Great Update On My Mom!! 6/3/08
By CatsandDogs
@CatsandDogs (13963)
United States
June 3, 2008 9:25pm CST
First, let me tell you what's been going on. My mom was put into a rehab hospital/center and because of having a trech, she was put in a long term care facility. She can't talk and doesn't have enough strength to get out of bed. She was suppose to have physical therapy but wasn't getting any at all. Mom was trying to tell us this but we weren't sure what exactly was going on. Dad went to see her alone yesterday for I had too many things at home to catch up on and he stayed with her for 5 hours waiting for physical therapy to show up and they hadn't by noon so he called me to call mom's case worker to find out what was going on and I told her that dad was highly upset. She had gotten the whole administration together and went to see him and he raised hell big time because mom wasn't getting the care she needed and that it had better change or he's going further with this. The doctor looked everything up in the computer and someone had typed in there that they had done physical therapy on mom Friday three times a day which was NOT true at all!! Mom was able to let them know that it was a LIE!! Oh she and dad were highly upset and wanted it fixed once and for all or dad would be sure to find a way to move her somewhere else and more would sure to follow! I should've been there but I had no idea such a thing was going to go down. But later on yesterday the physical therapist did finally show up and they did their job as they were suppose to all along. Dad eventually went home but boy was he hot to trot!! Whoa!! But who can blame him? Now today we all went together so we could talk to the big wheels about all the lying and so on but we wanted to check in on mom first and lo and behold!! The tube to her trech that was giving her oxygen was gone and her trech had a cap on it which means she could talk!!!!!! She hasn't been able to talk in well over a month and I got to hear her voice for the first time in so long!! She was smiling from ear to ear just as proud as a peacock!! Dad used his cell phone and called my two brothers and of course both were on their way to work, they have their own band, and told them to pull over because he had a surprise for them and so they did and he put mom on the phone and both of them cried their hearts out!! They're so happy to hear mom's voice finally and once again!! Then I called my aunt and she just screamed from joy!! She kept saying "my sister is back! my sister I love you!" It was so awesome!! My aunt is sick with the pneumonia and isn't able to come down till she's well again but gosh, she's been here and drove back twice now and we're 4 hours apart so you can only imagine how hard it must be for her to have to stay home till she gets well but it's for the best but still she's so excited and so happy!!
Later on, physical therapy came in and mom sat herself up and they helped her to stand and she walked three steps and backwards three steps and walked forward again and back again!! She's on her way to recovery!!!!! She's trying so hard to regain her strength so she can come home!! Gosh I love her so much and we have that special bond back again and for that alone I'm forever grateful!! Can you imagine how grateful I feel to have her BACK?!! Oh my gosh!! Words can't describe how I feel!! She's alive and very coherent!! She has no memory of what had happened after getting to the emergency room except for sketches of it here and there and that's it. I told her all about it and how we almost lost her three times and she was really surprised! I told her how she and dad argued and my hubby and her argued and how she got so mad at them both and I had to intervene and tell them both to shut up and stop it because it's not her!! Just agree with her and all will be fine!! She laughed and said, I was like that?? LOL Oh yeah mom you sure were!! You were going to prove them two wrong and that was that but I made them shut up and agree with you and you'd calm down. She was so awed at the whole thing. I told my husband all along that I hope we did right by her because we had no idea how much brain damage she had and whether or not we should've let her go. It was such a huge decision to make but we had to give her a chance and I'm soooooo happy we did!! She's doing unbelievably GREAT!!!! Much better than ANY of us expected!!!! She needs to relearn how to walk and write and as far as I understand, she'll always feel sort of like dizzy or unstable on her feet because of where the stroke was which is in the brain stem. It affected both sides of her body in different ways. It's a rare kind of stroke and 95% of the time, fatal. My mother is a living breathing miracle!!!! She's talking!!!!!!!! YIPPEEEEEEEEEEEThank you God!! God is GREAT!!!!!!
Thanks to each and every one of you for caring and for your prayers and for being there for me at my time of need!!!! (Keep praying please!!) Bless each and every one of you!!!! 

