Lose weigh,obese,adults,kids.
By Gollywog
@Gollywog (1092)
May 28, 2008 6:41pm CST
We have people crying shame on fat adults and kids? who is to blame? The people who allow all the bad for you foods to be sold! There should be health warnings on sweets,choc,cakes, Take aways,Pop and all the rest? There should only be Fish, meat,veg and Fruit allowed then there would be no overweight people? I love all the junk food I know its bad for me but Its a drug and easy to get. How can we change things for everyone, no more obesity I dont mean dieting I mean prevention? Any Ideas???????
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16 responses
@mummymo (23706)
29 May 08
Surely it is about education honey? I don't just mean teach us about nutritional content and calories etc but to teach potential parents not just to let our children eat what they want but about how to encourage and teach our children how to eat healthily and how to encourage them to play and exercise in ways that are fun! We have to start with those responsible for raising the children of this world if we want to prevent obesity! I don't agree with banning junk food and sweets - we have to be responsible for looking out for ourselves - otherwise it will just drive the junk underground like what happened in America during prohibition! xxx
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@GardenGerty (162381)
• United States
29 May 08
i feel like my daughter is doing a good job. She is putting into practice many of the things I taught her. She is doing a better job with my granddaughter right now than I am doing with me. She gets milk with her meals, and healthy foods and fruits and vegetables. They walk and play whenever they can. I guess some of the teaching stuck.
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@mummymo (23706)
29 May 08
Gardengerty sweetheart sounds like you planted the seed and kept it watered and now your daughter is helping it grow! That is the only way for us to conquer this problem!
Pat sweetheart my kids get treats, junk food and sweets but they have a very balanced diet! Thye eat healthily for the most part , when they come in from school my daughter will usually have an apple , banana and some grapes or yoghurt to keep her going til dinner whereas her friend won't eat meals and doesn't want fruit - she always wants sweets and biscuits instead! She doesn't get away with this in my house and they don't get any treats after dinner either if they don't eat a healthy amount of food. My friend (Niamhs friends mum) is now carrying on with this at home - she has always wanted too but works long hours as a nurse and is very tired a lot of hte time - having seen this approach working with her daughter at my house she says she was inspired to stop giving in for peace and is following the same rules! xxx
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@Gollywog (1092)
29 May 08
Yes it is about teaching healthy eating, I always encoraged my children to eat healthy. They have grown up healthy and so has my grandchildren. There are parents that shove rubbish foods in front of there children just to keep them quiet and sit them infront of the TV . Mine enjoyed sports and still do. Pat xxxx
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@naseeha (1382)
• India
29 May 08
sOrry i dont agree with you. Instead of stopping them from manufacturing these things is a far cry. Instead it is better for us to decide which is good and which is bad for us. We have the choice to select which food we want to eat. And we should select wisely. IF we do that we can preserve our health
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@GardenGerty (162381)
• United States
29 May 08
We need to wake up to the fact that the best foods are the least processed. It is not easy. I am not there yet. I am not as worried about my size, which is fairly large, as I am worried about my blood sugars. You are right, sugars are addictive, as are the carbs that our body converts so quickly. We also need to slow down, eat at regular times, enjoy preparing and savoring delicious foods. Get enough sleep, make small changes.Add a little more activity daily. Even sugar free sweets make us crave sugars. They deceive us into eating more calories, because we had a diet drink. Like I said, we need to wake up.
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@ellie333 (21016)
29 May 08
Get the kids out playing in the park instead of stuck in front of computer games munching would be a start eh. Start eating healthy food from a young age and it will become part of their lifestyle. I do know that this is a problem and shops will even put all the tempting chocolates at the checkouts to sell it to you. I live by the rule of everything in moderation and that works for me and my family all my children are very slim even though my younger one will get a bit podgy before a growth spurt LOL then he shoots up yet again and I am comfortable with myself at an 12/14 UK size too. I do encourage more fruit as snacks than sweets though, they tend to be a real treat. Ellie :D
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@Gollywog (1092)
29 May 08
I agree in getting the kids out playing, riding bikes, playing football mine did! They always had a treat at the weekends. It was a pkt sweets,icecream or choc bar they always ate fruit after school and in there lunch box. Its to easy now there are more and more choc bars and sweets being introduced we have enough.
@tessah (6617)
• United States
29 May 08
the people who manufacture products are not to blame for people stuffing it down their throats and then sittng on their butts doing nothing. no one is forcing them to go to the store, buy said products and eat them. those who enjoy an occaisional indulgence and spend some extra time at the gym shouldnt be restricted such things because a bunch of fat people wanna cry to blame others for their lack of control and motivations.
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@tessah (6617)
• United States
29 May 08
i have a bad attitude because i expect people to take responsibility for their own actions? because i think parents should be responsible with their own children and feed them healthy? because i dont blame those that provide these things, but lay the blame on those who buy it of their own free will? im sorry,.. but its those who blame everyone else rather than look in the mirror that have the wrong attitude. for the record.. ive been heavy. partially due to an injury i had no control over, and partially because of MY OWN bad choices. im still heavier than i was before i got hurt.. but have instilled MY OWN free will and control and have lost 85 pounds so far. by no means are those who manufacture "junk" food responsible for my not so svelt figure, only *I* am.. and only *I* can correct it.
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@kakashi288 (59)
• Philippines
29 May 08
ohh come on... Did the people who manufactured those products forced you to but their products? its the consumer that is to be blame... not the manufacturers.... It is your own choice what to buy....
