Cutting your dog's vocal cords???

United States
June 1, 2008 11:15am CST
I heard that some people have their dog's vocal cords cut to keep them from barking. Is this true? Do some people really have this done to their pet? Maybe it's just me, but this sounds cruel to me. What are your thoughts on this? Has anyone ever had this done to their dog? If so, why? Does anyone know anyone who has ever done this to their dog?
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19 responses
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
2 Jun 08
It's not just a rumor, this is actually true and it's called debarking. And yes, I think it's completely cruel and really unnecessary. I haven't seen her in awhile, but I used to know this "nutcase"---she had a history of being a pet hoarder...She claimed she was a pet rescuer but that was bull. She was threatened with eviction from her apt. I don't know how many times since she kept so many pets..both dogs and cats. Every time she was threatened with eviction Animal Care and control would seize all her animals...the cats and dogs she kept in cages, they weren't even allowed to roam free. Well last I heard from a friend of mine, what this woman would do when starting to hoard pets again especially dogs, she would take them to be debarked so the neighbors wouldn't know she had a lot of dogs again. If I knew where she lived I'd report her, as no doubt she probably has a zillion pets again including dogs Here's a link to debarking
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
16 Oct 08
Thank for the br
• United States
24 Jun 08
Wow...that's just lousy! I don't think anyone should take a dog's voice away from them. That woman sounds like she has a screw loose! How would she like for some to cage her up and take her voice away?!
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@blackbriar (9075)
• United States
2 Jun 08
I think this is one of the cruelest things you can do to a dog. There are easier and less expensive/painful ways to stop a dog from barking so much. It's called training which quite a few dog owners haven't a clue about or they are just too stupid to know. Yes there have been times I've thought about it with my one dog but I would never actually go thru with it. I love my animals too much to be cruel to them. It just took longer to train her not to bark at every lil thing out in the yard. In the end, she would only bark if someone was coming up the drive or there was a problem in her 'territory' which was a 100' trolly with a 15' lead off it. Otherwise, she was quiet as a mouse till we went to play with her or get her for a car ride.
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@kbkbooks (7022)
• Canada
4 Jun 08
I know two families that did this to their dogs. One was pretty successful. A collie, a real yapper was the first I saw. They had his bark extinguished but the poor boy continued to bark silently or rather raspy, for the rest of his life. The other was a small dog, yorky maybe, and it extinguished the barking but the poor dog drooled continually after the surgery, for the rest of his life. I have never heard of a truly successful surgery of this type.
@kbkbooks (7022)
• Canada
24 Jun 08
I'm sorry I didn't make it clear. I'm against it also. My own dog barks quite a bit and sometimes is quite annoying, but I would never do this to him. He's a dog, dogs bark. Cats meow, kids whine, etc, etc.
• United States
24 Jun 08
Hmmm...well, successful or not, in my opinion it is a cruel thing to do.
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• United States
29 Jun 08
@tdemex (3540)
• United States
1 Jun 08
I'd never do that! But in my 60 yrs. on the planet I've seen dogs that had that done to them. In my experience they were usually small dogs, I think they bark more that larger dogs. But it's been along time since I've seen this. It's probably, not done that much anymore. And I don't think newer Pet doctor would do this! Lets hope not, anyway. Dog Lover! tdemex
• United States
2 Jun 08
I could not imagine doing such a thing to a dog or any other animal.
• United States
2 Jun 08
Oh my God! I agree with you, smaller dogs (we called them 'yippy dogs') tend to bark more--maybe that's where the term, "Their bark is worse than their bite" came from? It sounds terribly cruel--hopefully that went out of fashion like the lobotomy!
• United States
1 Jun 08
I'd never do it, but debarking a dog is pretty common, especially with people who have a lot of dogs. I frequently show at dog shows, and I'm always rather disgusted by handlers with 30 dogs (most of which they don't own) that have all of them debarked. I've seen it mostly in larger dogs like collies and australian shepherds, but I've seen small dogs who've had it done, too. After the vocal cords are cut, sometimes they can grow back together and the dog is able to bark again. I always wonder if people who have it done once get it done again if they grow back. Personally, I think it's cruel, and I've only seen it justified once or twice.
• United States
2 Jun 08
Yes, I think it sounds cruel too. "....and I've only seen it justified once or twice." What exactly do you feel justifies it, even on rare occassion? Just curious.
• United States
2 Jun 08
The one situation that I believe it was totally justified was a person we knew. She bred the occasional litter and had about nine dogs (all well kept, not hoarding, and all very nice dogs). One of the dogs was an obsessive barker. He barked and barked and barked because he liked it -- basically, each time he barked, it was a reward for barking. It started bothering her dogs, and they'd turn on him after a couple of hours of barking. A few dog fights later, she decided to place him. The new owner was an experienced dog owner, aware of the issues, and this was her only dog so he got tons of attention, exercise, behavior training, etc. And he still barked. It was driving her crazy, and she got a notice from the city saying that it had to stop. She couldn't get it to stop and she gave him back to the breeder. She spent a year going through behavior modification classes and each trainer (except some nutsoid doggie chiropractor) said that it would be nearly impossible to fix. Bark collars, homeopathic treatments, she tried just about everything, even some stuff I wouldn't try. Basically, it came down to either putting him down or debarking him, so debarking won. He was debarked and he stopped doing the even 'hooff!' bark sound they make after the procedure when he realized that it wasn't getting anywhere. A couple of months after the procedure, he was readily assimilated back into his 'pack'. It wasn't a convenience or cosmetic thing, by the time he was debarked, and it had a very positive outcome.
