Snakes alive! Yes 12 of them, brother I am going to kill you!
By gemini_rose
@gemini_rose (16264)
June 3, 2008 3:35pm CST
OK, I am still on discussions that are about my holiday, sorry if I am boring you but so much happened and I have lots of friends on here that I just feel that I have to keep telling you all everything!So, I do not talk about my hubbys snakes much but I have to tell you about what happened while we were away.
My hubby has 2 cornsnakes, a Royal Python and a boa constrictor, he has always wanted snakes and has read up and learned all there is too know about them and looks after them beautifully.
His next step, he decided, was to try to breed them. Again, something he wanted to do and also to sell them for extra dosh so he spent months learning about it and gathering the things he needed and eventually he was ready to start, we had a male corn snake and his niece had a female and so he bred them. Quite a few weeks later she laid 12 eggs, so my hubby incubated them and tended to them lovingly each day, they were due to hatch before we went on holiday, but as our holiday loomed closer and closer we were wondering if they were going to hatch at all. I said for a joke "watch them hatch when we are away and your sister has to sort them out!" she was looking after them for us while we were away.
Famous last words, sure enough a few days into our holiday hubbys sister phones in a panic saying that she had checked the eggs to find little snakes everywhere! They were not all over the house they were just in their box in the incubator and there were 12 of them. My hubby told her what to do and then she sent photos of them and I am not much for snakes, but they were sooo cute. Then a little while later she phoned again, the mummy snake had only gone and laid 8 more eggs, she told my hubby that she was going to kill him for leaving her with all this!!We ended up coming home a day earlier because hubby was obviously anxious about them, plus we had had enough of the seaside too by this time.
I have put a picture of one of the babies on for you to see. Do you think they are cuties?
I bet no one does!
I just wanted to share this with you all!
Has anyone else ever bred animals before themselves? If so what sorts of animals?
What was the reason for breeding them?

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14 responses
@ellie333 (21016)
3 Jun 08
Hi I am anwsering this from email so haven't looked at the pic yet but will.... My friend would not come near but years ago I worked in an environment where the boss was best mates with hte gut from Jungle down the road so when I had a python placed around me as I was busy typing I had to overcome my fear pretty Da*m quick LOL. Not into them these days but every birth is a miracle so hope your hubby happy. Ellie :D
@xXxMikesWifeyxXx (3072)
• United States
4 Jun 08
Hahahaha thats a baby!!? dang them things are huge. when i was reading i figured they would be like 3 or 4 inches long.LMAO.
i guess they are kinda sorta cute.NOT REALLY THOUGH:p.
Once we had a burmese python. he was sweet and first but then he turned mean:(.
anyways no i have never bread any animal.and unless i have a farm i dont think i will be breeding any...
im sure it is ALOT of work to look after them little things LMAO. Wow 24 snakes in your
@gemini_rose (16264)
4 Jun 08
My hubby wants a burmese python, we have a Royal one at them minute, he is lovely. It is a lot of work, my hubby has to change their water pots each day and their beds as they usually soak everything. They have to be fed every week, and one is not feeding and so he will have to be syringed and that will be hard!
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
4 Jun 08
LOL! We have had a few baby snakes...even smaller than that, in our backyard. I don't know what kind they were. I think we were able to find out back when they were there, on the internet but, I can't remember. But, they were harmless and the hubby brought one into our house to show me. I had pictures of it but, I can't remember what I did with them. It was so tiny and, yes...a little cute. I think it was only about a foot long.
So, congrats on your new babies and your future new babies! LOL!
@gemini_rose (16264)
4 Jun 08
They are so cute though, when I look at the father of them now, I cannot believe how big he looks compared to them. They look like their dad though, but they have prettier colours than him.
@ruby222 (4847)
4 Jun 08
Wow Rose snakes!!!...much as i love all of Gods creatures snakes arent in my top twenty,but I can see from your post that hubby is somewhat passionate about them...but to have his snake family while he was on holiday must have been a bit of a let down for him!!..imagine not being there to witness the birth!!..and boil the water and rip the towels up...OH...Im afraid I have nothing as glamorous as you to report on the subject..but my cat gave birth unknown to me in the airing cupboard..and that was really wonderful..all of these little tabby faces kooking up at me...their little lives depending on me!!! that moment I actually felt as though it were me who had given birth!!!..there was no reason for us to have kittens...and we spent ages getting them homed!!
@gemini_rose (16264)
4 Jun 08
He is passionate about them, and he looks after them so well, they must be the best looked after snakes in our area.
I think he was disappointed that he did not witness the birth but it was obvious that it was going to happen while we were away, I just knew it!
What a shock going in the airing cupboard and finding those lovely kittens, I bet it was a sweet thing to happen though.
@ajaygupta (168)
• India
4 Jun 08
let me tell u that there is a unexplainable beauty in snakes. I have a keen interest in them since i was a small kid.i always loved and still love to watch them close and went on to play and handle them whenever some snake charmer came across. but at last few months back i was lucky enough to manage buying a black cobra with a u-like design on its neck. Iagainst all odds[my mother and friends opposing to keep it along] managed to keep it with was an exceptional beauty.
it was for about 3-4 months with me and then one day i took it to a temple located some kilometers from my house and freed it in isolation as the poor little creature was not able to feed as the snake charmer had broken its teeth. some how i managed to feed it with egg yolk and water for few days but then i thought to let it free as i came to know the teeth will grow gradually. i have many a times gone over to that place to find whether it was still there or someone might have not harmed it and was glad to know from the people residing near by that they have often seen a black cobra in the temple premises. i will love to see it once again and also try to get into my hands also. by the way i have loaded my video shooted while playing with it on to web at in the wild category and taged-cobra,snakes,danger. see to believe. i am glad that ur hubby also loves the beauty in the deadly.
@gemini_rose (16264)
4 Jun 08
That is a cool story, and it is nice to know that you looked after it, thanks for sharing that with me.
@plumwish07 (4057)
• Indonesia
4 Jun 08
babies of snake? oh no, i also don't think that its cute baby of animal since i also don't like snake either
and honestly your husband hobby is quite weird for me, please don't be offense.
after all, what your hubby done is quit excellent job cause he success to breed the snake
so far, i never tried to breed animals before either my husband

