What does your dog like?

May 29, 2008 10:18pm CST
We all know that dogs love meat and treats etc, but putting all that aside, my dog loves carrot sitcks, when he was a pup I peeled a carrot one day an gave him some, he absolutly loved it! he gets so excited when he knows he's getting some carrot lol even if a peel drops on the ground he'd be straight at it, no other animals can go near him when he's eating carrot, he arks up, starts warning them away!.. What strange or unusual food does your dog enjoy or get over excited with?? all answers appreciated
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6 responses
@madlees (1377)
• India
30 May 08
Hi, All dogs are like that. If they like something very much, they will be after us till we give in to them. Ours like biriyani very much. It is very spicy and I never give her that. But I think when I went on holidays my servant had given my Dalmatian that and she had been after me for that when ever I make it at home. She also likes Chapathies and rotis very much .As soon as I start cooking them she will be waititng for her share. If I don't give her then she'll start whining and it'll increase to howling slowly till I give her what she wants. Even if I give her dog biscuits or rolls she will not take it till I give in to her demand.
@madlees (1377)
• India
4 Jun 08
Hi Mystique, Biriyani is a dish where in rice is cooked with masalas and meat together in a vessel. Chappathis and rotis are also known as Indian Bread, thin flat ones which are cooked in the tava or flat fry pan.
• Australia
30 May 08
Havnt heard of those dishes before, they sound interesting.... yes dogs can get quite demanding and very determind!!, thanks for sharing! 8)
• Australia
4 Jun 08
Tinned pears thats different lol thanks for sharing! is this your dog in the pic?
@polachicago (18716)
• United States
1 Jun 08
I have two dogs. My older dog likes cabbage and cauliflower. Both of my dogs like to eat some nuts. They also like rice with butter....
• Australia
4 Jun 08
I never thought any dog would eat cabbage, interesting!! Thanks for your reply
@sameroad (3179)
• United States
30 May 08
My dog goes crazy for steak. He will start smacking his chops while it's cooking. He also likes bananas and peanut butter. and that is always fun to watch him eat as he sits there making these faces! lol
• Australia
30 May 08
Tried my dog with banana once, no go lol, yea it is fun watching their face expressions at times always get a good laugh!!
@sameroad (3179)
• United States
30 May 08
My dog goes crazy for steak. He will start smacking his chops while it's cooking. He also likes bananas and peanut butter. and that is always fun to watch him eat as he sits there making these faces! lol
• United States
30 May 08
Our dogs eat most things, surprisingly. We share our table scraps with them and them take them eagerly. They love fruits and vegetables too. We have three dogs and they all like to sit in front of the microwave when popcorn is being made. It's the funniest thing to see. And love potato chips.
• Australia
30 May 08
lol, the whole three of them watching the microwave all at once, that would be funny!! My dog loves apples core an all spits out the seeds though which isnt surprising, thats as far as he'll go when it comes to fruit, Thanks for sharing!
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
30 May 08
My older dog Pujji is a meat lover and would munch his meal with gusto once meat is in eat but you know I am quite amazed with my other dog named "Attorney" why because he is more of a vegetarian...(LOL) He loves eating vegetables and I really appreciate it because at least even a dog knows what is right for the body!!!
• Australia
30 May 08
More of a vegetarian, very interesting, and quite amazing lol thanks for your reply!