• United States
2 Jun 08
Second to last paragraph: she being the original owner/breeder :)
• Canada
1 Jun 09
Honestly, I lloovveee dogs and have always considered that procedure to be of the most inhumane kind. I got my very own dog about three months, and I love her to pieces!!! Unfortunately, she's having a very hard time with teh barking. Although at this point she's starting to make a little progress, at first, it was awful. You couldn't get up to go to the bathroom during the night without her barking and howling at you. Anytime anyone would open a door (even the cupboards), that would send her into a frenzy. Sometimes, she'd aven bark randomly, like in between mouthfuls of food, and then she's act all startled, like she didn't know where the noise had come from.(can you imagine what it was like when someone knocked at the door?) Any ways, long story short, at some point (after water spraying, water with vinegar spraying, collar tugging, cage punishment, and shock collar didn't work) we were very seriously considering having her vocal cords cut. And say what you want, if she wasn't showing small improvement, I would not feel bad at all for having done it, and people with your opinion wouldn't have bothered me. And yes, I do know someone who did that to their dog, it was a shitzuh, and it was terrible, I met him and he barked ALL THE TIME! He might have been trainable, I don't know, they never had much patience for that though..
• United States
2 Jun 09
Most dogs can be trained not to bark so much. There may be certain dogs who can not be trained not to bark, but I think if one is going to own a dog, they shouldn't make the decision as to what dog to get lightly. If barking, or excessive barking as the case may be, is going to be an issue, then they should first be sure that they are getting a dog which can be trained not to bark excessively, and then second. they should make sure that they are willing able to take the time necessary to train the dog not to bark, or at least spend the expense necessary to have a professional dog trainer do it for them if they are not sure how. If they are not willing to do this, then they should not own a dog in the first place! A dog's bark is their communication and taking it away from them would be the same as someone taking your voice from you.
@urbandekay (18278)
23 Jun 08
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! all the best urbanh
• United States
2 Jun 08
I have heard of this being done. I think it is incredibly cruel. If your kids made too much noise, would you take their voices away? Why is a pet who is a member of your family any different? Of course I find training dogs ears to look better, an idiotic practice too. Humans playing God.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
24 Jun 08
betsyraeduke that is the cruelest thing I have ever heard, to cut a dog's vocal cords. thats just plain inhumane. I have never had this done nor have I ever known anyone who would do such an awful thing to a dog. That would be like cuting the vocal cord on a person so that they would not talk so much. sad and funny and sick too.
• United States
2 Jun 08
Really? Where'd you here this? I think that's a horrible thing to do to an animal. I've never heard this before. A dog was meant to bark because that's their way of communicating. OK, so, let's not stop there. How about we cut some vocal chords of humans? I could name several people that need to keep their opinions to themselves.
• United States
2 Jun 08
A friend of mine dog barks constantly. One day this friend told me that nothing works to make his dog stop barking, short of debarking, (cutting his vocal cords), which he refuses to have done. I asked him if some people seriously do that and he said, yes, some people do. That is where I heard it. I agree, a dog was meant to bark because that is how they communicate. Debarking sounds cruel to me.
• Philippines
2 Jun 08
It is cruel. Dogs are dogs and they don't have to be punished just because we can't stand their noise when infact that noise is nature's gift to them. It's their voice. Cutting out their vocal chords is like putting an end to their identity as dogs. They are what they are so dog owners should accept that and never do anything drastic to fulfill their desires.
@mikeysmom (2088)
• United States
2 Jun 08
i do not know anyone who has actually done this but i agree with you that this is cruel. i would feel badly for any dog that this is done too. imagine how the would feel? sad....
• China
2 Jun 08
you mean that in order to make sure the dog can't bark the others so you make their teeth cut . i never did that and i also think it is not a good idea to do that.
@heleni0 (322)
1 Jun 08
I've heard of that being done, unfortunately. I would never, ever do that to my dog, I think it's awful. How inhumane to take away an animals voice. If you can't stand its barking then find it a home with someone who can. Eugh, some people make me so mad.
• United States
2 Jun 08
Yes, I think some people do some cruel things to their pets.
@raghwagh (1527)
• India
1 Jun 08
I too have not heard any thing like this. But if such things are happening then it is a very in human activity. I will suggest that such people should be punished by cutting their vocal cord. Actually I dont understand why people have pets as dogs if they dont like them barking. I am of the openion that human must behave good with other animals as that too are a part of this nature which does not belong to human alone. And human should not forget that they are also one kind of animals.
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
1 Jun 08
I have never known anyone who has had this done to their dog. I have joked about doing it when the dogs would not shut up one night, but I would never actually do it.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
2 Jun 08
Iwould never do that to a dog of mine. thats just too cruel. dogs can be taught not to bark I have never known anyone else who did that to their dog
@jczvrse (169)
• United States
2 Jun 08
I have never heard of this being done but if it is I agree it is cruel, its a dogs nature to bark, should we have poeples vocal cords cut when they talk to much i happen to know a few people I would to have that done
• Malaysia
1 Jun 08
NO!! We never do this to our dog/s, and never heard of someone who done this. This is too cruel!!