I want to know how could I get more responses and be one of the top discussions.

@k8cath (341)
May 26, 2008 2:50pm CST
Could anybody please tell me how to be qualified on the top discussions, or any tips to make a discussion get more than enough responses so that I could help myself out? I'm still trying to learn more here and I think users who will respond will be really of great help..I just want to post more and share more of the things that I am interested in with more people here in myLot..I have added many friends already so I still hope that people would start to notice discussions from me and my friends. :(
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9 responses
@dmillman (2273)
• United States
26 May 08
I'm with you on this one, as I'd love to know the answers as well. Please share your answers with us!!!
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
26 May 08
The mani thing that attracts attention to a discussion is of course the title. I always try use a catchy title to draw attention to mine. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
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@k8cath (341)
• Philippines
27 May 08
wow, thanks for that comment, Grandpa BOB! I really should start to work those things out so that I could really reach my goal. You see, I have long wanted to be marked the best response, or be one of the people with discussions marked as top discussions..;( sadly, it has not happened before and even up till now. However, I still am keeping my hopes up especially because I only have about one month of stay here in my lot..(I joined here last month only)
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@roniroxas (10560)
• Philippines
26 May 08
i am member of mylot already for a year and i was only qualified on the top discussion thrice. there are no secrets here at mylot, but if you work hard and post post post you will really increase your earnings. a lot of response in your discussion does not really mean that you will earn a lot. you earn when you post you dont earn when they response to your post, but of course it is nice to see if your discussion has a lot of response. but once i see my discussion with 5 responses i am happy, well of course i am happier if i see my discussion with a lot of page responses. goodluck my friend happy posting
@roniroxas (10560)
• Philippines
27 May 08
yes i can say that it was an achievement but i got that only when i was 10 months old member of mylot. since you are just a new member there are more good things coming up your way. goodluck. i will respond on your discussion as long as i know what you are talking about. happy posting my friend.
@k8cath (341)
• Philippines
30 May 08
I am really grateful! thanks for always supporting me, my friend..however I hope to have more discussions first! :) What do you mean by "as long as I know what you are talking about"..? does that mean I post discussions that somebody like you doesn't know about? I'm really just confused. o.o
@k8cath (341)
• Philippines
27 May 08
Wow, that's already quite of an achievement, I must say. :) Of course, who wouldn't want to have more readers than the usual? I really just want to experience being on one of the top discussions even if it's only for quite some time. I just want to experience how would one of my discussions be on top like everybody else seem to always have..:) what the heck, thanks for still posting here anyway.:)
• India
27 May 08
Just have a bit lengthy discussions and dont wrote as if it look like a comment and dont forget to email it to all your friends , anyway i dont do that often....
@k8cath (341)
• Philippines
30 May 08
wow, that's really great, but isn't emailing friends too much of a work? I think it is not necessary to do that. but anyway, thanks for that idea. Maybe someday I'll email my friends only if I weren't that lazy. XP
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
26 May 08
A good qualiy dicussion. A catchy tityle also helps draw attention to your discussions. A lot of friens helps as they will respond first. A lot of comments added by yourself and opthers in the discussion also attract attention to it. That's how I do it anyhow. Good luck. Start accquiring more friends to get more rsponses and more discussions for you to respond to. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
27 May 08
I've had many listed and many in the daily digest as well. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
@k8cath (341)
• Philippines
27 May 08
wow, that is really cool! :) I think you made myLot for yourself! haha! but seriously,that is very cool. I think you've always been an active member of myLot and now, you have helped many other people with all your tips and tricks on posting. well, I couldn't say more. :) Hope to see you again on one of my future discussions! :)
@k8cath (341)
• Philippines
27 May 08
Thanks for all these tips Grandpa Bob! It seems also that there are people interested because there are already those who are eager to earn and eager to post more. :) I surely hope that I could do that as same as you..About your posts, have they already been to top discussion?
1 person likes this
• Pakistan
29 May 08
response to your friends even they response you are not i think it can help you.
@k8cath (341)
• Philippines
30 May 08
Thanks my friend, but also because of that, I have become bothered because I sometimes cannot visit my friends nor post a response to their discussions. :( Anyway, I will try checking out on all my friends from time to time. Thanks for the tip! ;)
• India
27 May 08
you should have a catchy title plus an interesting discussion point...tats how more ppl will respond
@k8cath (341)
• Philippines
30 May 08
Thanks for the response. I hope I could always come up with interesting discussion so that we can all be responding and commenting to each other again like this, right? :) A catchy title and an interesting discussion is surely what I need. :) thanks for the time of being here and responding..:)
• United States
26 May 08
I think that it takes a great deal of patience. :) I joined MyLot a long time ago (January of this year!), but as you can see from my number of posts, I haven't been very prolific. I thought that it took a lot of experience in order to get people to answer to your discussions. True, many people have thousands of posts that get tons of responses, but they have been frustrated at times as well. It takes luck in choosing a topic and the right people being online and timing - but also perseverance as far as being able to look past the discussions that weren't successful and being willing to try again. Best of luck! :)
@k8cath (341)
• Philippines
27 May 08
wow, that really is true because it also happened to me..:( anyway, thanks for that, I know that there are many people here in myLot and that doesn't guarantee that they would always respond to you nor even look at your discussion. sigh. I think I should have to gain more of that virtue - patience. Thanks again for the response! :)
@Adelida2233 (1005)
• United States
27 May 08
Well, you have made it to a top discussion, so congratulations! I've had a couple of mine become top discussions as well, the key is to post a topic that a lot of people can relate to. Something that is really specific, like a video game, generally doesn't get as many responses as say, pets or relationships. So just pick something that relates to everyone, and I'm sure you'll get another top discussion soon! Welcome to mylot!
@k8cath (341)
• Philippines
30 May 08
wow..did I? I actually haven't seen it at the top discussion..anyway, thanks for that pat on the back! :) Thank you for that wonderful suggestion. I guess I really had to become sensitive enough about what to post or something so that I can constantly be included on the top. Thanks again and I hope you wouldn't mind responding to one of my future discussions. :) See you around. ;)
@callyrob (24)
27 May 08
thanks for all your advice