The world is run by Mickey Mouse and today he came to my house.
By Sparks
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
Regina, Saskatchewan
May 28, 2008 3:04am CST
I'm not kidding. My day was like a bad cartoon!
It started with the soon to be ex breaking the "No Entry Before 9am" rule. But I was already up and dressed and he knocked on the door so politely, that I had it open before I realized it was him. His coffee maker was broken (how?) and he was desperate for coffee. So I let him in. I had things to discuss with him anyway, and hell, the sun was shining, he was in a pleasant mood and so was I. So we shared a few cups of coffee on the porch planning the work to be done on the front lawn (he may be the soon to be ex, but you can bet I'm going to work him for all he's worth to get the outside of the house perfect before the for sale sign goes up!).
And then Mickey Mouse showed up.
A blue sedan with huge white polka dots came cruising down the road slowly. I couldn't believe my eyes. We both watched it approach the house, and as people are wont to do on our street for some reason, it stopped right in the middle of the road. There was a sign on the side of the car that said "Spot Removal Inc." Don't ask, because I didn't, so I have no idea what that meant!
Out of this clown car emerged a rolly polly little man in suspenders, a straw hat, a white shirt, black slacks, and yes you guessed it a polka dot bow tie! He had some papers in his hand and came waddling up the walk to the porch.
The soon to be ex looked at him enquiringly, and the little man said "Are you Mr. .......?"
"Yes", says the soon to be ex.
The little man handed him the papers and said:
"You've been served" and proceeded to waddle back to his car.
So of course the sun chose that moment to hide behind a cloud! Coward!
The soon to be ex sank back in his chair and proceeded to read the papers. At first his face was pink, then red, then downright purple. I was trapped, with him between me and the front door, and couldn't make a quick, quiet exit.
Finally he looks up, stands up, takes a step towards me, and falls off the edge of our narrow porch. (there's no railing yet).
Now my peonies are all crushed and I'm heartbroken!
He flailed around a bit and I beat it the hell into the house and locked the door. I KNOW that purple face colour and what it means and I wasn't taking any chances.
He banged on the door really hard and the light cover above his head fell down on him and that's when the cursing began. Tightening that cover was on his 'to do' list four months ago, so I had no sympathy for him.
I went and got my cordless phone and my lighter and stood in front of the door (it's got 15 glass panels in it) put the phone to my ear, and began clicking the lighter. He stared at me, opened his mouth, thought better of it, and went back to his RV. He only tripped once on the way and avoided the lilac bushes this time! lol
I kept watch through the windows off and on all day and three times I saw him emerge from the RV and start across the road, and three times turn around and go back.
An hour or so ago, he left for work and I am now on my way to bed and will sleep well because he will be gone until well after I get up tomorrow.
Stay tuned. The fun is about to begin. LOL
Have you ever met a real life Mickey Mouse?
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19 responses
@p1kef1sh (45681)
28 May 08
The show has just begun. Sit back and fasten your belts, you are in for the ride of your life! No, I've never met Mickey Mouse - you can have breakfast with him at DisneyLand apparently for a price. Apart from the guy at my tyre garage who always tries to sell me a complete new car in parts every time I ask for a new tyre. There are others I am sure, just can't think of them right now.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
30 May 08
Mooch you are so smart - that was my first thought too when I realized he was a process server - removing an unwanted spot from my life! LOL Clever girl!
Annie is right too. The terms of my papers say he has to pay for the divorce and I think that's what turned him purple! It was the last paragraph within the terms themself! LOL I did that on purpose so he would read the whole thing and not see that part first and just ignore the rest.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
28 May 08
I think the little man that served the papers had some sort of business having to do with spot removal and he was just a quirky fellow driving the company car and doing a little process serving on the side. Just co-incidence really. But the whole scene was like a cartoon to me and I had describe it that way. And yes, the soon to be ex is mad, because now he knows how serious I am, and that wouldn't sit well with a control freak.
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@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
29 May 08
I'm pretty sure sparks said that HE is paying all the lawyer bills. haa haa haa. So cool!
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
28 May 08
A person's face turns purple subha when so much blood rises to the surface they look purple. It usually happens to people who are really angry, upset or exerting a lot of energy. My soon to be ex's face turns purple when he gets very angry. He had just been served with divorce papers. He was NOT happy!
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@Marg12 (329)
• United States
28 May 08
WEll Sparks, had to change my undies after that funny report on the latest activities in that little town of yours. That was hesterical and your sense of humor is going to save you. As usual I really enjoyed reading about him falling off the porch. Did you tell him to next time to avoid the flowers???
Sure was fun reading about this goings on. Can't wait to hear the next chapter.
Take care and be careful.
