Worried moms, unite!

United States
May 29, 2008 1:10pm CST
When I was a new mom, I was just like that Luvs ad where the mom is super involved and overly protective. You know the ad that tells you to "get over it and get LUVS!" I was totally that way, at first. And, I guess in some ways, I still am that kind of mom. I had the best of everything. I sanitized and boiled everything. But, after awhile, I realized that there's only so much you can do for a kid. In order to survive, the child has to do some of it themselves. You can't carry the baby everywhere or they'll never learn to use their legs. You can only speak to them and not speak for them, or they'll never develop language skills. And, you can't think for them. Or, they'll always be hooked to your hip, never being able to think for themselves. However, that didn't stop me from worrying. I worried about my kid all the way through the time she was learning to walk. I still worry. But, she's getting better at the basics, like most kids, so there's less to worry about. When she was learning to walk, I worried that she would fall on her head. When she was potty training, I feared that she would never learn. When she wasn't talking very much at age three, I worried that she was developing hearing problems. Now a year later, she talks all the time. She never stops! She never sleeps! And, she's a big kid, and fully potty trained, even at night. It's like a miracle. All the little pieces of her life are falling into place. So, I guess some things work themselves out, with or without our help. I think my worrying helped keep me on my toes, trying new things to help her out. But, it may not have made a difference. I think it did! Maybe worry is mother nature's way of keeping moms tied to our kids. If we're worried, then we're involved. If we're not worried, then we let them run off and get into stuff that might get them hurt. That's my point of view. What do you worry about when it comes to your kids? Do you worry that they won't succeed in school or life? Do you worry that they won't be healthy or make friends? Do you fear the worst? Or, hope for the best and let life's problems take care of themselves? What's your parenting style?
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8 responses
• United States
29 May 08
Well, my "kids" are grown up now? But I worried over many of the same things you are..potty training, learning to walk, riding their bikes wihtout falling, etc.. As they get older, you still worry, but then it becomes anout them being safe in the car, going off to college or getting married and giving birth! That's what being a mom is about, I guess!
1 person likes this
• United States
29 May 08
You're right about that! For sure. Mine always worries me. Even now that she is a wee bit older than a baby. Just seems a minute ago, I was calling her a toddler, but she's not a toddler anymore. I can't believe how fast babies turn into little kids and then into big people. We only hold them in our hands for a short while, but they'll live in our hearts forever. Thanks for sharing your personal experience.
@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
30 May 08
I do worry a lot about my son, but I still try to give him enough room to learn to do things for himself. I know that I worry about him a lot more than my husband does. My husband thinks I'm crazy because of some of the stuff I worry about. But I just can't help it. I'm the one home with our son all the time, so I see what he can and can't do, and I try to work with him on the stuff he can't do, without pushing him too hard. My husband just tells me that he will learn to do those things whenever he is ready to do them. Maybe he's right, but I still think I need to spend extra time working with him on different things for him to learn them.
• United States
13 Jun 08
Yes, they do need their freedom to learn!
• United States
30 May 08
I think that all parents worry aabout their children and the way they are developing. I worry about Nick's ability to walk and be potty trained. He will be three in August and he is not potty trained. He has very poor coordination. He is almost three feet tall already and just keeps growing. I worry about him getting sick or have something bad happen to him.
@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
30 May 08
My son is 24 now, so the worries are different. (I did have the same ones you had early on.) Now it's about career and marriage and adult life activities. :-) I don't think we ever quit worrying about our kids. My mom is an assited living center in Michigan. One sister lives 7 miles away and visits a few times a week, plus takes her to her house many weekends. The other lives about 2 hours away and visits frequently as well. I'm about 10 hours away and only visit once or twice a year. Even though my mom suffers a pretty sever dementia, she always asks about me. Trouble is that she doesn't remember the answers. When we talk on the phone now, she always asks where I live, if I'm married, and if I'm happy.
@jczvrse (169)
• United States
30 May 08
My kids are all pretty much grown now my youngest is 14 my oldest 30 wow i'm getting old. My style of parenting was a bit different then other parents I gave my kids a lot of freedom they were able to do things most kids couldn't or weren't allowed to, of course I was there watching in the shadows and low and behold none of them ever got into any trouble I taught them right from wrong and trusted them, Thank God they all turned out great.
@naseeha (1382)
• India
30 May 08
I worry about the traits he catches from our family. learning to be stubborn and throwing a tantrum and things like that. I want him to be well behaved which is my major worry. I dont want him to be unruly or rude. i am very particular about that. Another thing I worry about is his health. whether he eats properly or is it good for his health. Maybe this might change as and when he grows up
• United States
30 May 08
I worry about my little girl being stubborn too. But she's just a baby, well sort of. But, those traits mellow out with age.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
30 May 08
as a mom....the worrying never stops. It just changes as they grow. 3 of mine are grown now and I still find myself worrying at times about them. I have a 14 yr old and oh to go back to the day when scraped knees etc were the worrys. Yes, I do think it kind of comes with the mom roll or at least it should. I have seen some moms....dad's too...that just don't pay attention and that is sad.
@anndocs (249)
30 May 08
I am a new mom of one, my life style totally changed when we had a child,(actually from the time I got married) i'm learning to managed my time, being thrift, and so focused to be a a great mom and wife. My worried is to fail on this area, but I'm doing all my best to give good things for them. I'm not perfect yet trying to be in my own way. and I'm glad it was appreciated. Like you, im also being over protective to my child I'm watching on the she eats, the toy she plays and every little thing, I don't wanna see her get hurt or sick. I'm also worrying of her future, how she will grow, the kind of friends she will meet up and so on; but my husband and I keep talking, reminding and praying all our concerns. We exchanged ideas how will guide her to grow the way we wants her to be (ofcourse also growing on God's way). We make sure we set a good example to her. We believe discipline starts at home. We teach her to be kind to others, respect and friendly. At early stage we notice that she respond positively, she loves to embrassed, kiss and smile at other and that's really a big thing to us. We also supporting her on her interest like reading books etc... All are worries and fears are cast out by LOVE. And entrusting God great future has to my child and to our family.