Make a list.

@MsTickle (25180)
June 4, 2008 8:15am CST
How do you motivate yourself? How do you get through the day? Do you have a routine that you follow almost precisely? Are you a list maker...."Things to do today" and cross them off as they are done? Do you even bother with housework, meals to be prepared, cleaning and laundry? I have a library chock full of books I haven't read. Lots of both fiction and non-fiction. Much of the non-fiction are self help books I really want to read in an effort to find myself and make some sense of my life. These books just sit there collecting dust. I spend most of my time here and feel awful when I'm away. CAn anyone offer me some help here please?
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28 responses
@ellie333 (21016)
6 Jun 08
Hi MsTickle, for starters dust off the books and get reading some of them eh! I find I can lose myself in a good book and it can take you into a different world away from home even whilst still there physically. I find it hard to motivate myself at times and just go throught the motions but I usually find after a stroll out in the fresh air or a cuddle with one of the cats I am usually refreshed enough to get up and do something. I even done the whole of the ironing pile the other day and that is a firs for a long long time as I detest ironging. I used to run my own business and when staff let me down would be ironing til midnight to get out so it is one thing I detest doing now. Music helps too really uplifting tunes can uplift, energise and get you motivated. Ellie :D
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
14 Jun 08
I've decided I will try a little experiment. On the weekend, I will not do any chores, other than everyday type stuff. I will still do my on-line stuff but I will read and do some painting maybe instead of chores. I will start next weekend so I can get all the chores done before the weekend. Does that sound like a plan?
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
15 Jun 08
Thanks ...I made my chore list for the week a few hours ago. there are only ten things on it, some are big, some small. I reckon it's a good mix to begin with. I might as well write down what I want to achieve with the reading and painting too. Thanks ellie...luv ya.
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@ellie333 (21016)
14 Jun 08
Oh yes that sounds like a great plan. Have fun with it. Ellie :D
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
6 Jun 08
I go with how I feel except 3 days a week have to go the therapy . We eat when we get ready clean house when it hits us and I read just before nap time swim when I can wehn the water isnt to cold!
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
14 Jun 08
Dont know about the therapy they monitor my heart while I am doing all the things they want me to do . Some times they stop me tell me my heart is going to fast!and I feel no different wehn they do that but thats what they say. am now up to 18 min. on bike and thats about 3 miles. my BP isnt never the same go in high come out low dont know the reason for that! Guess I will find out how good it is doing when I go back to the hert doc next week the 25th. aw its in our pool and we dont usually swim unless it is about 90 degrees outside and it is warming up with the sun hitting it most of the day .
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
15 Jun 08
When the weather was really warm and I really wanted to cool off in our pool, the water would be like warm soup. Luckily, the water lower down was still lovely and cool up the deep end I hope the cardiologist appointment is great.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
13 Jun 08
Hey Lakota, how's the therapy going? I hope the swimming is done someplace warm. I usually go with what I feel like but I'm not getting anywhere .... I feel like I'm being slack most of the time.
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
9 Jun 08
I am a list maker if I don't then I forgethalf what needs done until I am in bed and relaxing and going over the day and then I start remembering all the things I didn't get done. So I have to do the list. Well my motivation is getting on the computer without having hubby gripe to much if chores are done he doens't care as much when I get on but if they aren't he can gripe some.I do cross off my list. I think we all feel bad when we are away from mylot for any amount of time because we feel safe here and it is a great friendly place to be. And we can talk and get advic or give advice and it helps us feel productive and wanted and needed. I myself will when hubby isn't home get one the computer answer a few mylot discussions then do a little housework and go back and forth do 5-10 then back to housework and I usually get it done most times. If reading maybe you can read a few pages or chapter then do mylot and then read another chapter till the book is done. My net is slow so I have plenty time to read as pages load or I am checking mail. I hope you find a solution. Good luck and lots of HUGS! sent your way.
