Two and a half and the terrible two's have hit, and I do not like it at all!
By gemini_rose
@gemini_rose (16264)
June 4, 2008 7:17am CST
OK I have four kids, 3 boys and a girl and when everyone says about the terrible two's I know what they mean as I have it three times so far. But I have never ever had a child who has been hit with the terrible two's as bad as my daughter, oh my gosh she has turned EVIL!!
I have always been strict on them with manners and tantrums and have never spoilt them too much, I have always been able to take them out anywhere without fear of them showing me up. They just would not have dared show me up by making a scene.
But now I have met my match, in the form of a pint sized two year old who seems intent on reducing me to a quivering wreck before she is three! She has tantrums in the Street if she cannot get her own way she screams and sits down in the street and will not move and I have to physically drag her down the road. She swears now, OK she has been taught by her brothers who think it is funny to hear her say "F**K*R and D*CK. She will not hold my hand when we are crossing roads I have to grab her and hold her like a vice grip or she will just run in the road. She is frazzling me!
Oh and she makes a great show out of showing me that Daddy is her favourite, on holiday she would have nothing to do with me and kicked off everytime I spoke to her or tried to show her things it was all daddy, daddy, daddy. Good job I am thick skinned and was not upset too much LOL.
OK so the tantrums I tell her that everyone is laughing at her and looking at her, this seems to work a little, the swearing I tell her she will have no sweets or no bot bot (Milk) and the holding hand I tell her if she holds my hand by crossing the road I will let go on the other side, failing that I have told her I will buy her a dog lead or put her back in her pushchair like a big baby. But everyday is a battle of wills and I am not used to it.
So have you been through the terrible two's yet?
How were they for you?
What is the worst thing that your child did or does now that they are two?
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17 responses
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
4 Jun 08
None of my other kids ever had the terrible two's, because like you, I'm strict, and put a stop to it before it started. I have little patience and would never stand for a temper tantrum, and would NEVER give in.
But now... my 2 year old son is proving all that wrong. It is my own mistake because I have spoiled him a bit more than I did my other kids. I have given in to him when he cries. When he whines for a toy that another child has I make the older child hand it over. If he cries because he wants to go out, I bring him out.
I realize this is my own mistake, and he realizes that if he pushes far enough he'll get what he wants. He doesn't listen when I try to get his attention. He basically does what he pleases because he's always gotten away with it.
The sad part is, he's not quite 2 yet. He will be 2 later this month, so I'm sure it will only get worse before it gets better. But now that I've recognized what I've done, I'm trying to make little changes.
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@gemini_rose (16264)
4 Jun 08
With mine it is usually hubby that gives in, I get really cross with him he manages to undo all my hard work in just a few seconds. He has done so with our daughter which is why she always shows her favour so much of him grrr it does make me mad!
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@Gemmygirl1 (2867)
• Australia
4 Jun 08
At least yours has waited until after 2 for the terrible 2's to hit - my daughter started more around 18 months i reckon!
I have the tantrums & when you tell her 'NO' she will throw whatever she's holding, throw herself on to her hands & knees, then start banging her head on the floor.
If not, she'll just scream & run off or find something to throw if she isn't already holding something.
There's the swearing as well but i think she's picked that more up from her cousins & her Dad's side of the family, they kind of have pretty filthy mouths & don't think to be careful what they say around her - even while she's so easily corrupted!
This is my first child & who knows, the 2nd one might be different (we're having a boy this time around) so i guess we'll wait & see what happens but as i said, at least your little one was over 2 when her T-2's started! My little miss will be 2 years old in just 2 days so i've already had 6+ months of the terrible stuff & i'm slowly pulling my hair out.
@gemini_rose (16264)
4 Jun 08
Congrats on your impending arrival, let me tell you that I have 3 boys and they were wonderful as babies and toddlers. Did not have a minutes aggravation with them.
Only trouble with them was they never slept at night, they had their T 2's early too, but they were not really that bad and only had theirs in the house and never while I was out.
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@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
4 Jun 08
hahahaha. I remember my mom as you and me as your little baby when I was younger. Even if I am the eldest, mom said that I am the burden compare to my sister!LOL! I always cry and when I want to go out, I am not satisfied, I will keep on pointing out until we are very far already from the house, When I want to eat something while we were walking, I have to get it or else I will not talk to my mom for the day...LOL! I have a very patient mom and I never remember she hit me once with my bad attitude..LOL, I always hear her valuing and I do know, I just change when I was in High School, and become a very good daughter...LOL!
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@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
4 Jun 08
LOL! I know she will since she has a good siblings and parents..That's what I got also and I am very proud of my family!
