Down to the bone. Have you ever broken a bone and how did it happen?
By anawar
@anawar (2404)
United States
May 30, 2008 1:20pm CST
Several years ago I was wallpapering my kitchen. Instead of using a ladder, I was standing on the counter top. If I stretched my arm just a bit more, I thought I could reach over to the window.
Next thing I knew, I was sailing through the air with nothing to grab onto. I landed flat on my fanny. I let a week pass before going to the doctors, but the pain was intolerable. Once I saw the doctor, they x-rayed my back and nothing was broken.
Another week passed in total agony. The doctors office called me and asked me to return, they saw something on the x-ray they missed before. Yeah, they missed a compression fracture at L1 and I wore a body brace for seven weeks.
Okay, your turn. Take it down to the bone. What's your broken bone story?
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43 responses
@k1tten (2318)
• United States
30 May 08
When I was in the first grade I was at a day care since my mum was at work and we couldn't stay on our own. I was going across the monkey bars when one of my arms slipped, and then the second and I fell onto the compacted dirt under the monkey bars. It turns out I chiped a piece of bone off my elbow. It was the worse thing that could happen to a first grader. lol. I missed the last month of school because of it and had to have a cast on for what seemed to be forever.
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@anawar (2404)
• United States
31 May 08
k1tten_ what is it with the monkey bars? Everyone seems to be falling off of them. Maybe they don't have them in schools anymore.
You chipped a piece of bone I can't get a picture in my head of what kind of cast you had?
Why was it the worst thing that could happen to a first grader? Because you couldn't play anymore and you had to miss school? I guess that is traumatic when you're in the first grade and you still like school.
I like your dragon avatar. Or is the lochness monster?
@kassdaw (591)
• United States
30 May 08
My husband was skateboarding and fell. We thought he just sprained his ankle. There was swelling and it bruised but nothing felt out of place. This happened in May. In August his ankle was hurting again so we went to the doctor. He broke his ankle and the tendants were tore. He had to have a metal plate and 6 screws put in. Physical Therapy and I had to wait on him hand and foot. Not fun for anyone involved.
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@anawar (2404)
• United States
31 May 08
Ooohh_ kassdaw_ torn tendons are bad. Really bad. That's a lot of screws in one place. Sorry you all had a rough time with that one. Don't you just love waiting on their every command?
Umm_ how does he get through airport security now? It's not like he can take his foot off, like we have to take our shoes off. 

@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
30 May 08
Is a broken bone same as a fractured?? hehe ^_^ I've only experienced fractured of my right wrist twice by falling from the monkey bar.. LOL ^_^ As ple say, once bitten twice shy, but i dun care and thus resulted in my right wrist fractured again.. hehe ^_^ After i've seen the doctor, the doctor gave me a serious warning that if i were to fractured my right wrist ever again, my right hand will be handicapped for life.. ANd once i heard that, i start to protect my right wrist very carefully.. LOL ^_^ And very luckily, i'm a left handed person.. LOL ^_^

@anawar (2404)
• United States
31 May 08
kun2349_ NIce job getting me all worried about your right wrist, and then you tell me you're left handed. You are lucky.
My daughter's bone doctor told her a fracture and a break are one in the same.
I'm confused. What else is new? You broke your wrist once by falling from the monkey bar, but I didn't catch how you broke it the second time? How old were you?

@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
31 May 08
I broke my second toe once and there's nothing they can do for that except to "buddy brace" it to another toe. That thing hurt for a couple of weeks! I didn't go to the doctor, just researched it on the internet and when I called the doc, that's exactly what he said.
I had my jaw surgically broken when I was 17. It had a congenital defect and I would've been deaf by the time I was 30 if they didn't do it. 6 weeks of a liquid diet, hope I never have to do that again! I remember around week five, I managed to open my jaw enought to slip a tiny piece of chocolate in!
So there are still wires in my jaw, every dentist I go to asks me about them!
Man, I'm glad I didn't have a fracture like you did! That had to hurt like the dickens! 

@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
31 May 08
This was in 1972 so it was plain old Hershey's chocolate! Man, that tasted SO good!!
It really didn't hurt after the first couple of days. And I got some very nice pain meds!! 

