How do you feel about Kerry calling our troops uneducated?
@vickilouise85 (95)
United States
November 2, 2006 12:47pm CST
Personally I am a navy wife and hearing what that complete moron had to say made me very upset. I could not believe someone would say something like that. His apology meant nothing to me. He only apologized for personal gain. How are you going to say something terrible like that about the people defending this free nation that you live in. Also I find it ironic that they are defending his right to be a total moron. Thank goodness he did not win the election. Can you imagine a guy who so obviously does not care about our military being the head honcho of the military? I am so glad he lost. It truly infuriates me!
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33 responses
@kyane2002 (48)
• United States
5 Nov 06
I think we shoud send him out there with no armor, no weapon, no nothing and see how sad he does!! He could never compare to the men and women out there now and before. I am a Proud Air Force wife, and he can stick it where the sun don't shine!!!
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@Kazzo1966 (16)
• Australia
5 Nov 06
Isn't most of the recruiting now from the poorer areas, where they are uneducated.
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@sabrinam (1203)
• United States
5 Nov 06
Kazzo recruiting is done mostly on college campuses, I'm not sure if that has anything to do with education, but I would say that they're not targeting "uneducated" people at all. If I'm not mistaken we trust these people with our lives so even doubting their integrity is ridiculous.
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@kyane2002 (48)
• United States
5 Nov 06
Hmmmm. The only "uneduacted" thing happening here is Kerry. Even as he stated it as a joke towards Pres. Bush and the Vice pres. it was tasteless, and rude. There was no need for any such joke. Any person who takes office will say anything they can to gain votes and once in, they can either do what they have said or turn around and do the opposite. Most of those people turn and do the opposite. No one who is pres is going to be liked by everyone and isn't going to do things that everyone thinks is right. It will never be and people should just get used to it. But bashing men and women who are doing what they believe in or not, they are doing a job THEY signed up to do, full well of knowing the certain outcomes and circumstances.
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@Ethan72282 (112)
• United States
5 Nov 06
How can anyone support Bush, whose butchered statements fill books and page-a-day calendars, and get so angry with Kerry over one mistake that would have been completely inconsequential if people hadn't overreacted? Bush served (poorly) in the national guard to stay out of Vietnam. Most of the Iraq war's most powerful supporters have never performed any sort of military service. Kerry has served in a disastrous war, so he understands the plight of the soldiers much more than those calling to stay the course or whatever they're calling it now. The criticism was not of those fighting, but of those who made the job of the soldiers tougher than it needs to be.
Pots and kettles...
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@kesfylstra (1868)
• United States
5 Nov 06
I wouldn't say he understands their plight so well, he did give himself three purple hearts and got his ** out of Vietnam. But I agree, I think it was a very poorly worded joke, but I do not believe he intended to put down our service members. And I am a Navy wife too.
@superbeeeyatch (688)
• United States
5 Nov 06
I have to say that I never saw that interview, but I can't say how I feel about that comment....That is compleltly wrong! I really don't know how I would have reacted if I was there when he stated that comment...I do hope that someone there made him feel really small after that comment was made...If I was him and made that comment for everyone to hear, I would have tucked my tail and ran like the Devil was chasin me...He is sooo very wrong!
I stand behind our men and women that serve our country! If it wasn't for them risking there lives to protect us, I am sure many of us won't still be here. Best of luck to you and your family and my thoughts and prayers are with you also...Lets find a way to bring our Troops home safe...
@Ethan72282 (112)
• United States
3 Nov 06
Just thirding the assertion that it was a bad joke aimed at George Bush and not the troops. Sometimes, one word can make a huge difference, and this is one of those times. The intended words were: "If you study hard, you can do well. If you don't work hard, if you're intellectually lazy, then you might get us stuck in Iraq. Just ask George Bush."
George Bush was, from what I've heard, a terrible student who probably would not have earned a degree if he wasn't a legacy student from a powerful family. And the troops have been in Iraq for years with no end in sight, and that can easily be interpreted as "Stuck in Iraq".
So there you go.
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@Ethan72282 (112)
• United States
5 Nov 06
He had no intention to insult the troops. At all. He missed a word which made what would have been a direct jab at Bush open to other interpretation. If the media got this worked up every time that Bush misspoke, they would never be doing anything else.
@vickilouise85 (95)
• United States
5 Nov 06
That is one way to look at it...but if he wanted to direct it at Bush he should have just directed it at Bush he did not need to go all there and insult the very people that protect him. I find it quite insulting that he thinks all will be well with an apology and saying it was all a joke...ok so if I walk up to you and seriously call you an idiot and then take it back saying it was all a joke or directed at someone tell me thats going to be enough for you...please...

