Bubarkan FPI
By fratertelo
@fratertelo (247)
June 3, 2008 2:13am CST
Kesewenangan FPI kembali menyeruak dengan peristiwa di Monas beberapa waktu yang lalu. Sekelompok orang yang mengatasnamakan diri Front Pembela Islam menyerang masa Aliansi Kebangsaan untuk Kebebasan Beragama dan Berkeyakinan. Beberapa orang luka dan dirawat di RS.
Lantas ketua FPI malah tidak mau disalahkan, mereka malah menyalahkan pihak lain.
Setujukah Anda bila FPI dibubarkan saja?
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8 responses
@sutanhartanto (4122)
• Indonesia
3 Jun 08
well, i understand what you feel. they didn't properly express what they want. btw is better if you post your discussion in english, so the other user can understand and respond it. we don't want to be exclusive, right?
welcome to mylot 

@fratertelo (247)
• Indonesia
3 Jun 08
thanks for your response sutanhartanto. i am a new comer in this media, you know it. but, must we express our discussion in englis here?
@sutanhartanto (4122)
• Indonesia
3 Jun 08
i just read the term and no, i cannot find that using other languages in posting is prohibit. but i think it's like an unwritten agreement to use english here. anyway, i think you will get more response if you use english

@siZidni (1860)
• Indonesia
6 Jun 08
yes, it's no recommended to use other language beside english..
but i thought before it's prohibited..but now there's no more in the term of use.
i agree that FPI is disbanded by government.
but before that they have to disbanded all ormas who has the same characteristic.
don't you think the AKKB has the same intention with bringing the illegal weapon to the park?
and it seems that all things has been designed for a long time before the incidents..
i see how fast ormas who condemmed the FPI then attacked their markas all over indonesia.
Poor them.. but they're not good either
@catchy (17)
• Indonesia
10 Jun 08
Hi Fratelo....
Aku setuju2 aja klo FPI dibubarkan. Tapi menurutku itu agak sulit soalnya para anggota FPI yang anggotanya tersebar se-Indonesia pasti banyak yang tidak setuju. Nanti malah jadi timbul konflik baru. Nah, bikin ribet kan? Misal dibubarkan harus melalui prosedur hukum agar bisa diterima oleh semua, baik itu oleh masyarakat maupun anggota FPI itu sendiri.
@anotherbirthday (810)
• Malaysia
10 Jun 08
yo aku ngak ketahuan apa2n yg dilakuin FPI itu, plz tell aku dong!
@sukandar_ag (880)
• Indonesia
20 Aug 08
Agree... dismission for FBI! I'm not a moslem, but I feel ashamed when there such of abusements on behalf of religion!
Bubaaaar... Wis suwe ga myLotan aku!
@anotherbirthday (810)
• Malaysia
7 Jun 08
LOL aku ngak tau sih apa-apa-an aja yg lo ngomogin ini, sila jelasin lebih detail bleh ngak?? aku dari melesia dong...

@fratertelo (247)
• Indonesia
9 Jun 08
hello anotherbirthday,
just thanks for commenting for the discussion here. FPI means Forum Pembela Islam. It is one of organisation in Indonesia that have Islam as an idology. For further info you could see in our media such as http://kompas.com

@diansinta (7544)
• Indonesia
7 Jun 08
Hi fratertelo! welcome at mylot,
im dian online from Bali island. Happy to see you!
And i agree to close FPI!!! They all are crazy, and i hate them. We have to close them now.
@seconaz (3)
• Indonesia
3 Jul 08
yup, bubarin saja. notabene pembela islam, tapi malah ngerusak islam dengan tindakan anarkis mereka. islam tidak begitu, bung !!! Tapi,permasalahannya tidak akan beres dengan pembubaran FPI,Ketegasan pemerintah tentang AHMADIYAH harus diselesaikan. BUBARKAN AHMADIYAH juga. Biar FAIR. FPI BUBAR - AHMADIYAH BUBAR !!! skor 1 - 1.
mari lanjutkan kehidupan dengan damai.