@Lee768 (74)
31 May 08
Broke my ankle in two places on way home after a night out. Think i put it down awkwardly coming off a wall. It made it pretty difficult to walk (suprisingly), but my friend was convinced it was just the drink so i kept at it. Woke next day to find it swollen like a balloon. Guess the bonus of breaking a bone in a situation like that is you can't feel the pain but then i suppose it wouldn't have got broken without the drink in the first place.
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@anawar (2404)
• United States
31 May 08
Yeah, that's the way life works sometimes. If you weren't drunk, the foot would never have broken. But since you were drunk, at least you didn't feel the pain, until later.
Did you have to wait for the swelling to go down so they could put a cast on you?

@JanetBRudman (158)
• United States
30 May 08
Last March on a Fri. eve, I slipped on wet leaves and fell, breaking my right wrist. My husband took me to the hospital. An X-ray confirmed my pain level of excrutiating. I had to wait until Tues. to have an operation. I did not want a cast, so opted for the screws. Besides my arm looking hideous, that contraption hurt. It took 3 months to heal. And good thing I had medical insurance. The ironic part is I fell on my own property, so couldn't sue (not that I believe in suing). To this day it still throbs when I write or type.
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@anawar (2404)
• United States
31 May 08
Three months is a long time to heal. What did you do for the pain from Friday evening until your operation on Tuesday? The three screws stay in your wrist forever?
I'm glad you don't believe in suing. It's a funny thought though.
I'm guessng you broke your "right" hand, which would be your "writing" hand? Sorry, that's a really bad joke.
It's amazing how medical insurance is so hard to come by and so easy to lose. And so expensive to keep! But, its there when we need it.
I feel your pain_
@JanetBRudman (158)
• United States
31 May 08
I left out several parts. The orthopoedist prescribed Darvocet, but it upset my stomach. Even after the surgical repair, due to pain I hardly slept. I had a fixator cuff attached to the screws, which came off. I was told that if I wore a cast, I would wind up with an unclean, shriveled-up arm. But the pain from the screws was just as bad. Of course it would be the right hand - that I write with. I had to explain to everyone why I wrote checks that didn't look like my handwriting, since I had to learn to write using my left hand. Luckily, I was retired when this accident happened, or I would not have had enough "Sick Leave" to cover a work absence. But enough about me.
@getnbuy (1312)
• United States
30 May 08
The only bone I have broken is my toe bone. I have a longer second toe than most people. I jumped into a swimming pool feet first when I was about 12. I discover, painfully , that it was only about 1 foot deep. I smashed my second toe on the bottom. I tried to swim with it that way, but it kept waving back and forth from the water pressure pushing against it! That toe is still crooked. By far the worst broken bone I have had to contend with was my son's broken hand.We were on vacation and he went over his bike head first and broke the outside bone on his hand. There was a lot of pain and blood and the nearest hospital was 1 hour away. That was an ordeal.!

@getnbuy (1312)
• United States
31 May 08
Yes, please let me know about toes! My brother and I got this trait from our maternal grandpa. It would be fun to know what ever it is you find out.
As for jumping in the pool, chalk it up to a 12 year old's eagerness to get in the water. I was away at camp and I just waited until I got home ( a week later)to tell anybody about it. Ofcourse, they just tape toes anyway.
@anawar (2404)
• United States
31 May 08
getnbuy_ Sorry I can't help laughing, picturing your toe waving around in the water! Did you know that if your second toe is bigger than your first toe, it means something that I forgot, but can find out for you later?
Hands, face and feet. They all bleed profusely. My son broke his hand playing football. He also broke his leg in two places in the same game.
I'm not trying to one-up your son's story, just sharing the same motherly pain we endure for our kids! It's so hard when they get hurt when you're away from home. I bet that hospital ride was a memorable one!
Let me know if you want more info about your toes. I can't believe you jumped in a pool that was only one foot deep.

@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
31 May 08
You're gonna laugh at the second broken bone story--promise!
Ok, the first one happened so long ago, I don't even recall it, so this is based one stories over the years. I had to be younger than 4 years old (when we moved). My parents had a sofa with thinner arms--perfect for a little kid to perch on. I was sitting there while my mom was on the phone and somehow I slipped off and landed on my right elbow, shattering it. That fun event caused me to be in an arm-length cast of heavy plaster for six weeks (mid arm down over my hand). Fun (NOT!).
The second incident occured just before my sixth birthday (this one I remember clear as day!). We were over my aunt and uncle's home, and they were remodeling their kitchen. They had removed the dishwasher out to just beyond the back porch. They had a large round pool, and since it was summer, all six of us were playing (my sister was too little to climb in and out of the pool). One of my cousins came up with a brilliant idea...let's have a relay race! It involved jumping off the ladder into the pool, climbing out, running to the porch and then jumping off the dishwasher. I was the youngest involved (and the shortest), so I guess I pushed too hard and lost my balance (on a slippery dish washer!), landing on the SAME elbow and SHATTERING it AGAIN! My parents were beside themselves! I had to go to the beach like that (how fun is it to go into the surf with a plastic bag over your arm?), and then I started school. My teacher wouldn't excuse me from learning to write initially, but when she saw how much I struggled trying to hold the pencil (one of those really thick ones), she allowed my best friend to do my schoolwork! And to this day, I still hold my pens incorrectly!

