Anyone else live a low carb lifestyle?

@Barbietre (1438)
United States
May 25, 2008 11:42pm CST
I can not say I am really strict these days but when I started Protein Power ( midway between Atkins and South Beach) I thew out all the sugar and starches and now have a carbless home. At that point I lost 50 pounds. Some of it has come back because I had foot surgery last year and all around me people are always pushing sugary things. Research shows sugar caused wrinkles, and all sorts of diseases. I know when I am bad I get sick and nothing, not even the flu or sniffles during the outbreaks and exposure to my grandkids when I am strict, no sugar. I have a background in research and know how to read studies, so I do NOT do low fat as that is the biggest scam on the face of the earth.The studies were run mostly by drug companies, and the others were poorly done an the finding were misreported. But I do not eat ANY junk, and the only sweets I do allow myself are dark chocolate, and now and then REAL ice cream and cheesecake. But I mostly bake my own things and have some awesome recipes to share. I have a lasagna recipe with spinach or eggplant ( not the breaded kind) as layers instead of noodles. Now I do not need lectures that it is bad for me because I know that is not true, I eat more veggies and natural foods than most people I know. White things to me now are GROSS. Just wanted people of like mind I can share links and recipes with.
2 responses
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
26 May 08
About five years ago I lost 25 pounds on a modified Atkins diet and I, more or less, stayed in the low carb mode for a long time. Once you get used to not eating a lot of carbs you really don't want them anymore. My only vice right now is sweet tea, which I usually put sugar in because I'm not comfortable using the fake sweeteners. Since my husband had a triple bypass a few years ago I try to watch our diet most of the time but I do let him eat things like barbequed chicken wings (today) from time to time or he'll start a revolt. I would love to have your lasagna recipe.
@Barbietre (1438)
• United States
26 May 08
I use stevia to sweeten things, it is all natural. I can not remember the last time I put sugar in anything, way to sweet for me. Well the sauce also has to be LC so I find ones that are, a brand called Victoria's is LC. Or make your own with any plum tomato sauce and or paste. I first fry the meat add sauce and then let cook for awhile. Then strain out the meat and use the rest as the sauce. To my ricotta I add two eggs and italian seasoning. I have also been adding paremesian cheese and sometimes a little shredded mozzarella. I make the first layer the meatsauce, then a thin layer of either frozen spinach or baby spinach leaves. Then I alternate the layers, mozzarrella and sauce, spinach, ricotta, intil I fill the pan. The top has sauce and cheese. I have cooked it in the oven but I prefer the microwave as it does not burn. But in a conventional oven cook it lower and longer to keep it from burning. I do not use lowfat anything. Cook until it stops bubbling ( otherwise it is a sloppy mess... still tastes good though) You can really substitute any veggie as a layer. MY husband had a heart attack and we have full approval from his DR for our lifestyle.
@Barbietre (1438)
• United States
26 May 08
Oh and if you use frozen spinach, it must be drained and the moisture pressed/squeezed out.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
26 May 08
Thanks for the recipe! I copied it and will give it a try this week. I'll also see if I can find the sugar substitute you mentioned.
@I_Write (31)
• United States
5 Sep 08
I LOVE low carbing... once I get through the first 3 days of induction. Then it's a breeze. I have tried every diet under the sun and none have worked for me like low carb. I have lost well over 100 lbs, but more importantly, I feel sane and healthier. I have fallen off the wagon now and again. I have regained and relost the same weight during and after christmas time. I consider it just a part of my lifestyle. Sometimes I'm strong and committed, and those times help make up for the times I can resist holiday treats.
@Barbietre (1438)
• United States
6 Sep 08
Yes, I know what you mean abour the holidays, but whe I spend the holidays with my side of the family I do not worry, many of us eat this way so the temptations are not there. My BIL cooks LC for me and I provide the desserts. When I go somewhere else I always bake a dessert I can have. With the foods I can always find something to eat. I really need to go back to basics these days, as I find myself rationalizing the introduction of dark chocolate back into my diet. But I guess it could be worse.