write down your wish

@yourkl (583)
May 26, 2008 11:45pm CST
Our life full of hope. Let us write down our wish and hope it come ture. I hope some day i can find a good university and travell around the world. haha Thats two wishes.
4 responses
• China
27 May 08
I wish i can own a company some day,and i'll work hard on it. --Set goals for your life,and reach each of them one by one!~!~
@yourkl (583)
• China
27 May 08
Thanks. Set goals for our life and reach it. let us work hard for our dream.
@heartsoul (311)
• China
27 May 08
Yes, Good wish can provide you a motive to work hard to achieve your dream. I hope I can find a good job in the future and travel around the world to know more about other countries!
@yourkl (583)
• China
27 May 08
Do u like xu wen qiang? haha
@rirbry (353)
• Malaysia
27 May 08
i wish to own a suzuki swift and own a house of my own =0
@aiyreen (286)
• Philippines
27 May 08
i wish i can have a stable business that would give me opportunity to travel the world...lol