@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
2 Jun 08
To me, I was so little and it was different--I mean, I didn't know anyone with a red house! It was aluminum siding, originally the display home (burnt down and rebuilt), with black shutters and white trim. Very different!
As for the teacher, let's just say she had a lot of nerve! And then I got her back....on Halloween, we had a party and she let us eat candy. I ate so much, that I threw up all the way across the room to the bathroom!
I still laugh about that one! 

@anawar (2404)
• United States
1 Jun 08
scorpiobabes_ What? You shattered the same elbow twice within two years? You thought you didn't do a good enough job the first time? LOL
Why do kids come up with these crazy ideas? Jumping off a dishwasher. You've got to be kidding me! Your poor parents.
I bet you do have trouble holding your pens. What is wrong with a teacher who can't understand a child's pain?
Hopefully, you got all of your injuries completed and your bones will stay intact for the rest of your life!
Watch out for skinny armed couches and dishwashers who pretend to be diving boards. Good story. I promise I'm not laughing, too much. 

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@anawar (2404)
• United States
2 Jun 08
scorpiobabes_ This story get more and more interesting. No apology whatsoever was offered. Unbelievable.
Did you like your house painted red? I imagine it was beautiful. Were there white accents on the house?
That teacher obviously couldn't think out of the box. How can she tell you your house wasn't red? What was she thinking?
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@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
31 May 08
Thankfully I've never actually broken a bone. I've injured myself several other times in other various ways but I've never broken anything. I'm quite glad too because I'm not looking forward to casts and any of that other fun stuff you have to wear when you break a bone.
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@anawar (2404)
• United States
31 May 08
highflyingxangel_ No, wearing casts isn't any fun.
Now that you wrote about never having broke a bone_ well, you know what happens once we say things like that?
Please keep your bones safe and take care of yourself.
If you break something, we'll still be here telling bone stories_
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
31 May 08
I was running down the basement steps, and I happened to miss the bottom rung. Our rungs are longer than usual so what I did is try to break my fall and landed on my right wrist. Luckily my husband was home, so we rushed to the nearest hospital and I got it fixed and a cast that I had to wear for a weak. However now that it has healed, my left hand (and I am a leftie) does not work as good and if I write or type too long I have a spasm on the outside of my left hand and my handwriting looks more like that on a prescription pad then real writing.
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@YoungInLove (1254)
• Canada
30 May 08
I have broken my arm before, in a stupid STUPID accident lol. I was hanging off of a tree branch waiting to swing and jump into a pile of leaves, and my feet were maybe dangling a foot away from the ground. I had my brother push me so i could get a head start at swinging but he pushed me to hard and I let go to late and ended up falling down on my back, but my left arm was under me. I ended up breaking it, a little above my wrist, NOT FUN. I was too scared to go to the hospital though becuase at that time I was rediculously afraid of them, so i went for a good 4 days just holding my arm while walking around, my parents had to trick me into going to the hospital.
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@anawar (2404)
• United States
31 May 08
Four days? You went four days without treatment? You really do hate hospitals. My mom had to trick me one time because I fell and split my head on the coffee table. She told me we were going shopping_
How did your parents trick you into going?
All accidents seem stupid looking back. I cringed thinking of your poor arm stuck behind your back. Was your brother scared because you got hurt?
@Crysi23 (515)
• United States
31 May 08
Yes I broke my little pinkie finger on my right hand at volleyball practice when I was in the 7th or 8th grade. I was using a harder volleyball than we were supposed to and plus I didn't put my fingers together like you were supposed to. I didn't know it was broken until after practice. My school's principle told my dad after practice what had happened. My dad let me go home and change before he took me down to the E.R than we went out for supper after that. It was only a tiny small fracture it didn't take long to heal but I couldn't play volleyball for awhile.
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@anawar (2404)
• United States
1 Jun 08
I fell backwards on my pinky and broke it trying to do a hand-stand flip over in my friend's backyard.
It's interesting the details that you remembered. Looking back, you recall not so much the pain you endured, but rather your dad caring for you. I like that.
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@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
30 May 08
I broke my arm as a child. I can not remember how old I was maybe between 6-10. I begged my dad because he had an old tire that he was going to throw away and I wanted to keep it. He reluctantly gave in. Well I was a very imaginative child and remembered a circus where they had used barrels to roll around on. I sat the tire up against a tree climbed on and started walking on top of the tire as it rolled. I was very proud as I rolled along until the tire fell out from under me. I landed on my arm on top of the tire. A pain shot up through my arm and would not go away. I went in crying to my mom and she loaded me up to take me to the hospital. we lived way out in the country. We got about 10 miles from home and ran out of gas. We started walking and every car kept passing us. Finally a nice younger couple stopped and picked us up and ran us to get gas. I broke my right arm and spent part of my summer in a cast which limited my swimming and showering ability. Oh good times good times.
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@anawar (2404)
• United States
31 May 08
travibabiesgirl_ Okay, that is imaginative. I think you saw one too many circuses. I can't believe that little stunt worked at all.
Who runs out of gas going to the hospital? That's really funny. I'm surprised it took so long for someone to stop! It's a custom in the country to stop and help people.
I bet your swimming and showering ability was limited! Was all that trouble worth one little roll of fun?
Yeah, sounds like good times to me! 