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
16 Jun 08
I hated when I had People Pc and it ended every 4 hours and I had to dial up again and whatever I was doing was lost and had to restart everything and if something took longer then 4 hours to download I couldn't do it, But it is great that things are working out for you.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
15 Jun 08
I think part of my problem is that I'm on dialup and committed to a 4 hour session each time. I don't like my sessions interrupted. I've come up with a bit of a plan that is sort of what you recommend. See one of the above posts. I've even made a list already of what chores to do next week taking into account some errands I have. I'm really motivated because with all the positive thinking and asking for advice, I had my best earning day ever here yesterday. I've had a few other wins here and there too. I'm feeling confident.
@mummymo (23706)
5 Jun 08
Well I don't do any of those things tickle honey and I have to admit even simple things like phone calls to be made and forms to be filled in can wait for days if not weeks - it would seem that the less I am able to do the less I can motivate myself. I would ask someone to give me a kick up the backside if it wouldn't hurt too much! xxx
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
13 Jun 08
Oh Mo, I think you are marvellous just looking after your family and coming on here being so lovely, helpfull and cheery. No kicks up the backside for you today lady.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
15 Jun 08
And you me Mo. You are my special friend. Hugs.
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@mummymo (23706)
13 Jun 08
Tickle you do my heart and my confidence wonders thank you! Hugs xxxx
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• Australia
8 Jun 08
I'm so not into house work, only do the laundry so that everyone has clean clothes, the rest gets done when I do feel like it. Husband is in charge of the kitchen, so no dishes for me either! lol. I'm trying to find my writing motivation again at the moment, without much luck. Whatever I do try and write comes out all wrong and I end up throwing it away.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
14 Jun 08
I'm not into housework at the moment. Everything has gotten away from me now because I've let things slide. Everything is so DUSTY! The thing is, I likr my home to look nive and clean and tidy. I'm not fanatical and like a lived in look but it's looking disorganised which for me is several stages past lived in and getting close to quite grotty. I have an idea that I'm going to implement, see above, ...I'll see how that goes.
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• Australia
8 Jul 08
I'm sure your bathroom doesn't have its own evolution happening! lol. We've been told by our property managers to not clean the mold off so that the owners of the house can see for themselves that there is an urgent need for an extractor fan! i think I will be attacking it very soon though, as I can't remember what colour the walls are! lol. Oh, and the windows don't open either.
@metschica25 (5399)
• United States
14 Jun 08
I have a list of all the books i want to read and will cross it off as i go . My fiance and me hung a list on our fridge on all the things we need to buy and repair with this house. This is moving slow tho !
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
15 Jun 08
I have the first lot of books I want to read in a stack in easy reach. May I make a suggestion. With your list for the house...rewrite it and make it decorative...and bigger. Put pictures of those things thst you want to buy. If you need a fridge, put a picture of that fridge on the list and another, bigger picture on the front of the fridge. Imagine that you already have it. Do this with all the things you want to buy. See them in your head or put pictures around and imagine you have them already. This really works. Wow! All those repairs you've done to the house look fantastic!! Good job! See, it works. Good luck to you.
• United States
26 Jun 08
I like all your ideas Thank you very much . We just finally got some new blinds and drapes . Thanks for the BR too.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
5 Jun 08
Oh my..I dont have any advice for you cause I'm a do whatever feels right at the time kinda gal LOL...However I DO on occasion (like for this weekend actually) make "To Do" lists....but its rare LOL
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
13 Jun 08
Yes, I think they come in handy for all of us at least every now and then. I think they are handy if we have lots on our mind and need to accomplish a lot in a short space of time. What ever works for ya.
• United States
4 Jun 08
I don't know if I can help you. However as I am very much a creature of habit and follow the same basic routine every day. I also never procrastinate so when I have all my daily chores done I spend the rest of the day doing whatever strikes my fancy. BTW I am not married anymore and my family is grown and out of the house so I can do whatever whenever I please.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
13 Jun 08
That's what I used to be like. I would get all my housework done on my days off and then I had the day to myself to do whatever I liked. Getting the computer and discovering the world wide web has tipped the balance in favour of time on the computer. I'm on my own too but I still feel obligated to look after my responsibilities.
