advice/things that your parents have told you that you'll never forget..
By zer0charly
@zer0charly (5614)
June 4, 2008 1:30am CST
Our parents always tells us things or pieces of advice that sometimes will stuck in our mind and will never ever forget.
when my mom and I were still together, she always reminded me not to trust any guys except for my father. I will never ever forget whenever I will bring "boy-friends" (literally)at home, she will always remind me of what she said.
she always reminded me of that even if they're already separated, and I am so happy to know that even though they are not in good terms, she told me good things about my father.
and for my dad, I will never ever forget how he stayed at home during my kinder, elementary and high school graduation.
I was crying during my high school graduation and wondering on why he just stayed at home while the whole family was with me in my graduation day.
and then when we're home, (I was just looking at him and a bit mad)he just look at me and said "the only graduation I'll be going to attend would be your college graduation. prove to me that you can reach that. I'll be there even if you don't want to. and right in front of everybody, I'll tell them how proud I am to you.."..
that stuck on my mind, and really work hard for me to graduate, and prove to him that I can..
and of course, I want to prove to him that even without his guidance,(because my parents separated a month after my highschool graduation.) I can graduate to college and that he'll be proud of me someday..
and when my college graduation day comes, he hug me while crying and like what he promise me he said, "I am so proud of you. you've made it."..(and of course, I can't help but to cry that time..he doesn't have any idea that what he said really stuck in my mind, and made it as my motivation."
how bout you..?
have you still remember some things that your parents have told you?..share it to us..
have fun responding!

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13 responses
@ratyz5 (7808)
• Philippines
4 Jun 08
I had to wake up really early that day at our class trip but, I over slept and got disappointed when I arrived at the bus station. There were no buses which made it hopeless for me to arrive on time before everyone left at school. I went home to my parent's surprise.
My dad got himself ready inspite of not being able to eat his own breakfast and convinced me to come with him at the bus station. To my surprise, a bus just arrived and he went aboard with me.
When we got to our school, he told me to never give up on anything if you haven't tried everything. That's still in my head up to now, even though I have failed to follow it a couple of times.
When it comes to my mom, I seem to remember no word that she had ever spoken which can be considered something that changed my perception towards things. However, whenever I am confronted with such dilemas that I have to decide, I often remind myself, what would she do in this situation...? With that in my mind, I often end up doing the right thing, even though I end up making confrontations along the way wherein others seems to disagree, as long as my conscience was clear, I bear no regrets on such decisions.
That's what I could recall..
@zer0charly (5614)
• Philippines
4 Jun 08
you know what, your dad is right. "never give up on anything if you haven't tried everything."..
it's better to fail at least you've tried, than to fail without trying at all..(I hope it makes sense.)
Nice quotation from your dad..I'll use it as a motivation.
hhmm..base on what you've wrote, your relationship with your mom isn't that OK. well, even though, just thinking of " what would she do in this situation" makes you to go on, solve things and doing things right..well, better thanks your mom for that. you haven't notice that she's also your inspiration..well, in a very different way I guess...
and yes, I totally agree with you that, for as long as your doing things right, never regret on anything that you've done.fighting!

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@ratyz5 (7808)
• Philippines
4 Jun 08
I use to make her as my own excuse for not being able to finish college on time. I always thought that what's the worth of what I may do now when its always uncertainty up ahead.
Yet, things change and I very much understand my mother more, now that I spend most of my days at home with her while taking care of her grandchildren.
When I said that I remember no word that she had ever spoken which can be considered as something that changed my perception, I was really having a hard time recalling a phrase that could sum up everything that had helped me through everything that I have been through. It seems that she had helped me alot and I can't decide on among the numerous times that I owe her.
Hehehe, perhaps its because we don't agree all the time in discussions that helped us to be more opinionative than usual.
Have you ever played an arcade game with your mother?
just wondering...

@zer0charly (5614)
• Philippines
4 Jun 08
its good to know that she helped you a lot in many ways. sorry if I misinterpreted what you have wrote in there.
with your question, I haven't played any games with my mom. and I think that wouldn't happen..

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@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
4 Jun 08
Since young till young, i've not gotten any advice or compliments from my parents at all.. I've been always doing things for myself and my way.. Because whatever i do will always be wrong in their eyes, and even if i 'so-called' follow their advice, i will still end up being wrong.. IN my mind, there are only scoldings and naggings.. I have to fight for my chance to do things my way.. If ever i done anything i din do it b4, they will say that i've been led astray by my frenz etc.. And so, i have only scoldings and naggings that are always in my mind..
@zer0charly (5614)
• Philippines
4 Jun 08
I don't pity you, instead I admire you for being so independent and making decision on your own. I know that its too hard for you on how your parents treated you. but remember, parents will always be a parents.
everyone of us get mad at our parents, but I am sure that they just want what's the BEST for us.
I really don't know the real story behind your family, but I am sure that most parents are great and awesome and they sincerely love their kids despite how they act. like what ratyz5 said "for as long as your conscience was clear, never regret the decisions that you've made on your own."..