@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
31 May 08
Yeah It is pretty funny looking back on it. It almost sounds like a comedy show. I always thought living in the country meant helping a neighbor also. I mean this was late 70's in the country in the midwest. I would think people would stop to help a woman and her child who is walking down the road crying. Maybe all those city slickers driving by on our lonely stretch oh highway had seen the movie deliverance in 1972 and was to scared to stop lol.
@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
31 May 08
When i was 14 my dad bought horses for my sister and i. My brother didn't like them. One day while riding my horse a neighborhood crush came and wanted to ride the horse with me. So i let him jump up behind me. The horse didn't like this and bucked us off. I landed on my shoulder blade and broke my collar bone. I also walked behind her one day and got kicked in the shin. Im 52 now and still have a dent and a bump in my shin. A few years ago i was involved in a auto accident and broke my collar bone.

@anawar (2404)
• United States
1 Jun 08
I heard a story about a horse that always bit his owner in the shoulder. At a loss for ideas, the man put a hot baked potato under his jacket and went out to the barn.
When that horse sunk his teeth into the hot potato you can bet he never bit his owner again.
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@anawar (2404)
• United States
1 Jun 08
jdyrj777_ okay, game over for you. You're a mess. We're taking you out of life for your own protection! I'm kidding. Not everyone understands the nature of my humour.
I was taking horseback riding lessons a few years ago. I made the mistake of standing just a bit in front of Nike's leg. When he shifted that 1500 pounds onto my right foot_
Well, I never said a word to anyone while I waited for Nike to switch to the other foot. I knew it was my dumb mistake, so I didn't tell my instructor. Two days later, with my foot all aglow with rainbow colours, I went to the doctor.
My foot was smushed and didn't fit in my boot anymore. I had to cancel my lessons for the rest of the summer.
My instructor felt horrible and responsible. I felt stupid.
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@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
1 Jun 08
The same horse my dad bought me i had for a few years. She developed different tricks to try to get me off her back. One thing she used to do was stop and move for nothing and if that didn't work she would piss me off by walking backwards. Then there was the time she desided to turn and bite my a-- while i was mounting her. I had so many bites on my behind. One day i faked her out like i was ready to mount and i waited for her to turn and bite me. I slapped her nose. That put a stop to that.
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
31 May 08
I haven't broken any bones (not yet)....but my son (the older one) had a fractured his tibia bone 3.5 months back. He was running and took a turn when his ankle twisted as he fell and he broke the bone in his leg. He had a full cast on for 6 weeks. I've never seen him in so much pain before (his pain tolerance is quite high).
A couple of days after the cast came off, he fell again and pulled a ligament in the same leg!!!