13 Jun 08
LOL every day I make a *Things to do* list and every evening I look at the list and realise that I hadn't achieved anywhere near all the chores. I do try to get motivated some times but then I get distracted and find myself on here instead of getting things done.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
15 Jun 08
I think I can safely say my friend that what you have saifd here probably applies to 95% of myLotters. . Not the list part, but the rest of what you said. Sometimes when I make a list, I'm simply just not in the mood to do one or two sprecific chores and then, most likely, nothing gets done...thank goodness we have myLot to fall back on.
@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
5 Jun 08
Hi MsTickle! I usually make a list on what to do for today, so I think I am a list maker. The problem with that is I am not good on following my list. haha..I usually have a routine but that routine is usually being messed up by my husband when he is swamped up with his work and he will need me to assist or help him. So, I guess i am what you may call strike anywhere kinda girl and before I knew it, I am just sitting here in mylot most of the time. haha..However, I usually finish all my chores in the morning before I really spend my time here. Take Care and God Bless!
@tessah (6617)
• United States
4 Jun 08
my problems with my motivations is that i get overwelmed with too much to do. too many projects, too much needing done all at the same time, and it puts me in a "where the phuck do i start?!?!" frame of mind so badly, i wind up not doing much of anything. its very discouraging and frustrating. on these days.. and this is silly, but whatever.. when the place is just bearing down on me with everywhere needing attention.. i will grab one of my little girls super balls.. close my eyes.. and chuck it. then follow it as it bounces wildly around until it comes to a stop. wherever it lands and is still.. is where i begin. as far as staying here on the lot instead of doing other things.. time can fly by without much notice when yer thinking, posting, etc. pick a day to not even turn yer computer on at ALL.. (no one here is going to suffer for you taking some time for yer own self.. the only one that will for you not.. is YOU) dust one of those books off, and dig into that instead. fore ya know it.. youll have chipped away at yer library.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
13 Jun 08
That's very scientific methodology NOT. I couldn't concentrate if I had to be away from here for a day. BUt I think if I decide to read a section a day, a number of pages, or a chapter and do it that way it might be one of the things I put on my list. I take my hat off to you gals with a man and child to tend, mind you, that has it's perks I guess. I only need to look after myself and the critters. Blessed be matey.
• United States
5 Jun 08
I'm useally pretty good when it comes to motivateing myself. I useally don't need to write out a list for I know what it is I want to do and stick to it for that day. There's other days that I need to write out a list for it depends on how much I have to do and want to get it all done and check it off as I go. Yesterday was a bad one for me I can say for I had things in mind that I wanted to get done had a list and none of it got done so today I shall start w/ that list and what ever dosn't get done I will do tomorrow. As far as you getting to those books in your library just pick a time when you want to pick up one of those books sit down and read for like an hour or so and see how that does for you. It really depends on where you want to fit in the time to do this. I hope you do get to those books for they sound good to read.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
13 Jun 08
Yeah, apart from the self help books there are also books on crafts, art, animals, Egyptology and Arturian legend that I'm interested in. Thanks for the help.
@thaMARKER (2503)
• Philippines
5 Jun 08
So reading your books is on top of your list now huh. well for now, reading is not even on my top 5 list of things to do. I'm very busy with my job hunting and some family emergencies. I have to tend to it. My top 1 is to have a job within this month and I'm looking through the list of known to be the leading companies in the country so I'm crossing my fingers..
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
13 Jun 08
Hope you find a wonderful job really soon. Good luck from me.
@thea917 (11)
• Philippines
5 Jun 08
i motivate myself by telling myself to be ashamed of myself because i haven't done what i have to do. i live alone so i have to use up my utensils and china before finally deciding to wasgh them all at the same time. my dream is to see that my kitchen is spotless without the dirty dishes.. i'm trying really , in my good mood days, i try to wash my used utensils as soon as i can. i have a laundywoman who comes once a week to wash my clothes, when they are dry i find it really an ordeal to fold them and store them away in y closet so i just tend to get them one by one from where i stack them,oftentimes finding it hard to locate my clothes. i'm lousy at paperworks, infact i hate them, for me as long as i get results real good, why bother to write it down... i know... i know...we need to but what can i do, i'm a weakling. writing down my things to do for the day or reports i urgently need to submit for the week helps me get by. i guess we are all really different individuals, we can't force ourselves to ba as organized as some people we admire for being so. what is important is that we are comfortable with wour own ways... but not to forget... we can always try to improve...
