Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act nearing Senate Debate
By Destiny007
@Destiny007 (5805)
United States
May 29, 2008 4:57pm CST
Congress is planning to open debate on this bill along with a companion bill called the Boxer Amendment on June 2.
I previously posted about the EPA Assessment of this proposal and found that for all of the money to be spent, the actual reduction of CO2 was going to be minimal by such a degree as to be of no real impact on greenhouse gas production.
Here is the link to the EPA Analysis...
In short, the bill is nothing more than a massive redistribution of wealth scheme that will harm our economy, raise energy prices and impoverish the already poor.
On top of that, "a study released by the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine (OISM) in 2007 concludes after its 12 pages of charts and calculations that there is no such thing as global warming.
According to the OSIM study, “there are no experimental data to support the hypothesis that increases in human hydrocarbon use of in atmospheric carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are causing or can be expected to cause unfavorable changes in global temperatures, weather or landscape.”
Here is the link to this story...
So do you think we should be wrecking our economy over something that has been pretty much disproven, or should we continue to fight a myth just in case it turns out to be real... or because at least the planet will be cleaner as McCain claims?
I believe the price to be too high in both money and the lives that will be lost as a result of this misadventure.
Any thoughts?
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1 response
@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
30 May 08
Hello Destiny,
As if fuel prices weren't already too high, the connivers in D.C., and elsewhere, effort themselves to burden the taxpayer with even larger demands to 'feed the ravenous pig'. Grrrrr!!!
According to every analysis of Lieberman-Warner that I have read -- as well as my own analysis, this scheme will result in the single largest tax increase ever imposed on the American People!
This will also pave the way for Al Gore and his schemer buddies to insert 'global carbon offset' scams on to the commodities exchange -- which will insure them personal profits beyond their wildest expectations! And, therein lies the ulitmate goal here -- profit, off of the backs of the hardworking taxpayer. To say nothing of the coalescence of power into the hands of globalist oligarchies.
Consider for a moment, just how angry America became after learning that Gore was using 4 times the average energy consumption in his personal life, while at the same time chiding the average American for using too much energy. Lieberman-Warner will have Gore sitting, like a fat-cat, profiting from that ill-placed authoritative seat of judgement.
If the below quote doesn't clue America in to the reality that this is a contrived creation of a whole new industry designed to profit the few, then I don't know what will! What's worse, is that its based on faulty science -- contradicting the known fact that CO2 is not only a necessary gaseous compound in our atmosphere (currently at 0.04% of the total atmosphere - yup, less than 1%), which is NECESSARY for not only plant growth, but for Human survival. Specifically, if we artifically deflate the percentage of CO2, we will negatively impact global food production!!! Hello people!!! Have we learned nothing from the ethanol debacle??? When we effort ourselves to decrease the food supply, the dominoes all fall down!
"24% in 2012 will go to auction under the aegis of the Climate Change Credit Corporation; rising to 52% by 2035." Hmmmm, so who owns "The Climate Change Credit Corporation"??? Let's follow the money trail, folks!
" Up to 15% of the allowances a covered entity must submit may be comprised of borrowed allowances, with an interest rate set by the Board" Hmmmm, an interest rate? Well, that certainly compounds the concerns over a malevolent, profit-driven incentive, doesn't it?
"the Board may increase the number of emissions credits if the average daily closing price of an emissions credit exceeds the upper end of the range predicted by the CBO prior to the start of the program." So, this profit-driven 'board' can increase the number of emissions credits? Meaning, that there is no static cap of credits? Hmmmm, doesn't that negate the reason to create a 'cap & trade' program altogether???
In summary: In the whole of my life, I have never before encountered such an eggresiously manipulative, deriding, abuse of The People's trust! This plan is so far beyond stupid, that it can be considered as none other that CRIMINAL!!!
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
30 May 08
Yes, and to top it all off, if I remember correctly, the reduction in CO@ emissions is ONLY going to amount to 25ppm by the year 2095 or something like that.
The idea that people are going to fall for this is truly amazing, and the Congressmen who are pushing this debacle know very well that they probably won't be around to answer for their scheme.
Meanwhile, the common people are the ones who will have to pay for this mess while the elite few while be making a killing at our expense.
People are starving and dying because of crops being diverted to biofuels... they can't afford food.
Now Congress wants to do the same with our energy and economy, and on to of that they want to turn us into a third world country as well.
What is really bad, is McCain's name used to be attached to this bill.
Yeah, it is criminal.... in fact it is beyond criminal... yet so many are still drinking the KoolAid.
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