@gemini_rose (16264)
4 Jun 08
I am not offended, I knew that I would get this reaction from some folks! I was the same when I first realized he was set on having them as pets, but I have learnt a lot about them and there is more to them than I thought.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
8 Jun 08
oh gosh, I would not want any snakes, I have not seen any snakes here in montreal except for in a pet shop and that is where they can stay.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
11 Jun 08
I quite like snakes. Lizards too actually. I've only ever had cats and dogs that had puppies and kittens which were given away and then had the animals fixed. I think it would be great to be a breeder of something but I huge responsibility and probably expensive too.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
3 Jun 08
hi gemini rose you know they are sort of cute, the baby
snakes and I am most definitely not a snake lover.But
I have seen these litle green grass snakes and they are
also sort of cute. I have never tried to breed any animals.
the closest I came to anything like that was cross
fertilizing some fushcias and I came up with some hybrid
plants. but no animals.
@gemini_rose (16264)
3 Jun 08
Oh thank you, I know that I probably will not get much response to this one, snakes are not everyones cup of tea really. So thanks for coming to talk to me! They are so cute, they are smaller than they look in the picture though.
@tessah (6617)
• United States
3 Jun 08
i like snakes.. to a point. i wouldnt want them living in my house, but i do like to hunt them down outside, catch.. examine.. play.. and release. its one of the favorite activities me and my 8 year old daughter do every summer. weve only found 1 baby.. and couldnt manage to catch the little bugger.. but they are adorable LOL grats on the new additions, and i hope they fetch a decent price when yer hubby decides to sell them 

@gemini_rose (16264)
3 Jun 08
Hello tessah, how are you? Those baby snakes are fast, boy they are fast! I never bothered with the snakes much really, but since these little fellas have come along I have loved them. One is having trouble feeding at the minute and so hubby is going to have to syringe feed him, he thinks that he may be the runt of the litter. I really hope he starts to eat, I could not bear it if he was to die.
@cinderella2007 (2662)
3 Jun 08
I bet your sister in law was not best pleaswed being left with 12 baby corn snakes and then finding eight more eggs!! I know me personally would not be able to live in the house with the snakes. I bet your niece is intrigued to see the baby snakes, knowing that hers is the mother to them all!!
They so look cute, I dont mind looking at them aslong as they are in a cage!!
@gemini_rose (16264)
3 Jun 08
Hello, no she was not too pleased, but I think that it was more because she was frightened they would die on her!
They are all locked away in good sized cabinets, like you get in a zoo, no chance of them getting out.
@drasnian (548)
12 Dec 11
I'm not usually a fan of corn snakes but I admit these are adorable!
I don't keep corns, and I've never bred reptiles myself, but I do have a royal I'd love to breed when she gets older. She's a fair way off that yet as she's only 6 months old though!
Congratulations on the babies and I hope you got a reasonable price for them.
My mum's currently debating whether to breed our dogs - we have two golden retrievers. I think basically the plan is, leave them alone, if they breed awesome, if not oh well!
But she only wants one litter anyway, just to keep the line going really, and because her sister has a little girl and wants a calm dog so that she'll get used to dogs.