Best to Devon
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
28 May 08
Hey Margie! Yes, another installment from the twilight zone! LOL
Is it any wonder my life is insane when things like this happen to me? LOL
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@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
28 May 08
That is really an ingenious way to get people to avoid process servers. I have to tell that one to all my friends. ROFL
And you have such a way with words. I saw every moment vividly in my mind, right from the "please dear, I must have my morning coffee", to the flattened peonies in the garden.
I never met a real life Mickey Mouse but I did have a Mickey Mouse moment. Actually, it was more something out of a 3 Stooges skit.
I was pregnant with my first child, very pregnant. Like 6 weeks away from popping. And me and her dad were going over to one of his friends houses. When he friend came to pick us up he has his girl friend with him so I was relegated to squeezing my pregnant self into the back seat of his 2 door cavalier. I managed. Barely.
When we got to his house he pulls up in his driveway which is on an incline and there are 2 crab apple trees that have branches that reach about a foot away from his car on the passenger side. Mind you there is snow and ice all over the place because it is March.
I step one foot out of the car and it slides at an odd angle almost under the car. My then sweetie is too busy talking to his friend to realize I'm struggling with the seat that won't stay forward and the door that won't stay the whole way opened so I yell at him and he opens the door and holds it for me while I get out.
The minute both of my feet hit pavement I realize I am standing on a patch of ice. I throw my body forward to avoid falling on my rear. In that instant my sweetie let go of the car door and it came flying backwards right into my forehead. Dazed from the impact I stagger to the left just enough to get tangled in the crab apple tree branch lose my footing all together and fall down into the snow.
Now picture it. A pregnant me sitting on her butt in the snow with her hair held 3 feet above her head tangled in a tree branch with a big red mark on her forehead ready to kill someone the minute I am able to stand.
Both my sweetie and his friend try unsuccessfully to stifle their laughter and help me up out of the snow.
Then as soon as we get inside my sweetie elbows me in the forehead as he has turning around to hang his coat up.
I spent the rest of the day there sitting in an arm chair for fear I would have ended up hospitalized with a concussion!
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
28 May 08
Yep - a real mickey mouse moment for you Cyn! ROFL Too funny!
We Canadians are very inventive. Everyone in this province seems to have a second job, and I think the car belonged to the 'other' business. But how fitting for the occassion! ROFL
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@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
29 May 08
Thanks for sharing that cyn. Just hilarious! I know you didn't find it funny at the time, but now you do in hindsight.
I'm still laughing. Don't know which story is funnier? Sparks, no, cyn, no sparks, oh they are both hilarious! But sparks is better right now because she needs it to be funny. It was just so perfect that he fell off the porch.
Yeah, you make sure he makes restitution for those damaged peonies.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
28 May 08
Wow! That is a heck of a way to serve papers on someone! LOL! I can't stop giggling about it! LOL!
I am glad you are safe but, along with those papers he got served, do you think you should have Mickey Mouse come back and serve him with a restraining order too? I am a bit worried for you! Ever think of turning that lighter into something that could pack a bit of a punch? Something with little metal things inside that got "Pow" when they come out of it and, if they hit skin, blood comes out?
Also, consider having Mickey Mouse come back out and serve papers on him for doing bodily harm to your peonies. What did they do to him to deserve such cruel and unusual punishment?
Enjoy that bed! And, stay safe!
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
28 May 08
I am glad you are safe and I hope that your peonies will bounce back with even more verve than before. And, I like the internal picture of Mickey Mouse coming back too! LOL! I am guessing his company likes the thought of adding insult to injury to those he serves papers to while giving the person he is serving papers on behalf, a good hearty giggle! LOL!
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
29 May 08
Girl no one tells a story better then you! I am sitting here LMAO!!! i can just see his face turing different colors. I can see his arms flapping like he is trying to fly instead falling!! LOL you are a mess girl.
and no, i have never met Mickey Mouse.
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
29 May 08
I'M not a mess, but the soon to be ex is getting there on a frieght train! LOL
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@tammyr (5946)
• Etowah, Tennessee
29 May 08
LOL I think that would be so funny!
(not the purple face, just the rest) {Heck I lied, the purple face was funny too!!}
I can just see it all now.
I sure wish I was hiding in the bushes when that cartoon car got there! I would have fell myself from laughing so hard!!
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
29 May 08
The prairies are a very strange place. I once saw a truck getting humped by a moose. Go figure, this is where I'd end up! LOL
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@Angelwhispers (8978)
• United States
28 May 08
OMG it could only happen to you! I am hysterical here! A spotted car for real? LMAO LMAO... Soon to be EX is he that klutzy? OMG rotflmao too funny sparks too funny? OMG!
