True Friend

June 3, 2008 9:48am CST
Every human being are desirable to have a good, true and honest friend, but whom do you think as a reliable friend???
6 responses
@cutie143 (215)
• Philippines
10 Jun 08
A true friend is someone who stood by you during your lowest and highest times. A person whom you can rely on and who gave her shoulder to cry on. A person who cries when you cry and laughs when you laugh. You can have many friends but its not easy to find a true friend.
@cutie143 (215)
• Philippines
8 Jun 08
I've got lots of friends but they just come and go. I think a reliable friend is someone whom you can trust and always beside you through thich and thin. You can only find a true friend during your lowest times. Havent you find your true friend?
@roger3611 (200)
• China
3 Jun 08
the one care about me, the one honest, the one modest, the one make me feel home, the one i like to spend my time with...
@bubblz (15)
• United States
3 Jun 08
mine would have 2 b Efrain hes always b-n there 4 me & he always will B there 4 me i luv him!!!!
@22angel22 (450)
• United States
3 Jun 08
When I was younger I had this great group of friends. There were 3 of us, always together and then there were 3 other girls that sometimes tagged on. I loved that when I was younger, we started junior high and the people I relied on most decided I wasn't cool enough for them and stopped hanging out with me. Then highschool started and I was then "cool" and we started hanging out again. I was ok with that and then when I started 10th grade I decided to change and not the "normal" person everyone wanted me to be. Well lets just say, they again dumped me and no longer wanted to talk to me. Now I honestly don't really have any real friends. Oh I have people I hang out with from time to time and people who call me their best friend, but I miss the friendships I had when I was younger. I do have an amazing guy who I feel is now my best friend.
• China
4 Jun 08
it is a difficult question to answer.for this kind of question i can see many in the website. Do just as you method do. Do you wnat to become a friend of mine. Good!