birth stories
By abibramwell
@abibramwell (23)
June 3, 2008 3:22pm CST
Hi all,
I had my aby boy in 2005 and i have also suffered 3 misscarrages!!I am only 21 years old but i try to think possitive and i love to hear about peoples birth stories....So here goes
1 July 2005!!I was 10 days over due and at 9am i arrived at hospital to be induced..At 10am i began with back ache and by 1am after walking around the hospital getting lots of funny looks as i stopped when i had contractions mostly in the canteen or corridoors!!1pm i wasput onto a monitor on the ward as my babys hear beat was irragular and i was at 5pm put into a private room still on the monitor...I was still getting regular contractions but had no pain relief as still on the monitor...At 6pm I was given some gas and air and i was 6cm dialated...I was wheeled in a wheel chair down to the labour ward and i was given pethidine....At 8pm i had my waters broken which was the strangest feeling in the world...at8.30 i was offered an epidural as my babys heart beat was dropping again..After the epidural i felt amazing i was singing along to my birthing cd of faithless and eating toast...but at 1am my banys heart took a very sudden drop and there ws a rush of panic in the room which filled with nurses and docters...I had to be cut from 8cm-10cm as it was not an emergency.. my baby was stuck in the birth canal with the cord around his neck and using vontoose he was born at 1.45am after only pushing for 20mins....I couldnt hold him strait away as he was not breathing and had to be resucitated by the docter but i was so exhausted i didnt realise what was happening but by 2am he was happily breast feeding and next month he turns 3 and i couldnt be prouder of him....
I loved giving birth..It was the hardest thing i have ever done but soooo amazing...
so lets share our amazing stories...
1 response
@magrylouyu (1627)
• United States
3 Jun 08
Both of my stories are quick simple and guick lol. Here it goes.
Feb. 12th 2004... I was living in Cape Cod, Ma. I had 3 days off from my work and went to CT to visit my mom. I had Feb. 11th, 12 and 13th off. Well I got to my moms house in the early morning on the 11th. We went to Dunkin Donuts and my mom told my old manager "She is going to have this baby TOMOROW!" I said "haha mom your funny I'm not due until March 14!" Sure enough 9:20am I woke up to my bed being soaking wet! I felt my daughter "drop" at 10am and shortly after I was in pain. Went to the hospital and she was born Feb 12th at 12:56pm!
May 13th 2005... We were living in South Carolina. My husband was leaving for work at 5:30am. I was having light contractions. Unconfortable not painful. I told him to go to work and I'll call if there is any change. (I wasnt due until June 19th) At 10:15am I was in pretty good pain... still bareable though. I had my husbands cousin bring me to the hospital. BY 11am my contractions were extreamly unbearable. They gave me some kind of "sleep" or "drowsy" med through my IV. May 13th 12:58pm she was born!
Both of my girls were born natural and no meds no nothing! With the exception of the sleepy crap with my youngest. Great post. I love hearing peoples experiences as well.
@abibramwell (23)
3 Jun 08
wow....both children so early...i went 10 days over and so many people told me id have him early...but nope 10 long days over due!!
@magrylouyu (1627)
• United States
4 Jun 08
oh yes both of them were just a little over 4 weeks early. Funny part is my oldest weighted 5lbs 10oz and my youngest lol weighted 7lbs 1.7oz!!! If I ever went "over due" I'd be goin crazy lol.
@abibramwell (23)
4 Jun 08
Those are very good weights....My boy was.........9Ib 1oz!!!!!The nurses were having bets before they weighed him...It was nice as it relazed the room after his shock entry!!!HeHE!!
I was only 7stone when i got pregnant as you can imagin i was Huge!!!