@pasychosheep (169)
• United States
3 Nov 06
**sigh** It was meant for Bush. It was always meant for Bush. You're believing the media machine telling you that he meant it for the troops. He didn't.
Of course, that doesn't make it right. It just serves to prove that this stupid bipartisan warring needs to stop before the country tears itself apart. Bush and Kerry are both buffoons, just in different ways.
And before you pass judgement on me, know this: I come from a family with strong military history and service. My girlfriend's dad is in the army as well. A number of my mentors and teachers have all been in the military at one point or another. I would be in the military myself, if I didn't think that my skills would best be spent bettering the country in other ways. So know that I'm on your side, and I also want to see what's best for america.

@soonergirl980 (261)
• United States
5 Nov 06
yea after the uproar it was aimed at bush. I believe that is how really feels and he ment it and yes I watch the tape. Plus, he shouldn't say anything about Bush's education when it's better then Kerry's
@vickilouise85 (95)
• United States
3 Nov 06
Okay I'm not going to judge you anyways...I just think that even if it was directed at Bush or whatever he should have been more direct...and insulting our troops is no way to attack Bush. He's a petty loser...and I don't care who it was directed at or how much he apologizes...he will always be a complete moron in my eyes!
@vickilouise85 (95)
• United States
5 Nov 06
Yeah it just doesn't make up for what he said...nothing he can say or do can make up for it...

@jmacki1 (51)
• United States
5 Nov 06
I listened to what he said and I cringed, because I knew what would follow. I 100% believe that he did not intentionally insult the military. I don't. I think that he didn't think completely before he spoke and I truly believe he was trying to insult Bush. Who I believe deserves to be insulted.
But frankly, I would rather have taken my chances with that moron, than the moron we have in office. JMHO.
And I am not a Kerry supporter.
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@sabrinam (1203)
• United States
5 Nov 06
You know from day one when he was running the word that came to mind when I saw him was Puppet. What a dolt he is, how stupid do you have to be to even write a joke that has anything to do with this country's military? The most hard working people in the nation! What a dumbarse.
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@superbeeeyatch (688)
• United States
5 Nov 06
That is the truth! I really wonder how he feels after saying that?
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@thepromptwriter (474)
• United States
2 Nov 06
I look at it this way, this is coming from a man who never had the nerve to serve his country in battle. It's easy for people like him to critisize what they don't know or understand. I've got a nephew in the Air Force and one of my Boy Scouts recently joined the Navy. I'm very proud of all our service men and women and know just how much intellegence it takes for them to do their jobs correctly.

@Ethan72282 (112)
• United States
3 Nov 06
Kerry was a Vietnam vet with purple hearts - he also made it very clear that he wasn't trying to insult the troops. If you want to attack him for attacking the President, fine, but don't take the words out of context and expect it to be convincing.
@vickilouise85 (95)
• United States
5 Nov 06
Yes you are right he was a Vietnam Vet and personally that makes it even more insulting...if he wanted to attack Bush he should have directed it at someone who doesn't defend his country...sorry he is still a moron!
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@vickilouise85 (95)
• United States
3 Nov 06
It is critical for them to use their minds while they are out there fighting for their country! Some people do not understand that it is not a mindless job!