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
13 Jun 08
How true.
@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
4 Jun 08
I hope you get some good ideas here, I need to get motivated myself. I have tons of things that I need to get done, and here I be. I am going to have a get together for my moms birthday next month. That will give me some incentive getting some projects done around here.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
13 Jun 08
Gee, Polly, I hope you get some ideas as well. Seems like the "to do" list is the way to go. I would be definitely making a list of things to do for the get together. I work out the chores and arragements leading up to an event and write down what days I will do what chore. It doesn't always go to plan but everything DOES get done. Have fun matey.
@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
4 Jun 08
I thought I posted to this, but it is not here. One friend says to never put more than six things on your daily list, and do each task until it is done. Like, post twenty five points to myLot, then check it off. That fiend says "Quit multitasking, it makes you feel bad." My brother says "Don't should[b][/b] on yourself". I know that I feel withdrawal when I am not here. I am getting ready to go away for a few hours, though.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
13 Jun 08
I like the idea of just doing 6 things. That would surely keep things in perspective. As for "not shoulding yourself"...that's a typical blokey idea. When you live alone and are responsible for the maitenance and running of the home there are lots of things I should be doing all the time. That's the law of the jungle....responsibility.
@ambkeb (782)
• United States
4 Jun 08
For me to get through the day it all depends on how my morning starts. If I got a good nights sleep and wasnt rudely woken up by the munchkins then it will be a great day. THen if I dont make myself do something in the morning, then I probably wont do anthing for the rest of the day LOL. I have to get up and do something in the morning start cleaning, eat a good breakfast, get the kids dressed and bathed...whatever it may be.. If I do all that in the morning then I can get everything on my ajenda done....
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
13 Jun 08
I read somewhere recently that if you think about what you want to be doing the night before and visualise yourself doing it, then it will be done. It hasn't worked for me yet. There are a couple of things that interfere with my will....the need to get up to use the bathroom during the night and what time my animals wake me to get their breakfast. It never quite goes the way I want it to go.
• United States
4 Jun 08
I wish I could be so organized as to follow lists for daily chores. I'm an anti-list person, for the most part. I like to wing it and see where the day leads me. I go through phases where I have to be on Mylot all the time. And, then I go through times, when I can't stand the place. For six months, I was away and then suddenly came back, cause I needed a little extra money. Just enjoy your time and don't over think the whole process. Life ebbs and flows. Where it goes, we don't know! Be well.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
13 Jun 08
If only life were such that we could do as we would like always. Unfortunately the little I make at myLot doesn't run to a maid and a gardener or someone to go travelling with.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
4 Jun 08
Plan a time of the day when you are going to sit down and read part of one book. Make it the same time very day. Make it clear that this is "me" time and that short of imminent fire, flood or pestilence, no one is to interrupt you. Doesn't have to be for long - 30 minutes is long enough. But read and in bite size chunks. When you've finished one book star on another and so on. That way, you'll have time for yourself to think and to read your library. Happy reading.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
13 Jun 08
One of the reasons this is so difficult Pikey is that the feelings of guilt are so distracting. THe other thing is that when I try to sit and read I fall asleep. I seem to have some heavy duty mental blocks in place. I can read fiction without any trouble...usually a few lines before I fall asleep at night and a paragraph or two as I head into my afternoon nap. I can finish one of those and start another with no trouble. It takes me a few weeks to read a book but non-fiction is a real chore. Thanks for trying to help with the reading part of the post.
• United States
4 Jun 08
Well for me i make a list of things i need to accomplish during a day if there are specific things i really need to accomplish that day. otherwise its left up to chance and i hate my life being chaotic. other days if its just one of those lazy days i don't want to do anything really...then no i don't make a list. at that point its just a waste of a sheet of paper to do so. but even on those days if i see that something is needing to be done i will do it because it needs to be done. i don't always get everything accomplished when i want to accomplish them.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
13 Jun 08
You sound very organised.