I'm about to lose my house
By cyntrow
@cyntrow (8523)
United States
May 29, 2008 12:32pm CST
I'm about to lose my house, and my car, and my boat. maybe you might think that we've been living above our means, but that is truely not hte case. We were a two income family making over 200 grand a year. The company that I had been working for for 10 years shut down. Unemployment paid only a third of what I had been making. My husband is a construction contractor, self employed. THe economy is slow and so is the construction business. We had savings. It's not exhausted. I can't find a job and my unemployment has run out. I'm three months behind on the mortgage, two months behind on the truck and the boat. I'm losing my mind.
This is personal vent. I need to speak the words in order to get past them. Reply or don't, I just need to speak it.
But, per guidelines, I must ask. Any thoughts??
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19 responses
@sirnose (2436)
• United States
29 May 08
This is why we need new leadership,everyone is feeling bushonomics where the rich gets richer and the middle class get shafted and everyone else gets poorer or stay at the same level without progress.Sorry that you are having finanical problems but we all are,with the price of everything going up and companies downsizing,going out of business or outsourcing their jobs.I just hope whom ever is elected president that they will do something about our economic system.
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@ryzach (1544)
• United States
30 May 08
I like many others around me also feel the crunch. I also hope that out new leadership will mend this situation we have in our country now with the high prices. If things keep up like they are we will end up with 2 classes of people, the very rich and lower middle class to poor. We need our jobs back in this country, control over our energy usage, a solid plan for alternative fuel. I think John Edwards would have addressed the issues with corporate greed and our enviromental problems, but he is not in the running any longer. I hope the other canidates take our economy and enviromental situation very seriously.
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@urbandekay (18278)
2 Jul 08
Doesn't sound to bad, you have a house (A big one?) a car and a boat,
Sell them all, buy a modest house and second hand car.
No sweat
all the best urban
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
3 Jul 08
Urban, I have a 4 bedroom one level house and 4 kids. My oldest son and daugher have their own rooms. My two youngest daughters share a room and my husband and I have the other. The truck is my husband's livlihood. He's a general contractor and needs a large bed truck to carry his tools and ladders to his job. The boat is in the process of being sold. But I didn't need for you to tell me that.
Everything will be solved as soon as I start back to work, but the employment in the US is down and if you took a second to research this you would know. We are keeping our heads above water, but barely. No sweat? Maybe from where you stand.
@urbandekay (18278)
3 Jul 08
Just trying to bring a degree of perspective to you.
I am sure that even in US there are many people are raising 4 kids in small houses, even without you working you are among the richest people in the world.
20% in substandard housing (conservative estimate) there art thou lucky
30% of the world exist on $1 day or less, there art thou lucky
These are not benisons that you have earned or deserve but are largely a matter of luck as to which country you were born in
all the best urban
@mummymo (23706)
30 May 08
Oh Cyn this is an awful situation for you! We aren't well off at all and are always worrying about where the money for the next bill is coming from - the first thing we always pay is the mortgage! I wish I could give you some really practical advice that would help but I am afraid I can't. I can , however offer you my love and prayers that tall will work out well! xxx
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
30 May 08
I forgot to include a link to a way to save on groceries...http://www.angelfoodministries.com/ gives you about $75 of groceries for $30. Really good meat cuts, vegetables, fruits, canned goods. Check them out and see if they are close to you. That will at least allow you to maintain a healthy diet.
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@Gollywog (1092)
29 May 08
I would sale the boat first pay the morgage, keep looking for ajob. If you need to sale the car, just make sure you pay your morgage you need a roof over your head. Just sale any thing that has a high value and keep your home? You can always buy these things again when your back on your feet. Good luck.
@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
30 May 08
The way the economy is going now, we are all pretty much in the same boat. I'm about 2 paycheques away from being where you are. I wish I could offer some sage advise, but, I'm sorry, I wouldn't know what to do. Are there any reletives you could ask for some money till you find something else? I would sell the boat, at least you could eliminate tht debt. I wish you luck.
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
1 Jun 08
I am so sorry to hear about your troubles. I wish I could do something but I can't. But if you need to vent, send me a private message and I will listen. Take Care.
@Springlady (3986)
• United States
10 Jun 08
I'm so sorry cyntrow! The economy is awful right now.
Just pray and ask God to take care of you and your family and He will do it. Just wait upon the Lord and put your trust in Him. He takes care of those who love Him.
Hang in there!
