainly no reason for anyone else to. It's no one's business but your own. I didn't want children either. I never did, till I got into my 40s, and that was more of a romantic notion than anything else, which I recognized for what it was, thank goodness. I love kids, and I adore being around them, but I don't need to have my own. I've even worked with kids for the last 8-9 years. And now I'm in my 50s and I'm, for the most part, completely content about the decisions I've made in my life regarding children.
I wish you success and happiness in your life, whatever direction you decide to take.
@novataylor (6570)
• United States
24 May 08
Wow, 7 months!? That's pretty amazing - I wonder if she was just in massive denial. Poor thing - I hope she's ok.
If you want it to happen, kris, I hope that it does for you. So, when your mother and your sister told you about that, how did it make you feel? I think it must have given you a sense of wonder. And it also let you know that there are things like that that can happen, which is a most positive thing.
Thank you for answering here, and sharing your experiences and thoughts. Have fun out there.

@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
23 May 08
Too creepy. With my second child I was literally stoned out of my gourd and I couldn't concentrate on my love making session because the neighbors little kick me dog kept barking. Then to top it off, I was on top of him and he was ready to blow, somewhere while my then whatshisname was mid thrust my drunken grandfather opens the door thinking he was on his way to the bathroom.
In my dash to cover myself up I threw too much of my body weight to one side and fell head first over the side of the bed. This bed mind you was about 14 inches away from the sliding closet door so I ended up head down on the carpet, butt up in the air, lodged between the mattress and the closet door.
My whatshisname was too stoned out of his gourd to help me out of my precarious position so I had to use my butt to open the closet door to give myself enough room to get all of me sideways down on the floor before I could crawl back in bed.
I finally got back in bed and snuggled into whatshisnames arms and in that very instant I felt it. I can't describe it, but I felt it. I smiled, patted my belly and drifted off to dreamland.
Out of the 4 times I got pregnant that was the only time I was ever certain of it in the moments it happened.
However with my last baby, the minute I was told I was pregnant I went out and started buying baby girl things. I just KNEW my avatar was going to be a girl. And despite the numerous claims of whatshisname that he could only produce male offspring as defined by the 3 boys he already had, I obviously was right!
You keep posting discussions like this that detail just how eerily alike we are I am going to start digging through my family tree.

@Angelwhispers (8978)
• United States
23 May 08
OMG Cyn, I cannot catch my breath....Oh my sides hurt, it had to be that butt flying in the air that made the contact with sperm and egg! Too too funny Sugar, Thanks for that story...
@novataylor (6570)
• United States
23 May 08
I'm rather surprised at myself for posting this in the first place, Cynical, to be honest. I'm a bit concerned about what this might get into, ya know? But - now, back to it - you felt it too. It's the oddest thing, isn't it? So did I - and I was on top too, and still on top when the knowledge happened, when I 'felt' it, when it became abundantly clear that I was indeed pregnant. I was terrified. But that's another story.
Your story about propelling yourself off of the bed, and onto your head is hilarious. Your poor grandpa, what a sight he must have seen, with your butt up in the air, and whatshisname in a stupor on the bed, omg, I can just imagine.
And yes, the little avatar...You knew she was a she. No matter what his history of offspring was, you just knew. That I believe with all my heart. But see, you're so in tune with your body, with your insides, just like I am, I'm not at all surprised that you did know. And I wouldn't be surprised about anything you might discern through your own personal communication with your inner self, your physical, and your spiritual self. And about that family tree thing? Well, darlin, it certainly is possible that we have a bloodline in common. It might not be that it's in this life, but it's entirely too possible that we were blood related in another life and will be again too. There are people in our lives who we have in all of our lives - we don't always know it though. But sometimes, just sometimes, if we're very lucky to have been given the gift of personal knowledge, we can recognize each other again. I think we might have done that here, Cyn, here in this life. Like you said, it's eerie. But very nicely eerie.
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@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
23 May 08
Cyn, you are hilarious! What a wonderfully hilarious predicament. Sorry, just too funny.
Your avatar really is a miracle.

