chatting big problem

@somiran (189)
May 25, 2008 11:50am CST
Now a days chatting is a big problem as there are huge spam and no one seems to be real in net now. do you think chatting is safe on net now? i think it is so annoying to chat in net if do not know the user previously
3 responses
@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
25 May 08
Since getting this computer I have been in chatrooms and find alot of friends who are nice. I did not know them previously and we have accomplished good comrade among ourself. There are nice persons worldwide that you can enjoy friendship with and you do not know them before. Some chatrooms are enjoyable especially if you and the chatters have same common interest.
@wisconsin26 (3859)
• United States
25 May 08
No matter where you go or what you do online you will find fake people... Online is the number place you will find them.. I am 100% sure about it too..I've been chatting online for almost 8 years.. In that time I've meet alot of people alot that I wish I never would of talked too due to that fact.. There is one thing you have to remember though and even I had too..Not everyone is the same online.. You will meet some good people but you almost have to dig hard to find them, cause they are there.. And you will meet some people that isn't who they really are.. I know it's very disappointing by there isn't much one can really do about it.. Hopefully though things will go better for you!
• Philippines
25 May 08
its up to you to be fooled or not.. i once to be a chat-freak. been fooled, and did back to some of them. :) its a good thing if you really want to know the person your chatting to. check his/her profile, go on to like asking her questions. and believe me, majority of your questions would be answered with lies. but dont get to fooled, just play the game. =) happy posting!