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
30 May 08
Cyn, I know what you're going through because I'm in the same boat - except I don't have a boat...pardon the pun, but a little humor never hurts, right? Our income was never as high as yours but for our area we were doing OK until I was forced out of my job delivering mail because of back and joint problems. The bottom line is I was willing to do my best but the a$$hole postmaster wasn't willing to accept anything but a 110% speedy machine and I couldn't be that anymore. I'm now still awaiting my disability retirement and Social Security disability claims and have no income now so we're struggling on just my husband's income. Meanwhile, because we'd been helping our grown daughter from time to time with her medication - she has Chrohn's disease and one medication she's had to take several times to keep her liver from failing costs over $500 for four pills and isn't covered by insurance - our credit cares are maxed out and our once perfect credit now sucks. Our house is about to go into foreclosure and we're barely hanging onto our van. I understand your need for a personal vent, Hon, because I had the same need! I care for my 91 year old mother and I don't say anything in front of her because I don't want to upset her and we're careful what to say in front of our daughter because she feels responsible, which is crazy, she's not, but what would any parent do, she's our daughter and when someone is already paying over half of their income for medical costs sometimes there isn't an extra $500 laying around. It sucks! There are too many people hurting like we are who have never been in this position before and who aren't freeloaders looking for handouts. Sorry to use your discussion for my own vent, Cyn, but let me close by saying I do feel your pain because it's also my own. Here's hoping for a change of fortunes for both of us!
@fpd1955 (2074)
• United States
30 May 08
I know exactly what you are going through, as we are going through the same thing. We can no longer afford our mortgage. It is going up 200 dollars June 1. My partners illness has meant a huge loss of income. We tried talking with the mortgage comany about paying a lesser amount and, well, they basically were rude and very uncaring about our situation. I can't say I blame them, but it dodn't make us feel any better. Millions of Americans are losing their homes and it's way overdue that this government starts helping Americans here at home instead of helping the rest of the world.
@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
30 May 08
I am sorry. This seems to be happening everywhere. I know it is rough. Maybe sell the boat. That might alleviate some of the pressure.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
30 May 08
well first thing is the mortgage. so sell the boat as soon
as possible and the truck, use the bus system to get places.put'
all the money you can gather into the mortgage so you
will have a roof over your head. have a yard sale and if you
have any jewelry of value or paintings of value sell them as
you need to work on that mortage. as for work take anything you
can get. also turn to your nearest relatives for financial help;
tell them you do not want to lose your house and see if they'can
help you.
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
30 May 08
2 grand online is a total scam.IT's impossible, unless you have money to burn. Obviously, I don't, but thanks for the input anyway.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
30 May 08
OMG CYN! thats so shytty!! but really with the way things are goin these days and the cost of living being so insane its not shocking ya know....My husband is concerned that by the end of this yr we might be in trouble finacially too..hopefully we wont but its definately something many of us need to be concerned with...
Is there any way you can liquidate any of your assets to get caught up at least? It would by you some time to come up with a game plan ya know..thats always my first course of action - sell sell sell (mind you material things really dont mean that much to me ya know)
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
30 May 08
Sometimes it helps a lot just to vent. It helps get your thoughts in order.
I'm so sorry you're on the verge of losing your house and your other things. I'm socking away everything I can to prevent the same thing happening but that's no guarantee.
Let me point out the good things about your situation? You have a husband, you have your health (hopefully?) and it's only money--you can always get more money but you can't get the real things that count in life. You might lose your material things but you have each other and if you have children, you still have them.
Things could be worse. You may not be able to see that right now. But I can guarantee that no matter how bad things get, there is someone worse off than you and that means you are blessed.
I'll add you to my prayers. You did all the right things and still got shafted, and that's just a horrible thing.
Have you called your mortgage company? A state agency that tries to help people in danger of losing their houses?
Lord knows, I could be in the same situation in the future. We all can, given this ridiculous economy. Start taking stock of the positive things in your life, difficult as it may be. Use those to any advantage you can and stick together to work through this. It's not the end of the world, it's just a transition. God bless you!
@Ldyjarhead (10233)
• United States
30 May 08
Can you sell the boat and recoup anything, so at least you don't lose it?
If it brings in anything at all, it will surely help some. If you are 'upside down' on it, then I'm sorry, I don't agree that you weren't living beyond your means.
@jewelenterprises (1996)
• Australia
30 May 08
Hey cyn, so sorry to hear that you are going through this. I know exactly how you feel. I'm currently in the process of trying to sell my car to pay of credit card debt and just received yet another letter from the bank that holds my mortgage. They have now increased the interest rate to over 10%
Hmm, almost wish that I could have a heart attack, cancer or stroke so that my mortgage protection insurance can make the $100,000 trauma payout to me... $100,000 would almost completely wipe out my debts.
@martindale (163)
• United States
30 May 08
I agree with a lot of the people on mylot, but unfortunately the feeling is so draining that the energy to do these things just isn't there. I too am suffering from the economy as my service as a massage therapist is one of the first things people do less. Perhaps if you can muster enough energy to turn it over to someone else to sell everything. I don't normally like services because they take such a big cut, but someone you trust to help you. They can be objective about selling things that overwhelm you when you look at them. You can start with an online garage sale with things you don't mind selling and look for help with the rest. I do believe things will work out, but can we really hold out till the elections and time of recovery?