At World’s End

What Do You See At World's End? - mermaid and sunset
United States
May 28, 2008 4:43pm CST
I want to play a fantasy game, so everyone close your eyes and think about this. Everyone in the world has disappeared; no one is left at all. You are the last human alive. You have the world at your feet, you get into a car and you start to drive, you drive and you drive not sure of your destination at first. When reality hits you and you know you are alone where do you find yourself at, what does your worlds end look like. Where do you park yourself? Find yourself. Do you find yourself in a library learning to operate a ship so that you may cross an ocean as your worlds end? I do not think now is the time to learn how to pilot an air craft however but you might a ship or boat. Or is there a spot in your country you would be content to spend out your life? Where ever that place is, what is it you see around you? I think I would find a home over looking the sea of Cortes; it has always been one of my favorite vacation spots. The whales migrate in the winter to mate, the dolphins are always at play, I do not think that loneliness would over whelm me with the sea creatures around to keep me company. I see sunsets and mermaids.
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25 responses
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
28 May 08
I would love to end up with the Dolphins I love Dolphins and would love to swim with one so that is where I would want to be when my World Ends Just drifting in the Sea with the Dolphins letting them take through the Sea, the deep blue Sea with a lovely blue Sky above and the Sun shinning, the Birds singing and flying up to the Sun, the sound of the Sea and Dolphins Ok I am getting carried away here lol but that is where I want to be
3 people like this
• United States
29 May 08
Gabs, that was the point to let yourself get carried away, think outside the box. I am so with you and the dolphins. Of course Gissy not being human would have survived what ever took everyone else ya know :)))
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
29 May 08
Yes of course and Gissi would be with me as well
• China
29 May 08
yes ,it's really fun ending the world ,but add some blood drinking zombie woulb be much funny ! it's sounds more like the movie "i am legend " ,haha .
• Brunei Darussalam
29 May 08
Hahaha,this topic reminds me of a movie,'28days later'..u're not alone though,there must be someone else on different venues.
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• United States
31 May 08
I did not mean it to be quite a 28 days later scenario that was rather creepy. I would not want to have to fight zombies at every turn.
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• Brunei Darussalam
6 Jun 08
Yea we hardly knew what our government does with their money..anyway, i guess i watched too much zombie or mutant movies, the latest i watched was Doomsday..another 'at world's end' was said in the movie that,' mankind has an expiration date'
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
29 May 08
I would head to where fruit is abundant.. and has a climate for growing vegetables year round.. after all I would not be a meat eater at all! I wouldn't be in the city.. Taking a ship to see if I could find other folks might one day be in the making..
• United States
31 May 08
As Youdontsay mentioned if you are not a farmer the place to plant yourself is somewhere fruit and vegetables grow.
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@youdontsay (3497)
• United States
29 May 08
Well, let's see. Assuming I had access to whatever was around, I start by eating all the chocolate ice cream I could hold. I'd fill up my gas tank and head west, I think. I really liked New Mexico and Washington State. Washington state might win out because of all the food that grows there. And since I'm not a farmer, I'd want to be where it was already growing. Yakima Valley, maybe. And in Washington I could also have access to beaches. I an an introvert, so being alone wouldn't be that hard on me after I got over the loss of my loved ones. I'd have access to books, which I love. I think it would be interesting to prowl through towns and stores and homes knowing that no one would mind. I'm curious by nature, so I'd like exploring. Of course, it wouldn't be long before the electricity and other utilities would no longer work. So I'd want to be where the climate was not too extreme. How do gasoline pumps at filling stations work with no electricity? Hmmm. It would be one challenging and creative problem solving after another, wouldn't it. At least I wouldn't get bored. I don't think I would miss television. And it would take a while for me to get over not having computer and internet. But I'd really be able to get in touch with my spiritual side without all the distractions of modern life. At my age, though, I probably wouldn't have long to wait for my own end.
• United States
31 May 08
youdontsay, that was wonderfully thought out. Thank you. I am sure once we figured out how to gas our car without electricity we would at least be able to power a generator for our home. The gas crunch would seem so insignificant at that point huh?
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@coffeeshot (3783)
• Australia
29 May 08
I have often wondered what it would be like to be the last person on earth. I don't know what I'd do. I'd be in shock obviously. Not only have I lost all my family and friends who are dear to me, I've lost all form of human contact. I guess I would drive around trying to find other people. I would also stock up on heaps of food and water. I don't think I would learn to operate a ship or plane as I would probably end up either sinking at sea or crashing to the ground. I would also go around trying to collect and save as many animals as possible. This is all hypothetical of course, as it is probably impossible to do that. I guess it would be the weirdest feeling, so lonely and so much uncertainty. I guess I would end up going loony like Tom Cruise in Shipwrecked.