@zer0charly (5614)
• Philippines
4 Jun 08
LOL. just don't forget that you really have to respect them as your parents. and of course, when you listen, you have to make actions..just an advice tho.

@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
4 Jun 08
Yup.. I know that, no matter wat they are still my parents.. They only want the best for me, but to me, those are not things i want.. SO i will just listen to them and end up not doing them.. I will only do wat i feel is to my own interest and hobby, rather than useful to me.. ANd thus, i will always get scolding from them for that.. lOL ^_^

@marababe (2503)
• Philippines
11 Jun 08
First I'd like to tell you that I got the chills when I read that part about what your dad said. I am near teary-eyed. Well, there are a lot of things are parents keep on telling us almost every day but some of those things that my parents told me that I can't forget would be to:
1. Be an early riser.
With the example of the bird and the worm. You got it.
2. Help others if you can in any way. Some day when the time comes that you'll need help, these persons will be the ones to help you. (This is like my Dad's favorite advice)
3. When applying for a job, don't act as if you're begging to be hired. Both you and the company that you're applying need each other. Just tell them what you can give and if they don't hire you, there's still a lot more opportunity to come. (My Dad's again)
Obviously my mom isn't really into giving advices like my dad. Maybe she dropped a line in between but I can't remember. Cheers!
@zer0charly (5614)
• Philippines
12 Jun 08
Oh yeah, whenever I remember those, I get to be proud of myself, and remember all the things and challenges that I've already really helped me and motivates me a lot.
with regards to your dad's pieces of advice, yeah that's all true.
Be an early riser. - you can do many things if you'll start earlier..
Help others if you can in any way. Some day when the time comes that you'll need help, these persons will be the ones to help you. - hhhmm..there are some people who will just help because of making favor in return. there are some who will just help you, because of paying the "utang na loob"..better to help with all your heart without asking favor in return.
When applying for a job, don't act as if you're begging to be hired. Both you and the company that you're applying need each other. Just tell them what you can give and if they don't hire you, there's still a lot more opportunity to come. - agree! why to beg?.. they need you anyway.. company works because of employees. and like what your dad said
Both you and the company that you're applying need each other.
are you closer with your dad?..just asking..

@myliezl0903 (2726)
• Philippines
12 Jun 08
same like yours.,my parents are also separated and i would say that before i was really having a hard time to accept it because im hurting in a way that both of them will be having their own family.,sooner or later. during that time eventhough im still young.,i told myself that i should be moving on and i need to fix my said life because no matter what i will eventually find and build my own family too.,all of those things had been stuck in my mind and the greatest advice my mom gave me is that if ever i should be having my own family or so.,i need to make sure that his parents (my fiance's parents) will love me like their own. meaning i should have a good relationship with his family.,not to compete with them because we all know that "blood is thicker than water" and no matter what, whatever, whichever way we do, his family will be his family forever.,
hahaha! don't know what to say here.,im really having a hard time to focus on what to say because the my first answer that i supposed to fill in here got lost! LOL! don't know why., but anyway.,to keep this short and simple.,"LOVE OUR PARENTS"...coz if we do.,that means.,you also love GOD.,our creator.
have a nice day ahead!
see you around!
manila, philippines

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@zer0charly (5614)
• Philippines
12 Jun 08
same here.. It was so painful to the point that you wanted to give up.. but I've realized that I shouldn't.. I know that God has its own purpose on why that happened. and just like you, if ever I'll be going to have my own family, I promise to myself that I will never let my future children suffer what I've experience.
with regards to your mom's advice, of course, you should love your partner's family the way you love him.not because it is needed, but because your heart is willing to do so. well, competition shouldn't exist when it comes to love.
LOL. just keep on responding so that you could already get a 500 post. by that, you can already do the copy paste and you can save your post if ever it'll be lost.
anyway, thanks for the great deserve an award for that.

@MaggieJiang20 (134)
• China
10 Jun 08
I cannot remember clearly~~ Er,they helped me a lot.I guess the most important thing is what my mum said to me a few days ago.I failed in a national competition due to a little mistake and was so regretful and annoyed that I turned to my mum.She taxed me a long message.She said,you should be happy to find your little mistake in advance.Then you will not make the same mistake in the future.I believe in you.Cheer up and don't miss the next chance.I am so proud of her.And I will remember these words forever.
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@zer0charly (5614)
• Philippines
10 Jun 08
wow..I agree with what your mom said. learn from your mistakes.. it will help you to motivate yourself.. fight!fight!fight!

@mian_26cutie (61)
• Philippines
18 Jun 08
When I was a little girl, my mom always told me to be a good person. before, i dont understand what she's talking about. but when I get older i realized that its hard to be a good person. you have to do what they expect you to be. you have to be perfect and be nice to all people. I did my best to be what they want me to be....and now, here I'am..........I know I'am a good person inside and out.
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@zer0charly (5614)
• Philippines
18 Jun 08
we can't pleased everybody. and we shouldn't be a good person, just because people wanted us to do so.. for as long as your doing what you think is right, and you never hurt anybody, I think that you're on the right track..
@zer0charly (5614)
• Philippines
10 Jun 08
wow...that's good..and I hope that it's true.LOL. just kidding.

