Do you provide lifts to people on roads

May 27, 2008 11:41pm CST
I see a lot of people asking for lifts from vehicles. Never know if they really need it or its just their habit. I see vehicle owners usually dont provide lifts and pass by them. I think they are right as providing lifts to strangers puts you ins security threat also as you know know who is he. My question is what do you do. Do you provide lifts to strangers on roads.
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4 responses
• Romania
30 May 08
When I was travelling I really hated all the peoples who weren't even willing to stop to give You a hand and I was thinking how many times haven't I stopped the car just to give someone a lift...
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• India
31 May 08
I appreciate your concern, but might be you not worried about your security and security is a big concern now a days. You never know how is that person going to be. Sometimes if you feel person asking lift is innocent, definately you should but not always.
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• Romania
31 May 08
Well of course You have to think about being safe, but keeping yourself closed behind walls thinking You are safe is ridiculous. If something is eman to happe, it will happen no matter how safe You want to be...
• United States
28 May 08
I never pick up strangers on the side of the road, if you've seen the movie "The Hitcher", you know why. Ok, all kidding aside, I just don't feel safe letting a stranger in my car; especially when driving alone. However, I have no problem stopping, rolling down my window and asking if they would like me to call someone for them (i.e. a tow truck).
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• India
29 May 08
Thanks for sharing your views with me. I agree with your views. I have not seen the movie but its never safe to be with strangers in any condition. You way of helping others by arranging a tow truck is good and nice. Thanks/Ajay
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• Lubbock, Texas
31 May 08
Where I grew up there was a penetentary out side of town. You never knew if the hitch hiker was just someone down on their luck, or had escaped. Stopping to pick someone up has never been something I could make myself do.
@metschica25 (5399)
• United States
28 May 08
no way i dont want to take a risk they would be crazy . Maybe just maybe of there was a mom and child.
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