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@dodoguy (1292)
• Australia
29 May 08
Hi coffeeshot, In fact, Tom Cruise went SO loony in "Shipwrecked", that he turned into Tom Hanks! Which is just as well, because a deserted island in the middle of nowhere suits an ordinary looking, middle-aged fellow like Tom Hanks much better than someone like Tom Cruise.
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@roanne05 (1290)
• Oman
29 May 08
i have not yet tought of that...but never the less...i would prefer to be in an island..'coz there you can have fruits to survive and also woods to built your place..i will just find 1 creature to accompny me..a dog maybe or if not..a monkey!
• United States
31 May 08
roanne, I think I would find me a house already built.... LMAO save myself some work.
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@roanne05 (1290)
• Oman
1 Jun 08
also a good idea...a place already built...
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@weemam (13372)
28 May 08
To be honest pal I wouldn't be able to stand it , I need human company , I am not too good being on my own , Maybe for a little while yes , but not forever , I would be so sad xx
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• United States
29 May 08
Me Wee, I would expect no less from you :))) This was just an expression in fantasy and gaining control of messing with your mind interest.
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@dodoguy (1292)
• Australia
29 May 08
Hi Angelwhispers, First I'd go to all the supermarket warehouses and get all the baked beans I could lay my thieving hands on, and then I'd go and fill a swimming pool with baked beans and spend about a month diving off the hig board and frolicking in the baked beans. And when I got hungry, I'd go on a pizza joint crawl, and make myself the biggest, yummiest pizzas in history, and sit there for a few days to eat each one. Then I'd pinch a Ferrari and drive around town looking for antelope to shoot (while being watchful for lions and tigers, don't you know). And then I'd think about taking a couple of years to perfect my reactionless inertial drive and spacetime rectifier dynamo, and jury-rig an old Volkswagen Beetle to make a couple of round trips to the Moon (but first I'd do a lot of practice learning Michael Jackson's moonwalk). And after hopping and flitting here and there around the world in my Beetle (with a special stopover in Holland and Norway to pig out on a million different varieties of ice cream) I'd get kitted out to go for a few months holiday on Mars. Just for fun, I'd probably purloin a few nukes and strap them to the side of my Beetle to scare off any aliens on interstellar sightseeing trips - and I might let one or two off mdway between Earth and Mars just to ease the boredom... I'd also take a Harley Davidson with me to Mars, to see if I can jump that humungous 20 mile deep canyon they have there. And it would be fun to throw some prawns on the barbie out on the back porch on a sunny Martian day, and maybe mow the lawn and hang out the washing to dry in the breeze. Then I'd have a little think about what to do next.
@dodoguy (1292)
• Australia
29 May 08
OK I had enough time and thought about what to do next... I'd release Patterson's Curse and maybe a few stands of Kudzu on Mars in order to green the planet, and then let some rabbits loose to populate the place, and maybe a few ferrets and wolverines to munch on the rabbits... Then I'd make a quick voyage to Earth and commandeer an aircraft carrier (maybe the Nimitz if it hasn't already been decommissioned) and go searching for that mongrel shark out of Jaws, or his grandson if necessary. And when I found him, I'd don my wet-suit and leap into the water and double-dare him to bite me. And then I'd kick his sorry butt and turn him into sushi - enough to last a couple years back on Mars.
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• United States
31 May 08
DoDoguy, you are just too funny. Sorry it took me so long to get back to you, I got busy for a few days....
@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
29 May 08
I find this really hard my friend, I live for people usually. I don't think I would remain sane if that moment ever comes to me, but I guess being one with nature and the wild to the very last moment would be worth the time to spend. Being the last person on earth, I think I would teach myself how to fly an airplane and fly all-over to see those wonderful views that nature has to offer.
@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
29 May 08
I always see myself as a survivor, when the going gets tough for me then the tough gets going. My instincts comes first, "if there's a will then there's a way."
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• United States
29 May 08
then the world really would be yours.... think about it. The tombs of Egypt, the ruins of Rome. The art of Paris.
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• United States
29 May 08
Raigin you really think that with no other person you could teach your self to fly? Okay :)))) this is your fantasy.. My messing with your mind.
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@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
29 May 08
I would probably try to find a place to live that has perfect weather so I don't have to worry about not having power. I would also want to live where food would be easily accessable. And near a library or book store, and able to find more books. I guess I'm too practical for being the last person on earth.
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• United States
29 May 08
Not at all,,,,, this is what I wanted to hear what a practical person would do!
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• India
29 May 08
wel if i was in a situation like that then i would really try to make some andriods or robots to help me and give me company.then i would built a ship to travel to another planets in search of thats how i plan my rest of the life if i was the last man standing on the face of the earth.