@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
4 Jun 08
My grandmother always said, "Don't count your chickens until they are hatched." Another way of putting don't have it unless it is in your hand. So true. I have had people promise me so much and they never came through.
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@zer0charly (5614)
• Philippines
5 Jun 08
it's true. and never expect too much..
feels like there's lots of people who've hurted you..
its ok dear..cheer up!

@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
5 Jun 08
That's such amazing advice for a parent to give to their child. And, your mom sounds like a very sweet person. I'm happy that you have her in your life. She is only looking after your best interest.
Isn't it amazing how advice is the only thing we're allowed to carry through this world. It's tax free. They can't force us to give it up, no matter how the governments change. And we simply add our parents advice to the long list of things we've learned. I treasure all the advise that my grandmother gave me (like a mom). She was one of the best people I've ever met.
She told me to get educated too. Actually, her words were more like, "A woman has to be able to depend on herself!" We had this big talk about it, when I was 15 years old.
College is one of the gifts that you give yourself that lasts a lifetime. You'll never be sorry that you got more education.
My best wishes for you on a successful graduation and happy long life. Let's swap posts again sometimes. This one really made me think. Thanks! Be well.
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@zer0charly (5614)
• Philippines
6 Jun 08
yeah, I agree with you. and our parents advice, or some peoples good advice will help us to be in the right direction. parents will always be a parents, and they just want us to be in a good condition.
well, your mom just wanted you to learn on how to protect yourself. and my mom wants that for me too.
yeah, you know what, I am so happy right after I graduated college. and I realized that It wasn't the end of leanings, but it is just the beginning.
thank you, and please always visit my site..and so am I to your account..thanks a lot!

@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
5 Jun 08
my mom always told me to do unto others as I would
have them do unto me, thats the golden rule and
makes life more pleasant. also she told me
god never gives us more than we can handle and'
so far I have found that to be really dad
on the other hand said trust no one as they are
'all out to get you and that I did not like as'
I felt most people were trustworthy.
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@zer0charly (5614)
• Philippines
5 Jun 08
yeah, that is why we called that golden rule!that's the ultimate rule here on earth.
and I also believe in that there's always a reason behind why some bad/good things happen to us, and that God wouldn't give any challenges if he knows that we can't solve it. he's just testing our faith to him. right now, I'm facing lots of challenges in my life, but despite of what is happening, I am always thankful because I've learned a lot. and I became more stronger. I know that God wanted to learn me something by letting me experience all this.
with your dad, I guess there were some whom you can trust. I guess your dad has experience losing trust to someone.

@taface412 (3175)
• United States
4 Jun 08
When I was little my family moved around a lot. When I was around three or four we moved from my very first home (which I can remember in great detail) in Chicago to a small town in Kentucky. I left behind my best-friend, my grandmother, aunt, and everybdy on the block who had become a child's universe....
And over the years we moved several more times until we landed in a little larger small town, I think we were actually on our way back to Chicago but my father got a job in this small town and mom promised him to let us grow up there...because moving was hard on all of us, especially when it came to friends. I was always afraid to make close friends because deep down I wondered if I would even be around long.
Well, I grew up in that small town and had many, many friendships over those years. Some were good some were bad. But when I came home crying about losing a friend, or fighting with a friend, or a fried who used always said that "you will be lucky if you find one true friend in your lifetime."
And she was right, even when I went to college and met wonderful people who I still stay in contact with casually my best friend is the person who began my life. She has always been there for me no matter how horrible I may have been (I was a pretty spoiled little girl) and she always told me the truth about everything.....
And maybe when she told me this she did not intend it to be her, but she is my best friend.
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@zer0charly (5614)
• Philippines
5 Jun 08
you know what, It doesn't matter how many friends you have, what's important is if they are real or not.
I only have few friends, but all of them were real. and I must say that just like you, they are always by my side whenever I need someone, or if ever I feel that things fall down on me.
and you are lucky to have such kind of friend.. just keep on holding to each other, and treasure all the good memories that you have. and I know that you always appreciate all the things that she always do for you..
and even if you moved out so many times, see your mom was right, you'll get a true friend...and that's your best friend.

@jasbir_pro (283)
• India
4 Jun 08
Among all other things that I remember is the beating I got from my mother when I was just eight or so years old.
She forgot a two rupee note on her bed and I took it. Then I bought a few candies with it and shared them with my brother. But he betrayed and it was then that my mother got hold of me.
Around that time, I was a little shaky on moral ground. But from that day onwards, I resolved to be never in such a position again. That really made me.
Of course, it also taught me not to have blind faith in anybody.
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@zer0charly (5614)
• Philippines
5 Jun 08
I know that it was so hard for what had happened. but past is past..and just look forward and just learn something from it. I know that you are a strong person and that you can do whatever things that will come on your way.

@zer0charly (5614)
• Philippines
5 Jun 08
well, i guess listening isn't have to something also.