@Ldyjarhead (10233)
• United States
23 May 08
That's pretty odd since the act of conception doesn't happen at precisely the moment that the sperm is deposited.
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@novataylor (6570)
• United States
24 May 08
Ldyjarhead, is that what you've told all the women into whom you've deposited your sperm?
@tessah (6617)
• United States
23 May 08
why am i so not surprised by this discussion coming from you..
when mal and i were trying for the sprite.. i knew before. as you said, its hard to explain. i felt her.. hover.. before she was actually physically there and "made" like she was waiting for it. i "knew" afterwards.. not a day or two later.. but immediately before i dozed off to sleep that night.. that she was there. granted i thought she was a boy at that time LOL but i knew just the same. and when i rolled over to my side to sleep.. i wrapped my arms round my belly.. and whispered a hello.. thanked her for being there. i still even now.. when im tucking her into bed at night.. tell her thank you for being mine, for choosing me.

@mikeysmom (2088)
• United States
23 May 08
i knew that night that i was pregnant. it was the weirdest feeling. i closed my eyes to go to sleep and i saw in my mind's eye the sperm and egg unite and i had a dream that night that i was showing my dad a picture of my ultrasound and i could see the baby even though it was really small. i found out for certain exactly 2 weeks later when i did an at home pregnancy test (just a formality really as i already knew it to be so). and now i have a beautiful 7 year old son who i love dearly.
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@novataylor (6570)
• United States
24 May 08
Mikeysmom, I so deeply thank you for this response. You have validated me, you have lifted me, and you have gratified me with it. I feel your love, for your son, your gift, your precious joy. And I also feel your love just for the sake of it, just for the reality of it and I thank you for sharing it with me here. Bless your heart. That sounds a bit trite, but it's not. Not even. If I had the words I would type them. I just hope you feel what I'm trying so lamely to say to you.
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@novataylor (6570)
• United States
26 May 08
Thank you for sharing that, jdyrj - we are among the few, I think. It seems that most women don't experience what we have.

