Where you are in mood out??

Mood out - Mood out....
May 28, 2008 9:06am CST
What will you do when you are in mood out..?? Some body use to be hear the Music, some other will go out lonely, others will walk here and there. some others use to watch the Televisions, Most of the people sit quitly, with out talking to any one, looks like very angryly mood. When ever i use to be in out of mood, i just go to bed room and took bed silintly, If possible i will have a small sleep also, when i walk up i will be alright. What will you do.. when you are in out of mood..? post your comments..
1 response
• India
28 May 08
i just go lying on bed and think of some past incident or else go for a ride for shopping...mind you will purchase a lot at those times...