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7 responses
@GardenGerty (162452)
• United States
4 Jun 08

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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
4 Jun 08
Awww GardenGerty! Thank you!! I'm just so excited that I just want to tell the whole WORLD!!!! lol
I agree, it is medicare fraud but I'm not sure who to report it to... Poor mom, she's been wanting PT for so long and didn't get it which only set her back all the more. She knows she has a long road ahead of her but she's willing to put up a heck of a fight!! We'll be there rooting her on!! lol Gosh! I'm so happy that I'm on cloud 29!! LMBO!!
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@mummymo (23706)
4 Jun 08
I started reading this post and was so angry that the people who are supposed to be helping your mother back to being as healthy and independant as she can be were neglecting her and lying about it - how dare they treat anyone in this way , I mean they know how vital this treatment is and they should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves!
I was quickly moved to tears as I continued to read and had a huge lump in my throat! If I felt this way then I can only imagine how you and your family felt! I am overjoyed for you all sweetheart I really am! Please give your Mom a hug from me and tell her that she is on the prayer list at my church and we plan on keeping her there! Hugs to you too sweetheart! xxx
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
4 Jun 08
That is really great news!! I am glad things are better. Just don't expect too much. It will take alot of hard work and time. Enjoy her while you can and I hope life starts getting back to normal for you. Good luck to you.
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
4 Jun 08
Things might not be so much in an uproar. When things do get all calmed down, you and your husband need to a vacation or at least a special night out. Hopefully that will be soon. You guys deserve it.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
4 Jun 08
Oh I'm not, I know she won't be the same because of her brain being unbalanced but she's very coherant and being that she worked in the medical field, she knows how much work she has ahead of her so she's not going into this blind. And yes I'm enjoying every minute I can spend with her... I'm so enjoying our "second" chance. It'll be a long while before any sense of normalcy because mom has that long road ahead of her and I'm the only one close to her and my dad to help out but I don't mind one bit though because I love her so very much and would walk the earth for her any day of the week. lol

@weeleybridge04 (77)
4 Jun 08
Hi there cats,
I am so pleased to hear that your mum is doing so much better, I know how you feel I was in your position about this time last year, just keep strong,and keep believing, you might have some tears to come from your mum yet but that is normal after a stroke, no one told us that with my mum so when it happened it was quite a shock,it was only when I went onto the stroke association website and read about it that I realised it was normal. It is wonderful to hear that your mum has her voice back - and i'm sure that special bond is even stronger now.
Much love to you, give your muma special hug from me.
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@gemini_rose (16264)
4 Jun 08
It sounds like now your Dad has had it out with them they have finally got your Mums care sorted out properly. Sounds like someone somewhere was letting the team down. Now she is talking too and that is great news, she will recover even quicker now that she is getting control of things again.
I am so glad to hear your news, it is heartening to hear of good things happening to good people instead of just bad and sad all the time. Long may it continue and I hope to see the discussion before too long telling us that she is coming home!
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@mjmlagat (3170)
• Philippines
4 Jun 08
I am so happy for you on such a priceless blessing from the Lord. It really pays to persevere in prayers, He has been constantly watching us and testing us at times on the depths of our faith to Him.
Continue persevering in God's mercy and boundless love.I wish you all well especially your mother.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
4 Jun 08
Oh yes most definetly!! All of us recieved a priceless gift with the return on my mom and I'll forever and ever be grateful!! God is Good!!!! Praise the Lord!!!! To be shown so much love is such an incredible feeling!! Thank you!!
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
4 Jun 08
I am so happy to read this Sweetie I really am and I really hope now that she will be home soon to all of you
Please give her a big hug from me and tell her that I admire her for her strength and for staying with her Family that love her so much
There is a Lady here in the UK thinking about her
Ok forget the Lady lol I will never be one , Gabs is sitting here thinking of her
Big Hugs to you Sweetie and I will keep her in my thoughts