@novataylor (6570)
• United States
24 May 08

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@novataylor (6570)
• United States
24 May 08
aowaow, yes, we feel some things more deeply than men do, certainly when it comes to our own bodies. I think women are so much more in tune with their bodies. Maybe we just pay more attention to what we're feeling, I don't know. When we feel something, we want to look at it, see what it is, and then decide what to do with it. Does that make any sense? You probably know what I'm trying to convey here.
Thank you for being here, aowaow. Great name, btw.
@BYOLA2871 (4371)
• South Africa
24 May 08
i have heard someone say something like this before and i believe its possible becaus ethough i am not a woman but there was a time i was seeking an opportunity to date a very strict lady and the moment i spoke to her i knew she was mine even though she was hostile in her response.i told my friends that she was going to be mione and they laughed at me i never bulged at this cos i was so sure but i cant explain,of course two months later we started dating and it was one of the most memorable relationship i have had.it is possible you feel so
@novataylor (6570)
• United States
24 May 08
Yes, Byola, sometimes we just know things that it doesn't seem possible to know. You did. I'm happy it turned out that way for you. And thank you very much for your comment here. I appreciate your openness and the story you shared with me.
@BYOLA2871 (4371)
• South Africa
26 May 08
yes i just knew i dont know how but i was just convinced and it did happen
@p1kef1sh (45681)
26 May 08
Nova I have no idea how women feel - period. I am not one and can only imagine. But I can entirely accept that something magical and mysterious happened and that you did know. The biology, probabilities etc are all too darn logical. You are a wonderful person and I have no reason to not believe that you experienced what you say that you did. I always feel a little magical when I am around you too. That's the effect that you have.
@novataylor (6570)
• United States
26 May 08
Aww, p1ke, thank you for this magic you've given me too, baby. You know me - you know how I feel things, you know that I DO feel things. The biology doesn't come into it, not into this. Because no matter what is happening biologically, or the time frame involved, which is what everyone seems to be so stuck on, something IS happening, on it's way, in the process, and I just happened to be sensitive or intuitive or psychic enough to feel it, to sense it, to intuit it. This seems to make some people a bit angry. That's their problem. My life is rich with magic and wonder, always has been, and I'm the better for it. They can disbelieve, laugh at me, write me off as daft. It doesn't and won't change my reality.
I'm kind of surprised to see you here, darlin, but very happy that you are. Thank you so much for that beautiful compliment. Kisses to you.
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@novataylor (6570)
• United States
26 May 08
You're the funnest fish on the planet, p1key. Yes, I know you and women's things, sure enough. And wow, I've gotten way more responses than I expected here on this thing. And what's so cool is that most of them have been positive and friendly and accepting and there have been several other women who've shared their own experiences with this feeling, this intuition. Your own 45th response just adds to the positivity. And you know I love having you.
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@Shawchert (1094)
• United States
24 May 08
No i've never had that feeling. but as far as i know i've been pregnant 2 times, i caught them both just around 1 month. the first time i miscarried a day or so later. and the second time, thank goodness he's flourishing hehe.
anyways I've never really thought about something like being able to tell when I'm pregnant but then again that would be something wonderful that I would be able to tell, I at least would know as soon as it did happen.
@novataylor (6570)
• United States
24 May 08
Catching them both around 1 month is pretty soon, don't you think? It doesn't matter that you didn't feel what I did. I'm sure there are things within yourself that I'll never know, that I'll never feel. Not in the same way. You have your child and you're happy. What a gift that is.
Thank you for coming into my discussion, Shawchert - you're most entirely welcome here. And welcome to Mylot. I hope you have as much of a blast as I do. There are some beautiful people here - I know you're finding that out for yourself - you're not a complete newbie. Keep typing, darlin.

@Shawchert (1094)
• United States
25 May 08
i think it was easy to find outbecause my little friend has never been late before, till i had my son. :)
and thank you for the warm welcome I'm no newbie though, i've been posting on all sorts of message boards since i was 14, so I'm quite at home in this place :D
@icecandies (154)
• Philippines
26 May 08
I felt being pregnant just right after we did it. I was so excited with a mix of nervousness at that time but I had to wait for a couple of weeks before I can do the test at home. Just right the following day we did it I told my him I will be pregnant in the next few days. He was so excited too but he doesn't want to expect too much to avoid disappointment. Two weeks felt like two years. I was so eager to confirm that I am carrying his child. At night I have been dreaming of a baby within that time. When I made the test my heart was beating so fast due to tension and excitement because the test is positive. I tried to hide my feelings but my cheeks were just blushing so much so I didn't wait any longer. I ran upstairs to him and showed him the result. He jumped up with joy and lifted me up high. That night both of us couldn't sleep. We kept on talking about the future. It's been 4 months now and I'm big with the baby. I told him one more thing that excites him again. I told him I feel like we're going to have a junior. He just can't wait to check it out. He's been dreaming a lot of our baby these nights. We already bought baby stuff with blue colors because we're really expecting for a baby boy and that's what we're hoping to have. Maybe God just created us more sensitive to sense we're going to have the most wonderful gift coming in this world.
@novataylor (6570)
• United States
26 May 08
icecandies, welcome to Mylot! Congratulations on your pregancy, darlin. I can hear how excited both you and your husband are and I'm so very happy for you. You've got a lot of wonderful years ahead of you and I hope you have many, many blessings.
@icecandies (154)
• Philippines
27 May 08
Thank you so much for the warm welcome. May you have so much blessings coming too.
@icecandies (154)
• Philippines
27 May 08
...and i'll tell you once it's confirmed that we're going to have a baby boy..sorry, i'm just excited to tell the whole world..