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
29 May 08
It would probably help if healthy snacks and fruits and healthy foods didn't cost twice as much as the others! New laws? Big brother? I hope not! That is more dangerous to everyone, to my way of thinking than obesity!
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
29 May 08
Dont need warnings aon them at all every one knows they are good for you but every once in awhile and on Chocolate turn to the dark chocolate with nuts and fruits in antitoxin stuff .
And going off pop is a good idea for it has so much sugar in it.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
29 May 08
First it's not the manufactures fault if people over do on the food. They just make the products we decide whether to buy it or not. Also even healthy food can be bad for you. I've known many , my sister included, who as a child didn't drink pop or eat candy but instead had fresh fruit and fruit juice who are over weight. Fruit has a lot of sugar in it. Take a look some time at the calorie count on pure fruit juice for an 8 ounce glass, might explain why kids can be so hyper
They have also found out that some of the weight problems are genetic. I've known people to eat the same things, have the same activity level, but one is skinny and one is over weight. There is nothing medically causing the difference either. It's just how the body is. So you can't just assume someone is over eating or gorging themselves on sweets or unhealthy food.
My sister was recently put on insulin and a very strict diet of no carbohydrates or fruit. Now you go to the store and try to find things to eat that have none of those, basically just meat and some vegetables. It's a very limiting diet and it might surprise you to find out how many things have carbs you didn't realize and carbs in the body turns to sugar. For example most people think of a breakfast of cereal, milk, juice and perhaps toast. All of that is sugar. No matter what type of cereal you buy it has a lot of carbs which as stated is sugar. Milk has carbs and juice has a ton of sugar. Yogurt is out due to carbs and many other things.
It's the amount of carbs that society is ingesting that is the biggest problem. On a 2,000 calorie diet a person is to have 250 grams of carbohydrates. Most people will have that many in one meal let alone for the day. Keep a list for a few days and total it up. It might shock you. I know it did me once we started keeping track.

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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
29 May 08
I found a site that lists the nutritional value for different things. You might find it helpful to see what all has carbs and what doesn't: http://www.peertrainer.com/DFcaloriecounterB.aspx?id=2856
Good luck 

@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
29 May 08
I have been fighting my weight all my life, and it's a variety of problems. In our society now, I think it has a lot to do with tv, pc's , video games, on and on. I don't agree with health warnings, people know that junk food is bad for them. We have to educate people more about the harmful effects of eating too much of these bad foods.
@twinrachel (215)
29 May 08
I think that a really good start would be for menus in fast food chains and restaurants to have the calorie content of their food on the menu. I am sure that many people do not realise how many hidden calories are in different dishes. Even a salad that looks healthy can come with a high calorie dressing, or vegetables are fried or covered in butter etc etc.
I would love the government to start taxing sugar and saturated fats so that these products become much more expensive and then the healthy options are the cheap ones rather than the unhealthy ones.
@thebeaddoodler (4262)
• Lubbock, Texas
29 May 08
Unfortunately, it's not just sweets and Pop. There is so much fast food available whether you eat out or just buy pre prepared boxed foods. All that has preservatives and additives to make it look enticing and have a long shelf life. Those chemicals are as much to blame for obesity as the sweets.
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@christymac (150)
• United States
29 May 08
My opinion is there are just as many healthy choices as there are bad ones. For every cupcake theres an apple. We do have a choice. We can decide for ourselves what we should or shouldn't eat. And as for the manufactures...I think a lot of them are starting to see a trend in healthier products. We are seeing a lot of new low calorie snacks on the shelves. Portion control is the key.
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@christymac (150)
• United States
29 May 08
Well sure it's easier. But that is where will power and portion control come into play. We all have that ability. It's harder to do the healthier thing, but it's not impossible. It's easy to blame the problem on manufacturers but even they are giving us healthier choices.
Losing weight and making good healthy choices does not come easy to everyone, me especially but it can be done.
@dorypanda (1601)
29 May 08
I do think that Tesco (and possibly other supermarkets) have a good idea. They label their food, they actually put a health label on the fronts of lots of foods, it tells you how much fat, salt, sugar and how many calories are in certain foods so that's kind of a help.
I don't agree with banning 'bad foods', but that's because I'm a chocoholic and therefore NEED chocolate. ;) However if I'd never eaten chocolate in the first place I may not NEED to eat it now.
I know there are some supermarkets who have stopped putting sweets next to the checkouts, this was to try and stop the 'I want some sweets' thing with children at the checkout, however now I hear children all over the shop asking for sweets, crisps, biscuits and other things that aren't really good for them.
I've found the best way to lose weight is to eat less and excercise more, it really does work, not eating after 6pm works too, the trouble is that's kind of unrealistic in the real world.
@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
29 May 08
I agree totally with Tessah, it's not the companies that produce the foods that are to blame, it's the ones who stuff it don't their mouths, the ones that eat all junk food, and nothing else, and then sit around on their ever widening butts and whine about it and want to blame anything or anybody but themselves. I was pushing 300 lbs 4 years ago, I'm 5'3", and it wasn't anyone's fault but my own. And when I took control of it, and stopped eating anything and everything and too much of it, and started exercising regularly I lost 150 lbs. I did it, not the companies that make diet aids, since I didn't rely on those. I'm still working on loosing the last 20 lbs. but I can't sit around and whine and blame others if I don't do it. As for obesity in children, look at the parents, the ones that hand their kid a candy bar or a cookies everytime they cry or want something, their to blame not the companies making those items. There doesn't need to be warning signs on any of the foods that you mentioned, anything in moderation is not going to make you obese, it's when you eat candy, cake, and other fattening foods all day everyday, and no one has control over that but yourself.