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@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
29 May 08
Oh much as you mentioned this was fantasy..i can't imagine my life without my 5 children and 5 grandchildren..they are my life and we do everything if i can take them with me then that would be different...we would go to a nice secluded Island or countryside in Ireland
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• United States
29 May 08
Rosekitty :)))))) Try darlin,this is not reality but think about it... come on I know you can do it..... I know you still know how...
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@jer31558 (3683)
• United States
30 May 08
Loneliness may not overwhelm me, but hunger would. I would find myself at a sporting goods store getting stuff for survival as that would be my motivation. Though there are many places that I would like to see, its only because I have someone to see them with. What good would it be to see a beautiful waterfall, or maybe a polar bear in the wilds of Alaska without someone to share the excitement? I would find myself trying to find answers...the main one being what happened.
• United States
31 May 08
Another brainy one :)))) You would along with at least 2 others find yourself perhaps In DC, the pentagon, or the white house I bet :)))
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28 May 08
to be honest angelwhispers it sounds lovely, but i think i would die if i ever found myself in this situation as i couldnt bear to be alone forever.. with nobody to share this dream with, oh no, that would frighten the hell outta me!
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• United States
29 May 08
mentalmum, First let me say your Angel is NICE!!!!!!!!! Second Welcome to mylot. third at some point Mentalmum your survival instincts would kick in and you would force yourself to find shelter and a place to sustain life. Where would that be for you?
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• United States
31 May 08
Stand for Laughing My A$$ off :)))))))
@Bugsey (775)
• United States
10 Jul 08
I would then start looking for another human being to interact with. After all, the dolphins can't rub my back :)
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@uath13 (8192)
• United States
31 May 08
I'd be taking over that nice castle that's a few hours away from me & settling in. I'd be comfortable there.
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• United States
8 Jun 08
I would love to just visit and old Castle :))))
@blackbriar (9075)
• United States
31 May 08
I would find myself deep in the Colorado mountains, away from everything and only nature for miles around.
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• United States
31 May 08
Blackbrair, that sounds perfectly wonderful.
@mummymo (23706)
29 May 08
Wow angel your worlds end sounds breathtaking! I think mine would be somewhere here in Scotland in a clearing at the base of the mountains with a forest in the back garden and an orchard in the front and a bubbling stream bubbling alongside the house! I would have stopped at a library on the way and filled a van with books so I would have firewood to keep me warm when it was cold , fresh pure water to drink and plenty of fruit to eat as I read my way through every book in the world for company! xxx
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• United States
29 May 08
Oh Mo, can I go there now!? LMao how lovely.... Thank you for coming out to play with me :))))
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@mummymo (23706)
29 May 08
Nice and peaceful huh? I love coming to play with you but I really have to go to bed soon as I have to get up with the kids in the morning! Its not fair - I want to stay and play! xxx
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@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
31 May 08
This is a good question Angel. I think I would find a luxurious palace in the Greek Islands somewhere. Surround myself with history and nature. Like you, if I ever did get lonely, I would have beautiful sunsets and sunrises surrounded by sea life. It would be a very peaceful. This reminds me again that I need a vacation.
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• United States
31 May 08
SkinnyC, that was exactly what motivated this discussion for me, is I need a vacation. I would love to have a month all to myself on a beach somewhere and not have to worry about anything or anyone. I would want to get back home, but that peace for a month or so would be sooo wonderful.
• United States
31 May 08
My thoughts exactly. I have had a pretty rough month. I wouldn't mind a peaceful one.
@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
12 Jun 08
Funny how time changes things. And people. When I was a misfit little kid, & clinically depressed, hated by my peers, etc., I used to fantasize often about being the only person in the world, where I'd never have to put up with anyone's criticism. Oh & yes, somehow I'd travel the world over, using whatever I found (because no-one could stop me, after all), seeing the wonderful sights & enjoying my freedom to do as I pleased. Now that I'm a well-adjusted adult (& taking anti-depressant meds...LOL!), the very thought of being bereft of the friends I'm now able to make gives me the shudders. To me, fun is now all about SHARING, & love. I suppose, though, that if I ever DID find myself alone, I'd prefer to be stuck in the Rocky Mountains, as I think they're like a glimpse of Heaven, so beautiful. Of course, I'd have to find a warm home for the rugged winters, plus food for me & for the kitties I GOTTA have to keep me company, but hey, that's getting too much into REALITY, & this is s'posta be about FANTASY! LOL! Thanks for the great topic! Highly original! Maggiepie
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
22 Jun 08
Oh, You're entirely welcome. I still DO daydream of course; what would life be without DREAMS? :o) But now, I dream of how to make money, more than anything else, which is why _I'M_ late answering your answer! I've been desperately trying to find work online. I've found a few legitimate surveys, but it's not yet enough. BTW, do you ever dream "lucidly?" I've begun doing that in the last couple of years. Fun, usually! Maggiepie