The Art Of Disagreeing...
By twoey68
@twoey68 (13627)
United States
May 29, 2008 9:24am CST
Because MyLot is an open forum there are a lot of different opinions around…almost as many discussions. Everyone feels their right and some will fight it to the bitter end. Some just state their views or opinions and move on. Some feel that when one member walks away rather than fight that they have proven their right and are the winner. Although we all have different views and opinions, walking away is a sign of maturity and not weakness. After all what is the purpose in fighting over who’s right…it won’t change anyone’s mind or how they feel.
When I first started on MyLot I was a fighter, if I felt that I was right and needed to argue that I was then I would. Then I started realizing that whether I was right or not, it wasn’t my job to try to convince other ppl to change their mind. I’ve finally got to the point where I state my opinion and move on. If someone wants to discuss it, great. If they want to fight, they’ll have to find someone else.
Are you a fighter, an avoider or just state your opinion and move on? If you’re fighting with someone and they walk away, do you consider yourself right and the winner? What is the purpose of fighting with someone over differing opinions?
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41 responses
@leateagee (3667)
• China
30 May 08
Basically I just express my opinion here. But if on the other end, someone would like to start a debate well, certainly I will still state my opinion. I usually stand for my belief. But I respect other people's beliefs. Because sometimes there are very stubborn people. The purpose of fighting for me is defending your thoughts and ideas. What you believe in might me good. And if it is good don't let others put it down. Fight for it. They need to know why you are fighting for it. Well, in my three weeks of residency here, nobody has given me an annoying response yet. Have a nice day! Take care =)
@sid556 (30959)
• United States
30 May 08
I agree so much with you. It is when they start getting rude and putting down your mentality that I get so irritated that I just move on...that kind of response says much about the person and then I don't care what their thoughts are. There is an intelligent way to disagree and another way that screams loudly that you are just a fool.
@blackbriar (9075)
• United States
29 May 08
I'll only stand my ground when I know darn well I'm right. Otherwise, I'll just move on. I've had ppl try and fight with me on occassion but I just 'let it go' instead of caving in. Not worth my time or breath to fight when it's pointless.
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@Mirita (2668)
• United States
29 May 08
I'm not a fighter ,but I'm not an avoider either since to me expressing my opinion is important. If I see something wrong I'm going to say it and move on. I don't believe in convincing people either ,but I feel that humans beings have an obligation to point out the bad things in order to improve things. You can always touch somebody even if the majority disagrees with you.
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@mykmari_08 (2464)
• Philippines
8 Sep 08
I personally am not the type of individual who is subjective on any issue. I respect others' opinions and comments as long as they do not get too personal or use offensive language, and tend to become physically abusive; because I know for a fact that everyone is entitled to have their own views on certain matters at hand, be they positive or negative.
I believe that this way, I am being open to criticisms which would eventually make me a friendlier, richer person that I am and in the process, I would gain a broader perspective of life, having to see it in various people's eyes. It is an enriching experience and humbling, at the same time. And I just let them be.
If my memory still serves me right, I have commented negatively for a couple of times or more, here in mylot; but I make sure to include this line in every discussion when I do: "No offense meant but I have another opinion on this..."
We can't expect everyone to always be in unison with our views, ideas, and perspectives; even if we know the person or other commentors too well. A great example of this is a married couple. Eventhough they are living in the same roof, love each other, and are together day in and day out; they still engage in quarrels once in a while simply because both of them might still have contrasting views. It is often said that 'keeping quiet doesn't mean losing or giving up the fight' which is so appropriate with marriage and I believe in this. Almost always, the other party or parties will understand the situation better after the rage has subsided.
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
1 Sep 08
I just write what I know and go on..I have though questioned people when I don't understand, sometimes I see their point and sometimes I don't..
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
23 Jun 08
I am not a fighter that is for sure I don't have enough confidence to stan strong against anyone even if I feel that I am in the right baout some things. But I also know that my opinion doesn't have to match everyone else's and that is what makes us all different, our opinions each one is different to varying degrees. I will however talk about my opinion and why I think the way I do but I won't argue or fight about it. If God wanted us to all have idenitcal opinions he would have made us all the same and think the same.