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
29 May 08
I think my lighter flicking is turning the poor sod into a nervous wreck! LOL
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
29 May 08
Ok I didn't know whether to laugh or be a little scared for you there Sparky. What an unusual way to serve papers huh? that is too darn funny - as for the soon-to-be-ex it had to be done, just a pity it was served while you both were enjoying your coffee out on the porch.
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
29 May 08
Oh yes musn't forget those, poor flowers LOL
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
29 May 08
Feel sorry for my poor peonies mommy - they were CRUSHED! *sob*
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@Samanthavv (1380)
• United States
28 May 08
Wow! What did the soon to be ex do that ended up getting him served? Thats insane. Sounds like your day was actually kind of comical, in a dry sense of humor sort of way.
@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
29 May 08
OMG- no entry before 9AM...LMAO!
How in the he11 did you swing the spot removal guy? I have never heard anything so funny in my entire life. Too bad you didn't have a videocamera - you tube needs some new material. This is priceless.
I can't say that I have ever met a real life Mickey Mouse other than at Disneyland. LOL
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
30 May 08
You bet not before 9am. I need my beauty sleep - and now that I have my own bed, well hells bells, he better obey! LOL And you're right - I need to get me (and him! lol) on youtube! ROFL
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@newtondak (3946)
• United States
29 May 08
Sounds like me it's time to apply for a restraining order from the court - including a mandatory moving of his RV from the immediate area!
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
29 May 08
We own so much property in the immediate area that there's no where to move it to. LOL We live in the middle of nowhere in a tiny town of only 75 people! LOL
He's not a physical threat to me newtondak. Emotional, yes, but he would never hit me or beat me, I know that for a fact, so I don't need a restraining order, just a sense of humor! LOL
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@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
29 May 08
Sparky what a story..I hope you are ok and he's left you alone.Please stay safe.Don't like him there at all.
Love the way that he was served..Mickey did him good!..LOL..what a fun way of getting to people without them knowing..LOL
Huggs sweets!
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
29 May 08
Wait'll I show him my new will! LOL He'll try to have me committed! ROFL
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@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
29 May 08
Sparky... you show him that WILL and he will probably want one too..LOL...Don't you dare give it to him only a chosen few will go out with a bang..LMAO
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
28 May 08
Oh Sparks that was so funny I almost fell off my chair here.LOL thanks for that laugh I really did need it.LOL No I have never met Mickey Mouse in person. But I think I would like today. Next time you see him tell him to come visit me. Please?
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
28 May 08
Will do Terry - I'm still trying to figure out how he fit behind the wheel of his car! LOL I mean, this guy was ROUND! lol
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@kamran12 (5526)
• Pakistan
28 May 08
Hello spark!:-)
That must have been quite a scene there. It appears that it wasn't the very right moment to be 'served', or perhaps it was, as you could see the reactions, first hand. But, it surely put you to risk and I am glad that you managed to avoid him eventually. Well, they say that all is well that ends well. Be safe, my friend!:-)
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
28 May 08
It's certainly one for the memory books Kamran. I rather doubt the soon to be ex will ever see it that way though! LOL
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@olivebranch56 (910)
• United States
1 Jun 08
OK sparks, I am running way behind on reading discussions, and apparently something happened that I missed. What kind of papers did he get served? Was it the divorce papers, or what? I thought he knew he was soon to be ex? I am confused, help clear my muddled head, LOL.
@Winter08 (441)
• Canada
29 May 08
I've never met Mickey Mouse and I have no desire to meet him. What I would like is to be put on your notification list for when your book(s) of short stories and life's one-liners is published. I want a copy (or several to share with friends).
I have just spent a good hour reading your words and have rarely been so drawn out of my life and into another's.
Thank you for a good laugh.

@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
30 May 08
It made it Winter. I approved it just about a half hour ago. So no worries and welcome to my list of insanity! LOL
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
29 May 08
Well thank you for the compliment Winter! Join my friends list and I'll pm you when my blog is up and running and you can read me there when you need a belly giggle! LOL
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@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
29 May 08
Holy sheep sh1t! The process server had the clown car and almost clown tie! What a hoot! I would have given my eye teeth to have been a fly on the wall. But thanks to you, I was anyway.
Here it comes. Those were the Divorce papers. Yep, the fun should REALLY start now!
Yeah, he started to go into town and talk to his lawyer, but he knows every time he does, it will cost him money, so that's why he went back. To just think some more. See where he goes today.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
29 May 08
He should have been back hours ago and still not here. Makes you wonder eh? LOL
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
30 May 08
You're right. But it's not for posting about here. I'll email you when I get the chance.
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@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
29 May 08
Hopefully, he is getting a lawyer to make you a counter offer, since you asked for absolutely everything INCLUDING HIS TRUCK! HA!
Oh, but I think he's off doing something evil. I just know it. Feel it in my bones.
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