@vickilouise85 (95)
• United States
3 Nov 06
Absolutely! My husband joined the navy because he wanted to support our future family. Then once he got in he loved it so much he is probably going to be a lifer! It had nothing to do with intelligence or schooling it was all about being a better man. If that's an uneducated idea then I guess we are all doomed to be surrounded by morons.
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@vickilouise85 (95)
• United States
3 Nov 06
Yeah but that would be unheard of nowdays haha
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@brandy_i (76)
• United States
2 Nov 06
I am a very proud army wife and it makes me sick to think that a man this ignorant could have been the leader of our country. It disgusts me that he would make that comment. How dare he refer to the people that put their lives on the line to defend his freedom of speech as uneducated. It amuses me to no end in some ways though considering that so many of the people that join the military do it to pay for their education. I know I did and the Air Force paid me to go to college full time. My best friend just got commissioned into the army after getting her BA from WSU. If the military is so uneducated then why do they offer to pay for schooling for their members. Kerry should keep his mouth shut and stay out of any future elections because I can promise that those of us that are military members or family members will not forget the comment he made...apology or not!!!

@vickilouise85 (95)
• United States
3 Nov 06
I agree! Good to meet a fellow military wife :) His apology was rather insulting as well. If you make a mistake of that caliber who is really the uneducated one here? And apologizing for something like that is just stupid...we know you only apologized for your own gain and we are not going to forget or forgive.

@jonas_71ss (174)
• Virgin Islands (U.S.)
3 Nov 06
John Kerry needs to realize that people in public life have an obligation to watch their mouth. Actually we all do, but he should not be so shocked when something he says causes such a firestorm.
He was considering running in 08' I think wasn't he, but I'm pretty sure he has botched the opportunity as well.
I found his words, whether botched or whatever, to be horribly out of line.
Let's stick to real issues and quit trying to come up with lame jokes/shots about the other party, no matter who you are.
@vickilouise85 (95)
• United States
5 Nov 06
I agree those kind of jokes are unnecessary. And they are very out of place. He was very out of line!
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@AndreaLawStudent (287)
• United States
6 Nov 06
My Dad was a fighter pilot in the Navy and so was my Grandfather. So I am coming from a huge Navy family too.
I think Kerry made a mistake. I think we have a lot bigger fish to fry right now. I am not going to worry about a bad joke or whatever it was. We have all said stupid things but I don't think he was malicious in any way. Just a dork.
Heavens knows that Bush, whether you agree with him or not, has stuck his foot in his mouth many times.
It happens to us all, just not usually on camera.
@bhchy1 (6047)
• United States
3 Nov 06
The dig was aimed at Bush. but it didn't make it any less sensitive to anyone serving in the military service...most of which are 10 times smarter than Kerry ever will be. Consider the source and don't take offense...he's a politician because he has no other job skills.
@vickilouise85 (95)
• United States
3 Nov 06
True but, its hard not to be offended...but I do agree we must consider the source!
@vickilouise85 (95)
• United States
3 Nov 06
It absolutely is terrible...but stupidity is not a crime so he is free to go
@angeliamj (632)
• United States
5 Nov 06
I'm with you vicki, as a Marines wife I was pissed off. The nerve of this man, to whom before this I thought was an okay guy, to speak without thought. Then to apologize...whatever buddy you've already stuck your foot so far down your throat there's no fixing it. Our husbands, wives, friends, fellow servicemembers are out there fighting for his freedom to say the bs that he's said. He needs to remember that his statements won't ever be forgotten.
@angeliamj (632)
• United States
5 Nov 06
well the pic is too small to see, but it's got a red no Kerry circle around his head and the words..."you should have gotten an education" in the text....
@vickilouise85 (95)
• United States
3 Nov 06
Nice to meet another navy wife! He should be ashamed of is people like him that are going to bring our wonderful country to a terrible doom.
@suzieque (2334)
• Canada
2 Nov 06
I still can't believe a politician would say that!! Was he drunk or something! Or maybe a look alike switched with him and sabotaged him! Because A politician cannot be so dumb to say that!
@vickilouise85 (95)
• United States
3 Nov 06
Thats the funny thing...politicians should not be that ignorant, but there are several that are.
@joelmichael (43)
• United States
7 Nov 06
The way it sounds to me is that they were uneducated about whats going on. and that sounds to be truth to me. Like the goverment actually gives a damb. And how actually are people accross seas defending the country. We need out troops here not overseas fighting bushes war. But i don't even care about politics. so whatever. bush and kerry are equally dumb a+ss+es
@joelmichael (43)
• United States
7 Nov 06
and havent we already proven are millitary has the largest balls