
@ik4man (627)
June 4, 2008 12:43am CST
English is not my mother tongue so i hope people here don't mind the mistakes i made with my writing...really feel sorry about it. I will try to improve all the time.
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3 responses
4 Jun 08
Welcome to myLot. I hope you never mind about the gramme mistake, we don't take English examination here. The discussion is between friends. As long as people were able to understand you, that is nice discussion.
@ik4man (627)
• Malaysia
4 Jun 08
Thanks, i think i can improve my English through participating with the discussion here.
• Brunei Darussalam
4 Jun 08
In other world,i speak different language from English,most of us here are having English as their second language,so as long as what we written are fully understandable,i dont think that there should be problems with that.
@youless (112383)
• Guangzhou, China
4 Jun 08
Your English isn't bad, please don't worry about it. My first language isn't English, too. Don't be afraid of the mistakes, as long as others can understand you, that will be fine. I love China