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@gemini_rose (16264)
4 Jun 08
Well then lets just hope that my daughter follows your example and turns out to be a good girl!
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@mummymo (23706)
4 Jun 08
OH that all sounds so familiar! Can I let you in on a little secret sweety? She is a girl and she will be more spectacular at every stage than your other 3 put together - at least that is my experience so far! She is practising to be a woman and although she may grow to appear a little more co-operative she will always have that little brain of hers working on how to get her own way in all things! lol Is Daddy the softer option by any chance? She probably knows that she has him round her little finger and wanted to reinforce her power by making sure he knew he was adored! lol
Mine can still get Daddy to do whatever she wants when she wants! lol xxxx
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@gemini_rose (16264)
4 Jun 08
I don't think she needs any practise being a woman, I think she was born knowing all there is to know!
Yes Daddy is the softer option, and she made sure that I knew it. When he is at work she is fine, as soon as he walks through the door she turns on me!
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@dragonfly242 (1060)
• Bahamas
4 Jun 08
Haha gemini, that's real funny.
I know it's not always funny for you though.
All i can say is if it doesn't kill you it will make you stronger, or so one would hope.
Been there, and glad that it's over.Out of my six children i'd have to give my last the trophy for being the most difficult two year old i've ever came across.
She was my little stripper, when she got angry she'd strip of her clothes with no regard for where we were.She also had a potty mouth, she had no qualms about firing of a barage of cuss words at the drop of a dime, which seemed to happen in the front of strangers more times than i'd like to recall.
But i think the worst, was when we visited the seniors home where my older kids adopted a elderly lady as their grammy{long story} Well to make a long story short, grammy reached over to give my daughter a hug, and the child pulled away and said "dont touch me your mouth smell bad" well needless to say i was embarassed beyond words.
Then it became clear to me just why i hated taking her anywhere.
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@gemini_rose (16264)
4 Jun 08
6 children! I would say that you deserve a trophy for coping with that many, why do we do this to ourselves?!
It is funny and it is not funny, it can be mixture,sometimes even when I am really mad with her I just want to laugh because she is so stubborn and defiant, kind of reminds me of me. If she is like me then there will be lots more trouble to come!
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@dragonfly242 (1060)
• Bahamas
4 Jun 08
Yes six kids, sometimes i can't believe i still have my sanity.
And if thats the case, then all i can say is good luck and God bless

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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
4 Jun 08
I'm sorry but I can't help but laugh at that. OMG the crazy things kids do and say. Luckily for us all they do eventually grow out of it, and with any luck grow up to have children just like they were!
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@jonesy123 (3948)
• United States
4 Jun 08
My little one is so independent he constantly runs off, lol. I put him on a leash. You can buy baby harnesses. Better safe than sorry, especially since I have two older ones to deal with, too. He is finally getting the message that if he behaves his mommy isn't in such a bad mood and he may even get a treat. Positive reinforcement of good behavior helps a bit.
My middle one was a climber and managed to unbuckle herself from the shopping cart seat restraint. I had to constantly check,if she still was buckled. She still managed to fall out once. Then I stopped putting her in and she started climbing the cart trying to get in, but also climbed other stuff. I was frazzled by the time I left the store and dreaded having to go shopping.
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@gemini_rose (16264)
4 Jun 08
Yes I have threatened her with the harness, she calls it a dog lead! She does react to being told there will be no treats if she keeps on, maybe I should try there will be a treat for you if you are good.
I know how you feel, I sometimes dread going out with her just lately!
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@angelface23 (2494)
• United States
4 Jun 08
omg! I am going through the same thing. It is so bad. I want to run away sometimes when it gets really bad. If she doesn't get what she wants she does the same thing. She won't walk and then will sit down on the ground. Her tantrums are really the worst part. She is spoiled though and we are trying to de-spoil her. I dont know if that's possible though. She doesn't swear yet but I'm sure she will.
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@gemini_rose (16264)
4 Jun 08
I am always threatening to run away, do you feel trapped somedays, like there is no escape and no end in sight? I do, I am good at keeping it all in but somedays I feel like it is never ending.
Although my daughter is the only girl I have been determined that she would not be spoilt. She has been treated the same way as the boys, in fact I would say that we are stricter with her.
The good news for you is that it is not too late to put the spoiling thing right, she is young and she can learn again so just hang in there and be firm, you will be OK in the long run.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
12 Jun 08
Lol Sweetie I am sorry that I am laughing as I have been there with my Daughter , did no one tell you that Girls are worse lol
Sorry I should have let you know and she is obviously a Dady Girl to
She will try to get the better of you as that is in the Nature of our little Princesses lol believe me you are not alone, I have been there, little Girls are little Madams lol

@gemini_rose (16264)
12 Jun 08
No no one told me that girls were worse than boys! And what makes it worse gabs is she is SO like me in her ways, and we just clash!