@SViswan (12051)
• India
1 Jun 08
It was as bad as the fracture (judging from the way he was screaming and not letting anyone touch it)...and it happened two days after the cast came off...and the leg was still weak....he was still scared to walk on that leg after the cast came off (though he had to walk on it) and was trying to hop down a slope on his good leg when he lost balance and fell on the fractured leg and the sudden weight of his body was too much for the leg and that's how he pulled the ligament.
He was in a cast again for a week after that. He is walking well now...but he still has a slight (very slight)limp....because he's not putting the foot down properly. I'm hoping once he starts school next week and he's out playing with his friends, the fear will go off and he will walk properly putting his foot down....he's still scared in his head and no amount of talking is going to help that.
@anawar (2404)
• United States
1 Jun 08
What is it with sons? My son fractured both his tibia and his fibia playing football. He walked off the field.
I said 'No one with a broken leg can walk off a football field.' I was wrong.
Pulled ligaments can be worse than broken bones, correct?
How long was the recovery period?
@anawar (2404)
• United States
2 Jun 08
SViswan_ You're very wise. Your son won't let go of that injury until he releases his fear. I agree. Hanging out with his friends will help him forget about his injury.
Poor kid. What a trauma. The good thing about kids is they bounce back and recover faster than adults.

@Ohara_1983 (4117)
• Kuwait
1 Jun 08
i never been that situation, but one of my friend got a broken hand, i think it is not easy to be in that situation, specially how to handle the things that you need to fix or to sleep with broken hand. it so hurt specially when winter time. the good thing is your better now my friend.

@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
31 May 08
I have never broken a bone in my life... and i hope i never will... my tolerance to pain is very low... and i don't know what i will do if something like that would happen to me...
But i remember when i was very young... like around 4 years old... my father broke his leg while playing basketball... i saw how he suffered from that... and i don't want to experience something like that in my entire life...
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
31 May 08
oh did I I fell , a really bad fall, and landed on my
left shoulder. I was taken to the er and from there to
x ray in considerable pain. it turned out I had smashed
the bones in my left shoulder so badly I had to have
them surgically removed and a bionic shoulder joint
replacement put in instead. I still cannot use my left arm
completely. I can lift it maybe ten or twelve inches
but that is fall on my way to eat out at my
favorite restaurant and my world fell apart. my insurance
thankGod paid the whole bill which was 86,000 dollars.
what on earth would I have done without my wonderful Evercare
insurance for senior citizens from Secure Horizons?
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@anawar (2404)
• United States
31 May 08
Hatley_ I think you might have won the worst broken bone story. I can't imagine the pain you experienced and how you suffer the consequences today.
I didn't know there was such a thing as bionic_
No, I never heard of Secure Horizons. I'm so happy you have insurance. So many of us can't afford it anymore. It's very tragic.
Did you ever return to that restaurant or did the memories keep you away? That must have been a very long recuperation process.
It's so true how one moment in your life changes you forever. Like when the phone rings at 5am and no one would call that early in the morning with good news_
@thaMARKER (2503)
• Philippines
31 May 08
Not -- not yet. :) But my second brother did break his right arm when he was in high school. He had a fight with some boy at school and he tried to kick him but the guy got hold of his leg so he quickly use his right arm on the ground and that's how he broke it.
Because of that incident, he learned how to write using his left hand. Now, he knows how to write in both hands. :)
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@glojay64 (9)
• United States
31 May 08
It was several years ago for me also. I was trying to lock my big dog outside by putting
the special slide in the doggie door we had installed in our patio door.
I thought the dog was still inside, so I bent down to slide the cover over the door & before
I knew what was happening my dog jumped right through the door, plastic slide & all. Well,
needless to say, I went flying backwards & landed on my arm. I heard a big snap, but was so
shocked that I really did not know what had happened for a few seconds. I managed to pick
myself up off the floor & call the doctor. I went to Urgent Care, they took x-rays of my wrist &
said they didn't think anything was broken, but they would have the radiologist check in the morning.
Well, during the next week, my wrist continued to swell, turning colors & was very painful. I could not
handle anything with my right hand. About a week later, the orthopedic surgeon's office called me &
said, "You better get yourself into this office immediately, your wrist is broken". I was both mad &
stunned that they had let this go for a week without any response. I went to their office that day &
was in a cast for 6 weeks. It felt so much better to be in the cast, the pain was not so intense.
I know this does not compare to your back, but they are both stupid mistakes by doctors...
@anawar (2404)
• United States
31 May 08
Incredible, another person with a mistaken doctor. It does hurt while you wait for them to figure out what they're doing. I know sometimes the radiologist doesn't read the x-rays right away if the doctor doesn't see a break.
I think they let it slide and study the x-rays of bones that can be seen as broken right away. I'm not sure how that works, but combining our two stories together, it does make me wonder_