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
1 Jun 08
I always assumed that people were as stubborn as I am so I never try to change their mind. I know no one will change my mind.So I state my view and read and try to understand your view.I will explain my view so a person can understand but that isn't the same as fighting or trying to make a person change their view.I hope I come off as pushy. And even if we agree to disagree that we both get to see each other's view.
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
31 May 08
I state my opinion and move on..If someone writes me a nasty response and they have ,i just ignore it..Thats their opinion so thats fine..I really don't care to fight...I am a layed back type of person anyway and it really don't matter to me because if they feel a certain way i feel they have a right...I found out long ago not to try and change others...If asked i will give them my thoughts,rather they accept them is up to them..I don;t get offended often either..
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
5 Jun 08
That's a great way to put it; there really is an "art" to disagreeing or maybe to agreeing to disagree and too few people on myLot seem to have mastered that art. I guess there are times when I could be considered a "fighter" but I try to just "walk away" when I know there's no way to not so much change someone's mind but to even agree I have a right to give my opinion, if you know what I mean. What I'm saying is I don't expect everyone to agree with me on everything, especially the hot topics like politics is right now but at the same time I don't like it one bit when someone insults me personally for my beliefs. I can honestly say I've never given anyone a negative rating no matter how strongly I disagreed with them or they with me but I have and will continue to do so if they tell me how stupid or whatever other derogatory term they can come up with for thinking as I do about any issue. Great post!
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
31 May 08
I have grown a lot in this area, since being on Mylot. I use to fight back and forth, now I am learning to nicely speak my mind and walk away. It is good to be able to agree to disagree. But there are some that are not able to pass up a good or bad arguement.
@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
31 May 08
I agree with you it takes maturity to walk away for many things in life. I dont feel I have to defend what I belive in but if I feel that someone is making an idiot out of me than yes somethimes I do argue my point.
@gemini_rose (16264)
26 Jun 08
For the most part I steer clear of those sorts of discussions, simply because I see people putting their opinion on and getting slaughtered for doing so. But sometimes I just have the need to just say what I think, what my opinion is. I do not say so to change anyones mind to my way of thinking I just want to say what I believe, if they get a bit agg when they respond I just ignore it, but sometimes it goes way below the belt and then I just have to pipe back. But most of the time I zip it and move on.
@isegor (117)
• Portugal
31 May 08
stating an opinion usually has different effects on other people and I believe we can deal with all without much effort.
if I know a little about the subject I will try to state my opinion and move on, as in life, few are the issues that really take me into a fight.
the easy ways to take me into a fight is to personally attack instead of putting constructive ideas into a debate. people that just like to throw some opinion, sometimes read somewhere else, and they think they are "owner of the truth" and for that don't have the ability or don't want to make the extra effort of trying to understand the other person's point of view gets to me.
nevertheless, if after a couple statements with example, the whys and hows or whens, the person persists with the same way of behavior I would move on. I don't think anyone likes to talk/teach rocks. ;)
@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
30 May 08
I behave pretty much the same way. I will put my point and opinion forward and if someone disagrees then I shall simply accept it. I will reply to the response if I feel that it is justified, but I see no point in arguing with someone simply because they have different opinion.
@recycledgoth (9894)
30 May 08
I don't like arguments in any form and perfer to be a peacemaker if I can. I like to think that I am able to state my views and move on, although some days it is difficult when people are behaving in a beligerant or provocative manner.
@flagella08 (5065)
• Philippines
30 May 08
it depends upon my mood and time. if i havge the time to disagree on something ill allot time to stand for what i believe for.but if i think it would cost me some time, i prefer to avoid and fight for it next time.
@vicneedscoffee (1259)
• United States
30 May 08
I can be a fighter, but I think we all can about certain things we feel passionate about. I enjoy a good debate, but a lot of people don't know how to debate without personalizing it. So on here I just state my opinion and maybe why I feel that way. When I was younger I was a real fighter and realized I was just wasting my energy. Now I have a lot less energy and I'm a bit more mellow and try to be tolerant of other people's views. I come onto here to have fun, not get into arguments. If it stops being fun I will stop coming here. I applaud your outlook, though.