I have to be firm with her I can tell you!
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
12 Jun 08
I'd be tearing my hair out. I would also be strapping her into a push chair to avoid the tantrums. Be careful of threats as some people make threats that will make life miserable for everyone if they follow through or else , they would possibly be arrested if they follow through...
I put my elder daughter in a harness with a lead when she was around 2 because her sister was a baby and it was the only way I could keep her safe. I don't remember either of my kids being terribly obnoxious...maybe I have just deliberately forgotten the worst parts as they were too traumatising to remember...

@gemini_rose (16264)
14 Jun 08
Dog lead is a harness, but she calls it the dog lead which is why I call it a dog lead.
I never make a threat I cannot keep
also my threats are never taken seriously anyway, my family know I am too soft for my own good.
She is just going through a bad time, she will get out of it, I will just probably be bald by the time she does.

@gemini_rose (16264)
6 Jun 08
I can imagine! My daughter got out of taking naps at about that age or younger and she was awful when she became tired. In fact she still is!
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
4 Jun 08
kmy son is grown now but when he was two
'he was a handful as he would throw a
tantrum in the grocery store. I figured out'
that he was on overload, sensory overload,and
had not a clue as to how to handle it. so
I grabbed him, squirming body and all, and went to the dining area in the store with my cart'and my son. I sat down and held him tightly in my
'arms until he stopped howling.and sure enough
he fell asleep in my arms. they overextend
themselves, get really tired and do not quite
lnow how to handle it.
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@tessah (6617)
• United States
4 Jun 08
my eldest skipped over the terrible "two`s" and didnt turn demon spawn till she was a little over 3 years old. unfortunately.. it never subsided, and just got continuously worse as she grew older. shes now a little over 19, and hasnt changed much, and listing for you incidences would take 3 or 12 days to relay to you..
luckilly.. my other daughter.. had at most a 2-3 week period of tantrums.. where shed throw herself onto the floor.. assume "fit position" and cry and wail, kick and punch the carpet.. stop for a second to see if anyone was paying attention.. and then continue on. the "silent treatment" to her tantrums worked.. she hated being ignored.. and the tantrums stopped pretty quick.. and shes been a peach every day since, shes now a little over 8, and i never have a problem with her ever.
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@gemini_rose (16264)
4 Jun 08
It sounds like your eldest has been troubled, maybe one day she will change or maybe not. I think I turned into a demon child at an early age but did not develop fully until I was 15. I finally got out of it a few years ago, late 20's.
Glad your other little girl is a good un though.
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@cukal6 (146)
• United States
4 Jun 08
I have two little boys and I thought they were bad! They're nothing compared to the problems you're having. I honestly don't know what to tell you. Each child is different and you need to find what works for her. I do have problems with the hand holding across the street. I have finally had to start carrying my son. He hates it! If he starts to throw a temper tantrum, we just leave wherever we are. Doesn't matter if it's a movie, the store, a friends house. I pick him up, we leave and go home. That works for us, but it may not work for you.
Good luck!!!!
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@gemini_rose (16264)
4 Jun 08
She is actually good when we take her out, cannot fault her at all. It is mainly when we are out in the streets that she throws a strop.
I will sort her out, it is just a case of her will against mine, may the best woman win! LOL
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@Danesmommy (123)
• United States
4 Jun 08
Ugh. My son is about to be 4 and is just as bad, if not worse, as he was when he was 2 and going through the terrible twos. Before I could just ignore it if he talked back or threw a fit, now I can't. Before it was cute if he said bad words, now that he is about to start school, it's not so cute to hear him say the f-word. I am almost at my wit's end with him.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
12 Jun 08
mine was just plain stubborn, I could have literally killed him and he would not have bunged an inch. He was the strangest child.
@cinderella2007 (2662)
5 Jun 08
Sounds like you really have met your match!!
I would try using your threats as she may see these as empty threats - your saying them but do you really mean them!! Maybe when its just the two of you going out, take the pushchair with you and if she doesnt hold your hand going across the road, put her in it but then take her out on the other side and explain to her that you dont want any cars to knock her over as roads can be dangerous.
As for the swearing, I would tell her brothers off for that as they should know better, yeah she knows these are bad words but shes being encouraged and if they think its funny, so will she!!!
Ignore her street tantrums as she probably is doing it to get attention. As for her being daddy, daddy on holiday, its probably as she was pleased to spend so much time with him as Im guessing he works so maybe she doesnt see him as much as she wants!???
Hopefully it wont last long, but good luck anyway!! xx