
@efc872 (1077)
May 25, 2008 7:35am CST
Do you think the preacher is decieving his flock when he begins his sermon like this: I now preach to you all from the words of God instead of the words of God inspired men ?
6 responses
@urbandekay (18278)
25 May 08
No, that is silly, understand the words as they are meant. all the best urban
@efc872 (1077)
• Jamaica
26 May 08
There are no problems with the meaning of the words. Get back on track and discuss the topic in a sane manner and cut out all silliness.
@efc872 (1077)
• Jamaica
26 May 08
Regardless of your twisting and turning, it is a fact that God did not write the bible. The truth is my motivation.
@urbandekay (18278)
26 May 08
Yes, there are, and my manner of discussion is most sane. Words have meaning in context and all language stands in need of interpretation. Yes, even by the author, I must interpret my own words to give them meaning. That you decide to ludicrously interpret these words in this manner says more about your own motivation than the Preachers. all the best urban
@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
25 May 08
No. Most religions today believe that the Bible is the word of G~D. It is a very fine line and very difficult to argue.
@efc872 (1077)
• Jamaica
25 May 08
What do you believe ? I dont't think any religion can believe anything but the truth. Check it out for yourself, put on your thinking cap. God loves the truth, it will set you free.
@efc872 (1077)
• Jamaica
25 May 08
If the preacher starts out with something that isn't true, what about the rest of the sermon ? Ever heard of the King with invisible suit ?
@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
25 May 08
But that wasn't your question really. If the preacher believes that the Bible is the word of G~D then that is what he / she believes. Based upon this than the opening words of the sermon would not be a lie. It would rather be the truth because it is what the preacher / minister believes in his / her heart and soul. My response to you was that Most RELIGIONS believe that the Bible is the word of G~D. This means that those who Minister / Preach would have to also believe that the Bible is the Word of G~D. This goes without saying. They could not believe otherwise and remain in their position. It is not an issue of what I believe. I don't attend religious church services. Your question had nothing to do with what I or any other respondent believes. It had to do with whether the Minister / Preacher was lying. The answer is that unless they are standing before their congregation knowingly telling a falsehood they are not lying. They are telling the truth as they understand it and as they believe it to be true. There are many people, many good people for that matter who believe that the Bible as it is presented today is in truth the Inerrant Word of G~D despite its many translations.
@systems (459)
• India
29 May 08
Yes.. as it is based on just beliefs rather than proof.. or at least they must say that "these words are from god as said by god's messengers" they speak as if god spoke to them directly.. Hiding the truth is also a sin.. the preachers are the first sinners as they talk as if god said all those things to them directly..
• United States
26 May 08
At the risk of stepping into a religious mindfield, I think you are taking the preacher's words out of context. For the Bible IS of God's words AND his WORKS within the disciples. If you believe that "God inspired men" are the reason the Bible was wrote, then why are you in church listening to a sermon anyways? Seems to me, if you knew what you were talking about as well, then you would know that it ALL comes from God. The thoughts, the scrolls it was written on, everything. So I don't think he is deceiving his flock at all. As for God's actual words, they are usually in red. Especially in today's Bibles.
@efc872 (1077)
• Jamaica
26 May 08
When anyone question anything written by God's inspired men (although it's interpretation is simple to comprehend), your defence is, the words are taken out of context. It's time to print a bible that has one simple meaning to all. At present, it is very confusing.
@efc872 (1077)
• Jamaica
27 May 08
I understand you very well.
• Philippines
30 May 08
Matthew 14:31 Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. "You of little faith," he said, "why did you doubt?" its a manner of faith.. ^_^
@efc872 (1077)
• Jamaica
30 May 08
Faith is blind son.
@efc872 (1077)
• Jamaica
2 Jun 08
Check Hebrew 11:1
• Philippines
1 Jun 08
for you it is blind.. ^_^
• United States
27 May 08
No I do not think they're decieving the flock. When the boss dictates a letter or memo to send out, they are his direct words and he uses his assistant to get it on paper for others to read. The assistant did the writing, but it's the words of the boss. It's the same with the Bible. God hand picked His writers just as the boss would. Then God told his writers of old what to put in the Scriptures just like the boss would. Then He used them to get His word out for others to read just as the boss does. This is what makes up inspiration. The Bible is the, Words of God".
@efc872 (1077)
• Jamaica
27 May 08
I never saw it this way. If the boss actually told them what to write we can't have any problem with that. Even without any witness when they were getting their instructions, I wouldn't want them to get fired. But on the hand to inspire, to urge, to give one the feeling to write is a horse of a different colour.
@efc872 (1077)
• Jamaica
29 May 08
Are you going to the boss and get back to me, he shouldn't be far away from you.