Well, i just can't help being happy :)

May 29, 2008 3:18am CST
I bought a laptop, no, i will buy one exactly on June 1, the International Children's Day, a gift for myself. It was introduced by my friend A's boy friend, and i will buy this from my friend B's boy friend!! OMG, isn't it interesting. I'm happy to have friends all around me, see i didn't spend too much time choosing and bargaining, what's more, i don't have to be upset about the quality, it's cheap of course, but of good quality. Friendship is something that will really make you happy, and true friendship will never fade away. A true friend will be only miles away if you encounter something, bad or good. I love you all **Enjoy life~~**
2 responses
@ellie333 (21016)
29 May 08
Hi Lynette yes a true friend will always be there through good and bad times if they are needed no matter how many miles they are away. I am really pleased to hear your good news re the laptop. Ellie :D
• China
30 May 08
Hello, Ellie, yeah, ture friends are very hard to find, and i'm happy i've already had several guys, although not too much. **Enjoy life~~**
1 person likes this
@tataykim (17)
• Philippines
29 May 08
Everyone needs a friend but not everyone are lucky to find one. I must say that you're lucky to have people who care for you aside from your family and they just make life easier and more colorful.
• China
29 May 08
Yeah,they do, and also i will act as a good friend, otherwise i don't deserve their care. Thanks for sharing your thought on this **Enjoy life~~**